25,663 research outputs found

    Patent Analytics Based on Feature Vector Space Model: A Case of IoT

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    The number of approved patents worldwide increases rapidly each year, which requires new patent analytics to efficiently mine the valuable information attached to these patents. Vector space model (VSM) represents documents as high-dimensional vectors, where each dimension corresponds to a unique term. While originally proposed for information retrieval systems, VSM has also seen wide applications in patent analytics, and used as a fundamental tool to map patent documents to structured data. However, VSM method suffers from several limitations when applied to patent analysis tasks, such as loss of sentence-level semantics and curse-of-dimensionality problems. In order to address the above limitations, we propose a patent analytics based on feature vector space model (FVSM), where the FVSM is constructed by mapping patent documents to feature vectors extracted by convolutional neural networks (CNN). The applications of FVSM for three typical patent analysis tasks, i.e., patents similarity comparison, patent clustering, and patent map generation are discussed. A case study using patents related to Internet of Things (IoT) technology is illustrated to demonstrate the performance and effectiveness of FVSM. The proposed FVSM can be adopted by other patent analysis studies to replace VSM, based on which various big data learning tasks can be performed

    Prediction of Emerging Technologies Based on Analysis of the U.S. Patent Citation Network

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    The network of patents connected by citations is an evolving graph, which provides a representation of the innovation process. A patent citing another implies that the cited patent reflects a piece of previously existing knowledge that the citing patent builds upon. A methodology presented here (i) identifies actual clusters of patents: i.e. technological branches, and (ii) gives predictions about the temporal changes of the structure of the clusters. A predictor, called the {citation vector}, is defined for characterizing technological development to show how a patent cited by other patents belongs to various industrial fields. The clustering technique adopted is able to detect the new emerging recombinations, and predicts emerging new technology clusters. The predictive ability of our new method is illustrated on the example of USPTO subcategory 11, Agriculture, Food, Textiles. A cluster of patents is determined based on citation data up to 1991, which shows significant overlap of the class 442 formed at the beginning of 1997. These new tools of predictive analytics could support policy decision making processes in science and technology, and help formulate recommendations for action

    Community Detection and Growth Potential Prediction from Patent Citation Networks

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    The scoring of patents is useful for technology management analysis. Therefore, a necessity of developing citation network clustering and prediction of future citations for practical patent scoring arises. In this paper, we propose a community detection method using the Node2vec. And in order to analyze growth potential we compare three ''time series analysis methods'', the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), ARIMA model, and Hawkes Process. The results of our experiments, we could find common technical points from those clusters by Node2vec. Furthermore, we found that the prediction accuracy of the ARIMA model was higher than that of other models.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1607.00653 by other author

    Facilitating Design-by-Analogy: Development of a Complete Functional Vocabulary and Functional Vector Approach to Analogical Search

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    Design-by-analogy is an effective approach to innovative concept generation, but can be elusive at times due to the fact that few methods and tools exist to assist designers in systematically seeking and identifying analogies from general data sources, databases, or repositories, such as patent databases. A new method for extracting analogies from data sources has been developed to provide this capability. Building on past research, we utilize a functional vector space model to quantify analogous similarity between a design problem and the data source of potential analogies. We quantitatively evaluate the functional similarity between represented design problems and, in this case, patent descriptions of products. We develop a complete functional vocabulary to map the patent database to applicable functionally critical terms, using document parsing algorithms to reduce text descriptions of the data sources down to the key functions, and applying Zipf’s law on word count order reduction to reduce the words within the documents. The reduction of a document (in this case a patent) into functional analogous words enables the matching to novel ideas that are functionally similar, which can be customized in various ways. This approach thereby provides relevant sources of design-by-analogy inspiration. Although our implementation of the technique focuses on functional descriptions of patents and the mapping of these functions to those of the design problem, resulting in a set of analogies, we believe that this technique is applicable to other analogy data sources as well. As a verification of the approach, an original design problem for an automated window washer illustrates the distance range of analogical solutions that can be extracted, extending from very near-field, literal solutions to far-field cross-domain analogies. Finally, a comparison with a current patent search tool is performed to draw a contrast to the status quo and evaluate the effectiveness of this work.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant number CMMI-0855510)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant number CMMI-0855326)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (grant number CMMI-0855293)SUTD-MIT International Design Centre (IDC

    Function Based Design-by-Analogy: A Functional Vector Approach to Analogical Search

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    Design-by-analogy is a powerful approach to augment traditional concept generation methods by expanding the set of generated ideas using similarity relationships from solutions to analogous problems. While the concept of design-by-analogy has been known for some time, few actual methods and tools exist to assist designers in systematically seeking and identifying analogies from general data sources, databases, or repositories, such as patent databases. A new method for extracting functional analogies from data sources has been developed to provide this capability, here based on a functional basis rather than form or conflict descriptions. Building on past research, we utilize a functional vector space model (VSM) to quantify analogous similarity of an idea's functionality. We quantitatively evaluate the functional similarity between represented design problems and, in this case, patent descriptions of products. We also develop document parsing algorithms to reduce text descriptions of the data sources down to the key functions, for use in the functional similarity analysis and functional vector space modeling. To do this, we apply Zipf's law on word count order reduction to reduce the words within the documents down to the applicable functionally critical terms, thus providing a mapping process for function based search. The reduction of a document into functional analogous words enables the matching to novel ideas that are functionally similar, which can be customized various ways. This approach thereby provides relevant sources of design-by-analogy inspiration. As a verification of the approach, two original design problem case studies illustrate the distance range of analogical solutions that can be extracted. This range extends from very near-field, literal solutions to far-field cross-domain analogies.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CMMI-0855326)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CMMI-0855510)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CMMI-0855293)SUTD-MIT International Design Centre (IDC

    A preliminary approach to intelligent x-ray imaging for baggage inspection at airports

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    Identifying explosives in baggage at airports relies on being able to characterize the materials that make up an X-ray image. If a suspicion is generated during the imaging process (step 1), the image data could be enhanced by adapting the scanning parameters (step 2). This paper addresses the first part of this problem and uses textural signatures to recognize and characterize materials and hence enabling system control. Directional Gabor-type filtering was applied to a series of different X-ray images. Images were processed in such a way as to simulate a line scanning geometry. Based on our experiments with images of industrial standards and our own samples it was found that different materials could be characterized in terms of the frequency range and orientation of the filters. It was also found that the signal strength generated by the filters could be used as an indicator of visibility and optimum imaging conditions predicted
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