14,428 research outputs found

    On path-quasar Ramsey numbers

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    Let G1G_1 and G2G_2 be two given graphs. The Ramsey number R(G1,G2)R(G_1,G_2) is the least integer rr such that for every graph GG on rr vertices, either GG contains a G1G_1 or G\overline{G} contains a G2G_2. Parsons gave a recursive formula to determine the values of R(Pn,K1,m)R(P_n,K_{1,m}), where PnP_n is a path on nn vertices and K1,mK_{1,m} is a star on m+1m+1 vertices. In this note, we first give an explicit formula for the path-star Ramsey numbers. Secondly, we study the Ramsey numbers R(Pn,K1Fm)R(P_n,K_1\vee F_m), where FmF_m is a linear forest on mm vertices. We determine the exact values of R(Pn,K1Fm)R(P_n,K_1\vee F_m) for the cases mnm\leq n and m2nm\geq 2n, and for the case that FmF_m has no odd component. Moreover, we give a lower bound and an upper bound for the case n+1m2n1n+1\leq m\leq 2n-1 and FmF_m has at least one odd component.Comment: 7 page

    Rainbow Turán Problems

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    For a fixed graph H, we define the rainbow Turán number ex^*(n,H) to be the maximum number of edges in a graph on n vertices that has a proper edge-colouring with no rainbow H. Recall that the (ordinary) Turán number ex(n,H) is the maximum number of edges in a graph on n vertices that does not contain a copy of H. For any non-bipartite H we show that ex^*(n,H)=(1+o(1))ex(n,H), and if H is colour-critical we show that ex^{*}(n,H)=ex(n,H). When H is the complete bipartite graph K_{s,t} with s ≤ t we show ex^*(n,K_{s,t}) = O(n^{2-1/s}), which matches the known bounds for ex(n,K_{s,t}) up to a constant. We also study the rainbow Turán problem for even cycles, and in particular prove the bound ex^*(n,C_6) = O(n^{4/3}), which is of the correct order of magnitude