18 research outputs found

    Control of stochastic quantum dynamics by differentiable programming

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    Control of the stochastic dynamics of a quantum system is indispensable in fields such as quantum information processing and metrology. However, there is no general ready-made approach to the design of efficient control strategies. Here, we propose a framework for the automated design of control schemes based on differentiable programming. We apply this approach to the state preparation and stabilization of a qubit subjected to homodyne detection. To this end, we formulate the control task as an optimization problem where the loss function quantifies the distance from the target state, and we employ neural networks (NNs) as controllers. The system's time evolution is governed by a stochastic differential equation (SDE). To implement efficient training, we backpropagate the gradient information from the loss function through the SDE solver using adjoint sensitivity methods. As a first example, we feed the quantum state to the controller and focus on different methods of obtaining gradients. As a second example, we directly feed the homodyne detection signal to the controller. The instantaneous value of the homodyne current contains only very limited information on the actual state of the system, masked by unavoidable photon-number fluctuations. Despite the resulting poor signal-to-noise ratio, we can train our controller to prepare and stabilize the qubit to a target state with a mean fidelity of around 85%. We also compare the solutions found by the NN to a hand-crafted control strategy

    Three Risky Decades: A Time for Econophysics?

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    Our Special Issue we publish at a turning point, which we have not dealt with since World War II. The interconnected long-term global shocks such as the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and catastrophic climate change have imposed significant humanitary, socio-economic, political, and environmental restrictions on the globalization process and all aspects of economic and social life including the existence of individual people. The planet is trapped—the current situation seems to be the prelude to an apocalypse whose long-term effects we will have for decades. Therefore, it urgently requires a concept of the planet's survival to be built—only on this basis can the conditions for its development be created. The Special Issue gives evidence of the state of econophysics before the current situation. Therefore, it can provide excellent econophysics or an inter-and cross-disciplinary starting point of a rational approach to a new era

    Cosmological consequences of Quantum Gravity proposals

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    In this thesis, we study the implications of Quantum Gravity models for the dynamics of spacetime and the ensuing departures from classical General Relativity. The main focus is on cosmological applications, particularly the impact of quantum gravitational effects on the dynamics of a homogenous and isotropic cosmological background. Our interest lies in the consequences for the evolution of the early universe and singularity resolution, as well as in the possibility of providing an alternative explanation for dark matter and dark energy in the late universe. The thesis is divided into two main parts, dedicated to alternative (and complementary) ways of tackling the problem of Quantum Gravity. The first part is concerned with cosmological applications of background independent approaches to Quantum Gravity, both in the context of loop quantisation and in quantum geometrodynamics. Particularly relevant in this work is the Group Field Theory approach, which we use to study the effective dynamics of the emergent universe from a full theory of Quantum Gravity (i.e. without symmetry reduction). In the second part, modified gravity theories are introduced as tools to provide an effective description of quantum gravitational effects, e.g. by introducing new degrees of freedom and symmetries. Particularly relevant in this respect is local conformal invariance, which finds a natural realisation in the framework of Weyl geometry. We build a modified theory of gravity based on such symmetry principle, and argue that new fields in the extended gravitational sector may play the role of dark matter. New degrees of freedom are also natural in models with varying fundamental `constants', which we examine critically. Finally, we discuss prospects for future work and point at directions for the derivation of realistic cosmological models from Quantum Gravity candidates.Comment: PhD thesis, King's College London (supervisor: Mairi Sakellariadou), 282 pages, 20 figures; submitted in September 201

    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    Magnetic Phase Transitions in Driven-Dissipative Atomic Ensembles Interacting with Quantum Light

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    Present-day experiments have started to couple traditional simulations of ultracold atom experiments with quantum light-fields in cavities. This has provided a wealth of op- portunities to enlarge the number of interaction potentials: cavity mediated long-range interactions compete with kinetic energies, longitudinal fields, short-ranged collisional or magnetic spin-spin interactions. The intracavity many-body lattice models often have to be maintained far from equilibrium through the presence of external driving lasers that help to boost and engineer the various interaction potentials. The steady influx of energy is compensated by a steady stream of energy out of the atom-cavity system for example by photon losses or atomic spontaneous emission. Several experiments have demonstrated that such environments can give rise to new competing quantum phases. But this long-standing ambition to push for models with tailorable interaction potentials can bring with it also considerable challenges in their theoretical description, since sponta- neous symmetry breaking transitions in many body lattice systems coupled to dynamical light-fields with single-photon character occur in the presence of drive and dissipation for the photonic force carriers. This clearly calls for model systems where the above men- tioned interplay of interactions, drive, dissipation and cooperative many-body behaviour can be theoretically studied to provide simple, experimentally verifiable predictions. The Dicke model is, through its simplicity (an exactly solved ferromagnet with infinite range atom-atom interactions mediated by a single cavity mode), an exceptionally well- suited candidate. As the generic model for atom-light interactions, it has been experimen- tally realized in a variety of modern quantum optical systems, highlighting its relevance for present-day research. The Dicke model is also highly versatile itself. It has been extended into the dissipative realm, was promoted to account for multiple optical light modes and was used to describe multiple, coupled single-mode cavity structures. It was adapted to treat spin-selective coupling to a cavity to describe superradiance phase tran- sitions in multi-level atomic systems. Moreover, it was realised in electronic circuits where the dipole coupling of real atoms to single mode fields is replaced by a capacitive cou- pling of artificial atoms to a resonator mode. This illustrates that the Dicke model and its extended variants are ’future-proof’ and continue to be of relevance for fundamental light-matter interactions and for driven-dissipative phase transitions. In this thesis, we investigate magnetic phase transitions in driven-dissipative atomic en- sembles interacting with quantum light. We present three research projects on variants of cooperative radiation of an ensemble of laser driven two-level atoms in a single mode optical cavity, as described by the Dicke model. Throughout the chapters 2,3 and 4 that contain the main body of research of this thesis, we investigate phase transitions between non-equilibrium stationary states in engineered quantum-optical systems each of which extends the conventional Dicke model physics. As a starting point, we map the quantum equations of motion onto a set of semiclassical nonlinear stochastic equations and analyse their stationary states and instabilities with master equations for atomic spin and photon mean-field amplitudes. These are used to obtain experimentally relevant parameters such as critical atom-light couplings for phase transitions, phase diagrams and properties of stationary non-equilibrium states in addition to cavity output spectra that identify the imprint of magnetic correlations in the light-field. In chapter 2, we help resolve a discrepancy between earlier experimental investigations of the critical atom-light coupling strength for the superradiance transition in the Dicke model: higher external pumping strengths than theoretically predicted were needed to observe a coherent, superradiant state of the light field in an optical cavity. By including incoherent spontaneous emission of atomic excitations, we extend the dissipative Dicke model to a two loss channel variant containing both photon leakage and atomic decay that reproduces the experimentally observed critical atom-light coupling. Recent experiments have started to interface quantum many body lattice models with coherent cavity fields, thereby allowing to realize new quantum phases through competing atom-cavity and atom-atom interactions. In chapter 3, we consider a simplified model for such a set-up where a single quantized mode of the light-field interacts with an ensemble of Rydberg-dressed atoms inside a high finesse optical cavity. This model provides a base case for further studies of quantum magnets in optical cavities. At the heart of this model is a competition of short- (dipolar atom-atom) and long-range (atom-light) interactions at the Hamiltonian level in the presence of both spontaneous emission and photon leak- age through the cavity mirrors. We show that different magnetic phases can coexist with coherent atomic radiation and provide clear experimental signatures to identify the mag- netic structure and intra-cavity dynamics. We suggest an experimental level-scheme for a quantum optical implementation of our model. In chapter 4 we consider a generic, collective decay for many-body excitations in the paradigmatic Dicke model. This extension drastically enriches the dynamics as it induces a bicritical point and a bistable regime dominated by true non-equilibrium fluctuations that induce a dissipative first-order phase transition that can only be resolved by including finite fluctuation corrections with the help of stochastic Langevin equations. We investigate the hysteretic response to time-dependent ramps of the atom-light coupling. Discontinuous first-order phase transitions where metastable states coexist in a hysteresis domain have been investigated in recent dissipative quantum-optical experiments. We review noise- activation far from thermal equilibrium in chapter 5