3,808 research outputs found

    The Effect of Random Surface Inhomogeneities on Microresonator Spectral Properties: Theory and Modeling at Millimeter Wave Range

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    The influence of random surface inhomogeneities on spectral properties of open microresonators is studied both theoretically and experimentally. To solve the equations governing the dynamics of electromagnetic fields the method of eigen-mode separation is applied previously developed with reference to inhomogeneous systems subject to arbitrary external static potential. We prove theoretically that it is the gradient mechanism of wave-surface scattering which is the highly responsible for non-dissipative loss in the resonator. The influence of side-boundary inhomogeneities on the resonator spectrum is shown to be described in terms of effective renormalization of mode wave numbers jointly with azimuth indices in the characteristic equation. To study experimentally the effect of inhomogeneities on the resonator spectrum, the method of modeling in the millimeter wave range is applied. As a model object we use dielectric disc resonator (DDR) fitted with external inhomogeneities randomly arranged at its side boundary. Experimental results show good agreement with theoretical predictions as regards the predominance of the gradient scattering mechanism. It is shown theoretically and confirmed in the experiment that TM oscillations in the DDR are less affected by surface inhomogeneities than TE oscillations with the same azimuth indices. The DDR model chosen for our study as well as characteristic equations obtained thereupon enable one to calculate both the eigen-frequencies and the Q-factors of resonance spectral lines to fairly good accuracy. The results of calculations agree well with obtained experimental data.Comment: 17+ pages, 5 figure

    On the Fundamentals of Stochastic Spatial Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Networks and its Impact to Channel Losses

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    With the rapid evolution of wireless networking, it becomes vital to ensure transmission reliability, enhanced connectivity, and efficient resource utilization. One possible pathway for gaining insight into these critical requirements would be to explore the spatial geometry of the network. However, tractably characterizing the actual position of nodes for large wireless networks (LWNs) is technically unfeasible. Thus, stochastical spatial modeling is commonly considered for emulating the random pattern of mobile users. As a result, the concept of random geometry is gaining attention in the field of cellular systems in order to analytically extract hidden features and properties useful for assessing the performance of networks. Meanwhile, the large-scale fading between interacting nodes is the most fundamental element in radio communications, responsible for weakening the propagation, and thus worsening the service quality. Given the importance of channel losses in general, and the inevitability of random networks in real-life situations, it was then natural to merge these two paradigms together in order to obtain an improved stochastical model for the large-scale fading. Therefore, in exact closed-form notation, we generically derived the large-scale fading distributions between a reference base-station and an arbitrary node for uni-cellular (UCN), multi-cellular (MCN), and Gaussian random network models. In fact, we for the first time provided explicit formulations that considered at once: the lattice profile, the users’ random geometry, the spatial intensity, the effect of the far-field phenomenon, the path-loss behavior, and the stochastic impact of channel scatters. Overall, the results can be useful for analyzing and designing LWNs through the evaluation of performance indicators. Moreover, we conceptualized a straightforward and flexible approach for random spatial inhomogeneity by proposing the area-specific deployment (ASD) principle, which takes into account the clustering tendency of users. In fact, the ASD method has the advantage of achieving a more realistic deployment based on limited planning inputs, while still preserving the stochastic character of users’ position. We then applied this inhomogeneous technique to different circumstances, and thus developed three spatial-level network simulator algorithms for: controlled/uncontrolled UCN, and MCN deployments

    The effects of packing structure on the effective thermal conductivity of granular media: A grain scale investigation

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    Structural characteristics are considered to be the dominant factors in determining the effective properties of granular media, particularly in the scope of transport phenomena. Towards improved heat management, thermal transport in granular media requires an improved fundamental understanding. In this study, the effects of packing structure on heat transfer in granular media are evaluated at macro- and grain-scales. At the grain-scale, a gas-solid coupling heat transfer model is adapted into a discrete-element-method to simulate this transport phenomenon. The numerical framework is validated by experimental data obtained using a plane source technique, and the Smoluschowski effect of the gas phase is found to be captured by this extension. By considering packings of spherical SiO2 grains with an interstitial helium phase, vibration induced ordering in granular media is studied, using the simulation methods developed here, to investigate how disorder-to-order transitions of packing structure enhance effective thermal conductivity. Grain-scale thermal transport is shown to be influenced by the local neighbourhood configuration of individual grains. The formation of an ordered packing structure enhances both global and local thermal transport. This study provides a structure approach to explain transport phenomena, which can be applied in properties modification for granular media.Comment: 11 figures, 29 page

    Characteristic Basis Function Method for Solving Electromagnetic Scattering Problems over Rough Terrain Profiles

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.A computationally efficient algorithm, which combines the characteristic basis function method (CBFM), the physical optics (PO) approach (when applicable) with the forward backward method (FBM), is applied for the investigation of electromagnetic scattering from—and propagation over—large-scale rough terrain problems. The algorithm utilizes high-level basis functions defined on macro-domains (blocks), called the characteristic basis functions (CBFs) that are constructed by aggregating low-level basis functions (i.e., conventional sub-domain basis functions). The FBM as well as the PO approach (when applicable) are used to construct the aforementioned CBFs. The conventional CBFM is slightly modified to handle large-terrain problems, and is further embellished by accelerating it, as well as reducing its storage requirements, via the use of an extrapolation procedure. Numerical results for the total fields, as well as for the path loss are presented and compared with either measured or previously published reference solutions to assess the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm

    Autonomous Vehicles: MMW Radar Backscattering Modeling of Traffic Environment, Vehicular Communication Modeling, and Antenna Designs

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    77 GHz Millimeter-wave (mmWave) radar serves as an essential component among many sensors required for autonomous navigation. High-fidelity simulation is indispensable for nowadays’ development of advanced automotive radar systems because radar simulation can accelerate the design and testing process and help people to better understand and process the radar data. The main challenge in automotive radar simulation is to simulate the complex scattering behavior of various targets in real time, which is required for sensor fusion with other sensory simulation, e.g. optical image simulation. In this thesis, an asymptotic method based on a fast-wideband physical optics (PO) calculation is developed and applied to get high fidelity radar response of traffic scenes and generate the corresponding radar images from traffic targets. The targets include pedestrians, vehicles, and other stationary targets. To further accelerate the simulation into real time, a physics-based statistical approach is developed. The RCS of targets are fit into statistical distributions, and then the statistical parameters are summarized as functions of range and aspect angles, and other attributes of the targets. For advanced radar with multiple transmitters and receivers, pixelated-scatterer statistical RCS models are developed to represent objects as extend targets and relax the requirement for far-field condition. A real-time radar scene simulation software, which will be referred to as Michigan Automotive Radar Scene Simulator (MARSS), based on the statistical models are developed and integrated with a physical 3D scene generation software (Unreal Engine 4). One of the major challenges in radar signal processing is to detect the angle of arrival (AOA) of multiple targets. A new analytic multiple-sources AOA estimation algorithm that outperforms many well-known AOA estimation algorithms is developed and verified by experiments. Moreover, the statistical parameters of RCS from targets and radar images are used in target classification approaches based on machine learning methods. In realistic road traffic environment, foliage is commonly encountered that can potentially block the line-of-sight link. In the second part of the thesis, a non-line-of-sight (NLoS) vehicular propagation channel model for tree trunks at two vehicular communication bands (5.9 GHz and 60 GHz) is proposed. Both near-field and far-field scattering models from tree trunk are developed based on modal expansion and surface current integral method. To make the results fast accessible and retractable, a macro model based on artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed to fit the path loss calculated from the complex electromagnetic (EM) based methods. In the third part of the thesis, two broadband (bandwidth > 50%) omnidirectional antenna designs are discussed to enable polarization diversity for next-generation communication systems. The first design is a compact horizontally polarized (HP) antenna, which contains four folded dipole radiators and utilizing their mutual coupling to enhance the bandwidth. The second one is a circularly polarized (CP) antenna. It is composed of one ultra-wide-band (UWB) monopole, the compact HP antenna, and a dedicatedly designed asymmetric power divider based feeding network. It has about 53% overlapping bandwidth for both impedance and axial ratio with peak RHCP gain of 0.9 dBi.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163001/1/caixz_1.pd

    Multiple Scattering Of Light In Inhomogeneous Media And Applications

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    Light scattering-based techniques are being developed for non-invasive diagnostics of inhomogeneous media in various fields, such as medicine, biology, and material characterization. However, as most media of interest are highly scattering and have a complex structure, it is difficult to obtain a full analytical solution of the scattering problem without introducing approximations and assumptions about the properties of the system under consideration. Moreover, most of the previous studies deal with idealized scattering situations, rarely encountered in practice. This dissertation provides new analytical, numerical, and experimental solutions to describe subtle effects introduced by the properties of the light sources, and by the boundaries, absorption and morphology of the investigated media. A novel Monte Carlo simulation was developed to describe the statistics of partially coherent beams after propagation through inhomogeneous media. The Monte Carlo approach also enabled us to study the influence of the refractive index contrast on the diffusive processes, to discern between different effects of absorption in multiple scattering, and to support experimental results on inhomogeneous media with complex morphology. A detailed description of chromatic effects in scattering was used to develop new models that explain the spectral dependence of the detected signal in applications such as imaging and diffuse reflectance measurements. The quantitative and non-invasive characterization of inhomogeneous media with complex structures, such as porous membranes, diffusive coatings, and incipient lesions in natural teeth was then demonstrated

    Perturbation theory for anisotropic dielectric interfaces, and application to sub-pixel smoothing of discretized numerical methods

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    We derive a correct first-order perturbation theory in electromagnetism for cases where an interface between two anisotropic dielectric materials is slightly shifted. Most previous perturbative methods give incorrect results for this case, even to lowest order, because of the complicated discontinuous boundary conditions on the electric field at such an interface. Our final expression is simply a surface integral, over the material interface, of the continuous field components from the unperturbed structure. The derivation is based on a "localized" coordinate-transformation technique, which avoids both the problem of field discontinuities and the challenge of constructing an explicit coordinate transformation by taking a limit in which a coordinate perturbation is infinitesimally localized around the boundary. Not only is our result potentially useful in evaluating boundary perturbations, e.g. from fabrication imperfections, in highly anisotropic media such as many metamaterials, but it also has a direct application in numerical electromagnetism. In particular, we show how it leads to a sub-pixel smoothing scheme to ameliorate staircasing effects in discretized simulations of anisotropic media, in such a way as to greatly reduce the numerical errors compared to other proposed smoothing schemes.Comment: 10 page

    Diffusing proteins on a fluctuating membrane: Analytical theory and simulations

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    Using analytical calculations and computer simulations we consider both the lateral diffusion of a membrane protein and the fluctuation spectrum of the membrane in which the protein is embedded. The membrane protein interacts with the membrane shape through its spontaneous curvature and bending rigidity. The lateral motion of the protein may be viewed as diffusion in an effective potential, hence, the effective mobility is always reduced compared to the case of free diffusion. Using a rigorous path-integral approach we derive an analytical expression for the effective diffusion coefficient for small ratios of temperature and bending rigidity, which is the biologically relevant limit. Simulations show very good quantitative agreement with our analytical result. The analysis of the correlation functions contributing to the diffusion coefficient shows that the correlations between the stochastic force of the protein and the response in the membrane shape are responsible for the reduction. Our quantitative analysis of the membrane height correlation spectrum shows an influence of the protein-membrane interaction causing a distinctly altered wave-vector dependence compared to a free membrane. Furthermore, the time correlations exhibit the two relevant timescales of the system: that of membrane fluctuations and that of lateral protein diffusion with the latter typically much longer than the former. We argue that the analysis of the long-time decay of membrane height correlations can thus provide a new means to determine the effective diffusion coefficient of proteins in the membrane.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure
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