27 research outputs found

    Patient Referral Patterns and the Spread of Hospital-Acquired Infections through National Health Care Networks

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    Rates of hospital-acquired infections, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), are increasingly used as quality indicators for hospital hygiene. Alternatively, these rates may vary between hospitals, because hospitals differ in admission and referral of potentially colonized patients. We assessed if different referral patterns between hospitals in health care networks can influence rates of hospital-acquired infections like MRSA. We used the Dutch medical registration of 2004 to measure the connectedness between hospitals. This allowed us to reconstruct the network of hospitals in the Netherlands. We used mathematical models to assess the effect of different patient referral patterns on the potential spread of hospital-acquired infections between hospitals, and between categories of hospitals (University medical centers, top clinical hospitals and general hospitals). University hospitals have a higher number of shared patients than teaching or general hospitals, and are therefore more likely to be among the first to receive colonized patients. Moreover, as the network is directional towards university hospitals, they have a higher prevalence, even when infection control measures are equally effective in all hospitals. Patient referral patterns have a profound effect on the spread of health care-associated infections like hospital-acquired MRSA. The MRSA prevalence therefore differs between hospitals with the position of each hospital within the health care network. Any comparison of MRSA rates between hospitals, as a benchmark for hospital hygiene, should therefore take the position of a hospital within the network into account

    Carbapenemase-producing enterobacterales colonisation status does not lead to more frequent admissions: a linked patient study

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    Background: Hospitals in any given region can be considered as part of a network, where facilities are connected to one another – and hospital pathogens potentially spread – through the movement of patients between them. We sought to describe the hospital admission patterns of patients known to be colonised with carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE), and compare them with CPE-negative patient cohorts, matched on comorbidity information. Methods: We performed a linkage study in Victoria, Australia, including datasets with notifiable diseases (CPE notifications) and hospital admissions (admission dates and diagnostic codes) for the period 2011 to 2020. Where the CPE notification date occurred during a hospital admission for the same patient, we identified this as the ‘index admission’. We determined the number of distinct health services each patient was admitted to, and time to first admission to a different health service. We compared CPE-positive patients with four cohorts of CPE-negative patients, sampled based on different matching criteria. Results: Of 528 unique patients who had CPE detected during a hospital admission, 222 (42%) were subsequently admitted to a different health service during the study period. Among these patients, CPE diagnosis tended to occur during admission to a metropolitan public hospital (86%, 190/222), whereas there was a greater number of metropolitan private (23%, 52/222) and rural public (18%, 39/222) hospitals for the subsequent admission. Median time to next admission was 4 days (IQR, 0–75 days). Admission patterns for CPE-positive patients was similar to the cohort of CPE-negative patients matched on index admission, time period, and age-adjusted Charlson comorbidity index. Conclusions: Movement of CPE-positive patients between health services is not a rare event. While the most common movement is from one public metropolitan health service to another, there is also a trend for movement from metropolitan public hospitals into private and rural hospitals. After accounting for clinical comorbidities, CPE colonisation status does not appear to impact on hospital admission frequency or timing. These findings support the potential utility of a centralised notification and outbreak management system for CPE positive patients

    Frequent Undetected Ward-Based Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Transmission Linked to Patient Sharing Between Hospitals.

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    Background: Recent evidence suggests that hospital transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is uncommon in UK centers that have implemented sustained infection control programs. We investigated whether a healthcare-network analysis could shed light on transmission paths currently sustaining MRSA levels in UK hospitals. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was performed in 2 National Health Service hospital groups and a general district hospital in Southeast London. All MRSA patients identified at inpatient, outpatient, and community settings between 1 November 2011 and 29 February 2012 were included. We identified genetically defined MRSA transmission clusters in individual hospitals and across the healthcare network, and examined genetic differentiation of sequence type (ST) 22 MRSA isolates within and between hospitals and inpatient or outpatient and community settings, as informed by average and median pairwise single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and SNP-based proportions of nearly identical isolates. Results: Two hundred forty-eight of 610 (40.7%) MRSA patients were linked in 90 transmission clusters, of which 27 spanned multiple hospitals. Analysis of a large 32 patient ST22-MRSA cluster showed that 26 of 32 patients (81.3%) had multiple contacts with one another during ward stays at any hospital. No residential, outpatient, or significant community healthcare contacts were identified. Genetic differentiation between ST22 MRSA inpatient isolates from different hospitals was less than between inpatient isolates from the same hospitals (P ≤ .01). Conclusions: There is evidence of frequent ward-based transmission of MRSA brought about by frequent patient admissions to multiple hospitals. Limiting in-ward transmission requires sharing of MRSA status data between hospitals

    Clin Infect Dis

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    Background.Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) spread regionally throughout healthcare facilities through patient transfer and cause difficult-to-treat infections. We developed a state-wide patient-sharing matrix and applied social network analyses to determine whether greater connectedness (centrality) to other healthcare facilities and greater patient sharing with long-term acute care hospitals (LTACHs) predicted higher facility CRE rates.Methods.We combined CRE case information from the Illinois extensively drug-resistant organism registry with measures of centrality calculated from a state-wide hospital discharge dataset to predict facility-level CRE rates, adjusting for hospital size and geographic characteristics.Results.Higher CRE rates were observed among facilities with greater patient sharing, as measured by degree centrality. Each additional hospital connection (unit of degree) conferred a 6% increase in CRE rate in rural facilities (relative risk [RR] = 1.056; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.030\u20131.082) and a 3% increase among Chicagoland and non-Chicago urban facilities (RR = 1.027; 95% CI, 1.002\u20131.052 and RR = 1.025; 95% CI, 1.002\u20131.048, respectively). Sharing 4 or more patients with LTACHs was associated with higher CRE rates, but this association may have been due to chance (RR = 2.08; 95% CI, .85\u20135.08; P = .11).Conclusions.Hospitals with greater connectedness to other hospitals in a statewide patient-sharing network had higher CRE burden. Centrality had a greater effect on CRE rates in rural counties, which do not have LTACHs. Social network analysis likely identifies hospitals at higher risk of CRE exposure, enabling focused clinical and public health interventions.20162021-01-19T00:00:00ZU54 CK000161/CK/NCEZID CDC HHSUnited States/27486116PMC83761871110

    Return to sender:Unraveling the role of structural and social network ties in patient sharing networks

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    Healthcare is increasingly delivered through networks of organizations. Well-structured patient sharing networks are known to have positive associations with the quality of delivered services. However, the drivers of patient sharing relations are rarely studied explicitly. In line with recent developments in network and integration theorizing, we hypothesize that structural and social network ties between organizations are uniquely associated with a higher number of shared patients. We test these hypotheses using a Bayesian zero-dispersed Poisson regression model within the Additive and Multiplicative Effects Framework based on administrative claims data from 732,122 dermatological patients from the Netherlands in 2017. Our results indicate that 2.6% of all dermatological patients are shared and that the amount of shared patients is significantly associated with structural (i.e. emergency contracts) and social (i.e. shared physicians) ties between organizations, confirming our hypotheses. We also find some evidence that patients are shared with more capable organizations. Our findings highlight the role of relational ties in the way health services are delivered. At the same time, they also raise some potential anti-trust concerns.</p

    Close Encounters in a Pediatric Ward: Measuring Face-to-Face Proximity and Mixing Patterns with Wearable Sensors

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    International audienceBackground Nosocomial infections place a substantial burden on health care systems and represent one of the major issues in current public health, requiring notable efforts for its prevention. Understanding the dynamics of infection transmission in a hospital setting is essential for tailoring interventions and predicting the spread among individuals. Mathematical models need to be informed with accurate data on contacts among individuals. Methods and Findings We used wearable active Radio-Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) to detect face-to-face contacts among individuals with a spatial resolution of about 1.5 meters, and a time resolution of 20 seconds. The study was conducted in a general pediatrics hospital ward, during a one-week period, and included 119 participants, with 51 health care workers, 37 patients, and 31 caregivers. Nearly 16,000 contacts were recorded during the study period, with a median of approximately 20 contacts per participants per day. Overall, 25% of the contacts involved a ward assistant, 23% a nurse, 22% a patient, 22% a caregiver, and 8% a physician. The majority of contacts were of brief duration, but long and frequent contacts especially between patients and caregivers were also found. In the setting under study, caregivers do not represent a significant potential for infection spread to a large number of individuals, as their interactions mainly involve the corresponding patient. Nurses would deserve priority in prevention strategies due to their central role in the potential propagation paths of infections. Conclusions Our study shows the feasibility of accurate and reproducible measures of the pattern of contacts in a hospital setting. The obtained results are particularly useful for the study of the spread of respiratory infections, for monitoring critical patterns, and for setting up tailored prevention strategies. Proximity-sensing technology should be considered as a valuable tool for measuring such patterns and evaluating nosocomial prevention strategies in specific settings

    Return to sender:Unraveling the role of structural and social network ties in patient sharing networks

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    Healthcare is increasingly delivered through networks of organizations. Well-structured patient sharing networks are known to have positive associations with the quality of delivered services. However, the drivers of patient sharing relations are rarely studied explicitly. In line with recent developments in network and integration theorizing, we hypothesize that structural and social network ties between organizations are uniquely associated with a higher number of shared patients. We test these hypotheses using a Bayesian zero-dispersed Poisson regression model within the Additive and Multiplicative Effects Framework based on administrative claims data from 732,122 dermatological patients from the Netherlands in 2017. Our results indicate that 2.6% of all dermatological patients are shared and that the amount of shared patients is significantly associated with structural (i.e. emergency contracts) and social (i.e. shared physicians) ties between organizations, confirming our hypotheses. We also find some evidence that patients are shared with more capable organizations. Our findings highlight the role of relational ties in the way health services are delivered. At the same time, they also raise some potential anti-trust concerns.</p

    Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol

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    OBJECTIVE.Prevalence of blaKPC-encoding Enterobacteriaceae (KPC) in Chicago long-term acute care hospitals (LTACHs) rose rapidly after the first recognition in 2007. We studied the epidemiology and transmission capacity of KPC in LTACHs and the effect of patient cohorting.METHODS.Data were available from 4 Chicago LTACHs from June 2012 to June 2013 during a period of bundled interventions. These consisted of screening for KPC rectal carriage, daily chlorhexidine bathing, medical staff education, and 3 cohort strategies: a pure cohort (all KPC-positive patients on 1 floor), single rooms for KPC-positive patients, and a mixed cohort (all KPC-positive patients on 1 floor, supplemented with KPC-negative patients). A data-augmented Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method was used to model the transmission process.RESULTS.Average prevalence of KPC colonization was 29.3%. On admission, 18% of patients were colonized; the sensitivity of the screening process was 81%. The per admission reproduction number was 0.40. The number of acquisitions per 1,000 patient days was lowest in LTACHs with a pure cohort ward or single rooms for colonized patients compared with mixed-cohort wards, but 95% credible intervals overlapped.CONCLUSIONS.Prevalence of KPC in LTACHs is high, primarily due to high admission prevalence and the resultant impact of high colonization pressure on cross transmission. In this setting, with an intervention in place, patient-to-patient transmission is insufficient to maintain endemicity. Inclusion of a pure cohort or single rooms for KPC-positive patients in an intervention bundle seemed to limit transmission compared to use of a mixed cohort.20152021-01-23T00:00:00ZU54 CK000161/CK/NCEZID CDC HHSUnited States/26204992PMC83812171043

    Measuring the impact of antimicrobial stewardship programs

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    Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs (ASPs) are being implemented worldwide to optimize antimicrobial therapy, and thereby improve patient safety and quality of care. Additionally, this should counteract resistance development. It is, however, vital that correct and timely diagnostics are performed in parallel, and that an institution runs a well-organized infection prevention program. Currently, there is no clear consensus on which interventions an ASP should comprise. Indeed this depends on the institution, the region, and the patient population that is served. Different interventions will lead to different effects. Therefore, adequate evaluations, both clinically and financially, are crucial. Here, we provide a general overview of, and perspective on different intervention strategies and methods to evaluate these ASP programs, covering before mentioned topics. This should lead to a more consistent approach in evaluating these programs, making it easier to compare different interventions and studies with each other and ultimately improve infection and patient management