354 research outputs found

    E-Fibroid Patient Tracking System

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    The objectives of e-Fibroid Patient Tracking System is to allow information on fibroid patients' to be generated, updated, archived, routed and used for decision making and strategic information analysis with the combined benefits of smart card to support mobility in a pocket coupled with the ubiquitous access which presents a new paradigm for medical information access system. Smart card with the local processing capabilities facilitates the development of active programs that are designed to effectively and accurately manage complex fibroid patient's medical record. Essentially, the patient's information is augmented with active programs residing within the smart card to provide rich services such as record management facilities, security and authentication, and clinical alert system. The intended users are the administrative, doctors, specialists, hospital, clinics and fibroid patients'. The main interest arises on the solutions of providing mobility of medical data or records and preventing the increasing cost, redundancy of treatment and the most importantly obtaining necessary medication for fibroid patients. It provides better security against the misuse of patient data by implementing security mechanisms. The scope of study will covers the literature review on the effect of Multimodal Interfaces and Smart Card in Medical Application. Meanwhile, the methodologies used in the development of the system will follows four process which are planning, analysis, design and implementation. Performance and robustness, together with ease of use, which provides available, accessible and manageable informationon fibroid, are likely essential elements in the final system

    Alzheimer Patient Tracking System in Indoor Wireless Environment

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    Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the nerves that are irreversible, resulting in memory impairment. This condition resulted in Alzheimer's patients easily lost because they forget the existence. In this research, we designed a tracking system for Alzheimer's patients in a hospital environment, incorporating Kalman method to estimate the position of the patient. As known Received Signal Strength Indicator value is strongly influenced by environmental conditions that lead to the acquisition of position estimation is inaccurate. From the test results showed that the optimal Kalman estimated value obtained when the value of R = 0:01 and Q = 0.1 with the average percentage of error only 7.01 % of the actual patient position. The test results with various data variations also indicate the reliability of the Kalman method, because of the average estimated position approach the actual patient position

    E-Fibroid Patient Tracking System

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    The objectives of e-Fibroid Patient Tracking System is to allow information on fibroid patients' to be generated, updated, archived, routed and used for decision making and strategic information analysis with the combined benefits of smart card to support mobility in a pocket coupled with the ubiquitous access which presents a new paradigm for medical information access system. Smart card with the local processing capabilities facilitates the development of active programs that are designed to effectively and accurately manage complex fibroid patient's medical record. Essentially, the patient's information is augmented with active programs residing within the smart card to provide rich services such as record management facilities, security and authentication, and clinical alert system. The intended users are the administrative, doctors, specialists, hospital, clinics and fibroid patients'. The main interest arises on the solutions of providing mobility of medical data or records and preventing the increasing cost, redundancy of treatment and the most importantly obtaining necessary medication for fibroid patients. It provides better security against the misuse of patient data by implementing security mechanisms. The scope of study will covers the literature review on the effect of Multimodal Interfaces and Smart Card in Medical Application. Meanwhile, the methodologies used in the development of the system will follows four process which are planning, analysis, design and implementation. Performance and robustness, together with ease of use, which provides available, accessible and manageable informationon fibroid, are likely essential elements in the final system

    Antennas and Propagation of Implanted RFIDs for Pervasive Healthcare Applications

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    © 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.This post-acceptance version of the paper is essentially complete, but may differ from the official copy of record, which can be found at the following web location (subscription required to access full paper): http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JPROC.2010.205101

    Improving access to longitudinal patient health information within an emergency department

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    pre-printWe designed and implemented an electronic patient tracking system with improved user authentication and patient selection. We then measured access to clinical information from previous clinical encounters before and after implementation of the system. Clinicians accessed longitudinal information for 16% of patient encounters before, and 40% of patient encounters after the intervention, indicating such a system can improve clinician access to information. We also attempted to evaluate the impact of providing this access on inpatient admissions from the emergency department, by comparing the odds of inpatient admission from an emergency department before and after the improved access was made available. Patients were 24% less likely to be admitted after the implementation of improved access. However, there were many potential confounders, based on the inherent pre-post design of the evaluation. Our experience has strong implications for current health information exchange initiatives

    Evaluation of the cancer nurse coordinator initiative annual report 2014

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    Summary The first annual Cancer Nurse Coordinator Initiative (CNCI) evaluation report has drawn on a number of data sources, including: a specific Cancer Nurse Coordinator (CNC) database that provides information about the activity and function of the nurses a CNC online survey which profiles CNCs and their activities, contribution and perceived effect on patient experience a provider online survey to assess understanding and perceived effects on patient experience a patient survey to assess patient experience of the new role and its contribution qualitiative interviews. The data collected to inform the 2014 annual report provides high level insight into implementation of the CNCI and shows that: the CNCI is implemented across 20 DHBs using four delivery models that reflect DHBs’ existing cancer care structures and population profile CNCs have an important role in the treatment team and contribute to improving communication between health professionals about patient care CNCs are seen to be contributing to a more coordinated patient journey and making a difference to patients and their family/whanau. The evaluation provider is looking at enhancing the data collection tools to further improve data quality for the 2015 annual report

    Acute encephalitis syndrome surveillance, Kushinagar district, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2011-2012

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    In India, quality surveillance for acute encephalitis syndrome (AES), including laboratory testing, is necessary for understanding the epidemiology and etiology of AES, planning interventions, and developing policy. We reviewed AES surveillance data for January 2011-June 2012 from Kushinagar District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Data were cleaned, incidence was determined, and demographic characteristics of cases and data quality were analyzed. A total of 812 AES case records were identified, of which 23\% had illogical entries. AES incidence was highest among boys<6 years of age, and cases peaked during monsoon season. Records for laboratory results (available for Japanese encephalitis but not AES) and vaccination history were largely incomplete, so inferences about the epidemiology and etiology of AES could not be made. The low-quality AES/Japanese encephalitis surveillance data in this area provide little evidence to support development of prevention and control measures, estimate the effect of interventions, and avoid the waste of public health resources

    Treating substance abuse in primary care: a demonstration project

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    Purpose: The purpose of this project was to implement the delivery of a full range of substance abuse services in a primary care setting. Implementation and logistical issues including confidentiality and communication are discussed. The delivery of services, types of patients, and contextual and policy factors that influenced project implementation are described. Context: Substance use disorders are associated with significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. Patients with alcohol/drug problems frequently present in primary care. Effective and brief treatments are available and recommended for primary care but infrequently implemented. Institutional and provider barriers to implementation have been identified. Data source: Project documentation, data from the patient tracking system, and clinical case notes were used for description and analyses. Conclusion: Addressing substance abuse problems in primary care is important. Behavioral health professionals with training in substance abuse can provide a range of services that are likely to enhance the quality and quantity of care available to patients. Although contextual factors needed to be addressed, integration of services was manageable and seemed acceptable to both providers and patients in this project

    Evaluating Implementation and Barriers to Sustainability of an Asthma Clinical Quality Improvement Project

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    Purpose and Objectives Asthma is an important public health issue in Utah and quality asthma care is essential to addressing the burden of asthma. The purpose of this initiative was to evaluate clinical asthma quality improvement (QI) program delivery formats and identify barriers to sustaining QI processes. Intervention Approach The focus of the intervention was to improve clinical asthma care through reducing variation in clinician knowledge about recommended asthma care and facilitating process improvements in asthma care delivery using Academic Detailing (AD) and Learning Collaboratives (LC) QI delivery formats. Evaluation Methods A pre/post-test design was used to compare improvements between QI delivery formats in documentation of asthma control and asthma action plans in patient medical charts from baseline to 6-month post-intervention. Content analysis was used to analyze focus group data from a subset of clinics that provided feedback regarding the sustainability of implemented QI processes. Results Substantial improvements in the two asthma measures were achieved for both the AD and LC formats. The average percentage of patients with asthma control documentation increased from baseline (AD: 30.7%; LC: 35.2%) to 6 month follow-up (AD: 85.5%; LC: 70.6%). The average percentage of patients with documented AAPs increased from baseline (AD: 4.1 %; LC: 13.0%) to 6 month follow-up (AD: 62.1%; LC: 61.5%). Focus group data showed it became increasingly difficult to maintain QI processes over time due to cumbersome EHR systems and a lack of trained staff, ongoing support, and value seen in QI. Conclusion Both AD and LC QI delivery formats were effective in improving QI processes. To maintain QI processes long-term, the following areas should be addressed post-implementation: assistance in overcoming EHR barriers related to QI processes, ongoing training for clinic staff, assistance in building value seen in QI processes, and development of a plan for ongoing support specific to clinic needs