197 research outputs found

    Path planning for reconfigurable rovers in planetary exploration

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    This paper introduces a path planning algorithm that takes into consideration different locomotion modes in a wheeled reconfigurable rover. Such algorithm, based on Fast Marching, calculates the optimal path in terms of power consumption between two positions, providing the most appropriate locomotion mode to be used at each position. Finally, the path planning algorithm is validated on a virtual Martian scene created within the V-REP simulation platform, where a virtual model of a planetary rover prototype is controlled by the same software that is used on the real one. Results of this contribution also demonstrate how the use of two locomotion modes, wheel-walking and normal-driving, can reduce the power consumption for a particular area.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Path Planning for Reconfigurable Rovers in Planetary Exploration

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    This paper introduces a path planning algorithm that takes into consideration different locomotion modes in a wheeled reconfigurable rover. Power consumption and traction are estimated by means of simplified dynamics models for each locomotion mode. In particular, wheel-walking and normaldriving are modeled for a planetary rover prototype. These models are then used to define the cost function of a path planning algorithm based on fast marching. It calculates the optimal path, in terms of power consumption, between two positions, providing the most appropriate locomotion mode to be used at each position. Finally, the path planning algorithm was implemented in V-REP simulation software and a Martian area was used to validate it. Results of this contribution also demonstrate how the use of these locomotion modes would reduce the power consumption for a particular area.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Efficient Autonomous Navigation for Planetary Rovers with Limited Resources

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    Rovers operating on Mars are in need of more and more autonomous features to ful ll their challenging mission requirements. However, the inherent constraints of space systems make the implementation of complex algorithms an expensive and difficult task. In this paper we propose a control architecture for autonomous navigation. Efficient implementations of autonomous features are built on top of the current ExoMars navigation method, enhancing the safety and traversing capabilities of the rover. These features allow the rover to detect and avoid hazards and perform long traverses by following a roughly safe path planned by operators on ground. The control architecture implementing the proposed navigation mode has been tested during a field test campaign on a planetary analogue terrain. The experiments evaluated the proposed approach, autonomously completing two long traverses while avoiding hazards. The approach only relies on the optical Localization Cameras stereobench, a sensor that is found in all rovers launched so far, and potentially allows for computationally inexpensive long-range autonomous navigation in terrains of medium difficulty

    Coupled path and motion planning for a rover-manipulator system

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    This paper introduces a motion planning strategy aimed at the coordination of a rover and manipulator. The main purpose is to fetch samples of scientific interest that could be placed on difficult locations, requiring to maximize the workspace of the combined system. In order to validate this strategy, a simulation environment has been built, based on the VORTEX Studio platform. A virtual model of the ExoTer rover prototype, owned by the European Space Agency, has been used together with the same robot control software. Finally, we show in this paper the benefits of validating the proposed strategy on simulation, prior to its future use on the real experimental rover.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    System Design, Motion Modelling and Planning for a Recon figurable Wheeled Mobile Robot

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    Over the past ve decades the use of mobile robotic rovers to perform in-situ scienti c investigations on the surfaces of the Moon and Mars has been tremendously in uential in shaping our understanding of these extraterrestrial environments. As robotic missions have evolved there has been a greater desire to explore more unstructured terrain. This has exposed mobility limitations with conventional rover designs such as getting stuck in soft soil or simply not being able to access rugged terrain. Increased mobility and terrain traversability are key requirements when considering designs for next generation planetary rovers. Coupled with these requirements is the need to autonomously navigate unstructured terrain by taking full advantage of increased mobility. To address these issues, a high degree-of-freedom recon gurable platform that is capable of energy intensive legged locomotion in obstacle-rich terrain as well as wheeled locomotion in benign terrain is proposed. The complexities of the planning task that considers the high degree-of-freedom state space of this platform are considerable. A variant of asymptotically optimal sampling-based planners that exploits the presence of dominant sub-spaces within a recon gurable mobile robot's kinematic structure is proposed to increase path quality and ensure platform safety. The contributions of this thesis include: the design and implementation of a highly mobile planetary analogue rover; motion modelling of the platform to enable novel locomotion modes, along with experimental validation of each of these capabilities; the sampling-based HBFMT* planner that hierarchically considers sub-spaces to better guide search of the complete state space; and experimental validation of the planner with the physical platform that demonstrates how the planner exploits the robot's capabilities to uidly transition between various physical geometric con gurations and wheeled/legged locomotion modes

    Dynamic path planning for reconfigurable rovers using a multi-layered grid

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    Autonomy on rovers is desirable in order to extend the traversed distance, and therefore, maximize the number of places visited during the mission. It depends heavily on the information that is available for the traversed surface on other planet. This information may come from the vehicle’s sensors as well as from orbital images. Besides, future exploration missions may consider the use of reconfigurable rovers, which are able to execute multiple locomotion modes to better adapt to different terrains. With these considerations, a path planning algorithm based on the Fast Marching Method is proposed. Environment information coming from different sources is used on a grid formed by two layers. First, the Global Layer with a low resolution, but high extension is used to compute the overall path connecting the rover and the desired goal, using a cost function that takes advantage of the rover locomotion modes. Second, the Local Layer with higher resolution but limited distance is used where the path is dynamically repaired because of obstacle presence. Finally, we show simulation and field test results based on several reconfigurable and non-reconfigurable rover prototypes and a experimental terrain

    Fast marching subjected to a vector field-path planning method for mars rovers

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    Path planning is an essential tool for the robots that explore the surface of Mars or other celestial bodies such as dwarf planets, asteroids, or moons. These vehicles require expert and intelligent systems to adopt the best decisions in order to survive in a hostile environment. The planning module has to take into account multiple factors such as the obstacles, the slope of the terrain, the surface roughness, the type of ground (presence of sand), or the information uncertainty. This paper presents a path planning system for rovers based on an improved version of the Fast Marching (FM) method. Scalar and vectorial properties are considered when computing the potential field which is the basis of the proposed technique. Each position in the map of the environment has a cost value (potential) that is used to include different types of variables. The scalar properties can be introduced in a component of the cost function that can represent characteristics such as difficulty, slowness, viscosity, refraction index, or incertitude. The cost value can be computed in different ways depending on the information extracted from the surface and the sensor data of the rover. In this paper, the surface roughness, the slope of the terrain, and the changes in height have been chosen according to the available information. When the robot is navigating sandy terrain with a certain slope, there is a landslide that has to be considered and corrected in the path calculation. This landslide is similar to a lateral current or vector field in the direction of the negative gradient of the surface. Our technique is able to compensate this vector field by introducing the influence of this variable in the cost function. Because of this modification, the new method has been called Fast Marching (subjected to a) vector field (FMVF). Different experiments have been carried out in simulated and real maps to test the method performance.Publicad

    Autonomous Pathfinding for Planetary Rover by Implementing A* Algorithm on an Aerial Map Processed Using MATLAB Image Processing Tool

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    Human curiosity to discover new things and exploring unknown regions, have continually to development of robots, which became a powerful tools for accessing dangerous environments or exploring regions too distant for human. Previous robot technology functioned under continues human supervision, limiting the robot to confined area and pre-programmed task. However,as exploration moved to regions where communication is ineffective or unviable, robots were used to carry out complex tasks without human supervision. To empower such capacities, robots are being upgraded by advances extending from new sensor improvement to automated mission planning software, circulated automated control, and more proficient power systems. With the advancement of autonomy science robotics technology developed and the robots became more and more capable of operating multi task, under minimal human supervision. In this project work we aim at designing an ONS (Offline Navigation System) system for the planetary rover which will use aerial map taken from satellite and pre-process into a grid map which is then will be used by the rover to travel from one place to another place and completing its mission. The aerial map is processed using Matlab image processing tool to convert into a grid map and search for shortest route is implemented using A* algorithm. The shortest route result is then converted into microcontroller signal to move the rover. With this system the rovers will have the ability to predict the best possible path even if the communication to the satellite is broken