16 research outputs found

    Passively mobile communicating machines that use restricted space

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    We propose a new theoretical model for passively mobile Wireless Sensor Networks, called PM, standing for Passively mobile Machines. The main modification w.r.t. the Population Protocol model [Angluin et al. 2006] is that the agents now, instead of being automata, are Turing Machines. We provide general definitions for unbounded memories, but we are mainly interested in computations upper-bounded by plausible space limitations. However, we prove that our results hold for more general cases. We focus on complete interaction graphs and define the complexity classes PM-SPACE(f(n)) parametrically, consisting of all predicates that are stably computable by some PM protocol that uses O(f(n)) memory in each agent. We provide a protocol that generates unique identifiers from scratch only by using O(log n) memory, and use it to provide an exact characterization of the classes PMSPACE(f(n)) when f(n) = Ω(log n): they are precisely the classes of all symmetric predicates in NSPACE(nf(n)). As a consequence, we obtain a space hierarchy of the PM model when the memory bounds are Ω(log n). Finally, we establish that the minimal space requirement for the computation of non-semilinear predicates is O(log log n). © 2011 ACM.FOM

    Global Versus Local Computations: Fast Computing with Identifiers

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    This paper studies what can be computed by using probabilistic local interactions with agents with a very restricted power in polylogarithmic parallel time. It is known that if agents are only finite state (corresponding to the Population Protocol model by Angluin et al.), then only semilinear predicates over the global input can be computed. In fact, if the population starts with a unique leader, these predicates can even be computed in a polylogarithmic parallel time. If identifiers are added (corresponding to the Community Protocol model by Guerraoui and Ruppert), then more global predicates over the input multiset can be computed. Local predicates over the input sorted according to the identifiers can also be computed, as long as the identifiers are ordered. The time of some of those predicates might require exponential parallel time. In this paper, we consider what can be computed with Community Protocol in a polylogarithmic number of parallel interactions. We introduce the class CPPL corresponding to protocols that use O(nlog⁡kn)O(n\log^k n), for some k, expected interactions to compute their predicates, or equivalently a polylogarithmic number of parallel expected interactions. We provide some computable protocols, some boundaries of the class, using the fact that the population can compute its size. We also prove two impossibility results providing some arguments showing that local computations are no longer easy: the population does not have the time to compare a linear number of consecutive identifiers. The Linearly Local languages, such that the rational language (ab)∗(ab)^*, are not computable.Comment: Long version of SSS 2016 publication, appendixed version of SIROCCO 201

    How Many Cooks Spoil the Soup?

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    In this work, we study the following basic question: "How much parallelism does a distributed task permit?" Our definition of parallelism (or symmetry) here is not in terms of speed, but in terms of identical roles that processes have at the same time in the execution. We initiate this study in population protocols, a very simple model that not only allows for a straightforward definition of what a role is, but also encloses the challenge of isolating the properties that are due to the protocol from those that are due to the adversary scheduler, who controls the interactions between the processes. We (i) give a partial characterization of the set of predicates on input assignments that can be stably computed with maximum symmetry, i.e., Θ(Nmin)\Theta(N_{min}), where NminN_{min} is the minimum multiplicity of a state in the initial configuration, and (ii) we turn our attention to the remaining predicates and prove a strong impossibility result for the parity predicate: the inherent symmetry of any protocol that stably computes it is upper bounded by a constant that depends on the size of the protocol.Comment: 19 page

    Message Complexity of Population Protocols

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    The standard population protocol model assumes that when two agents interact, each observes the entire state of the other agent. We initiate the study of message complexity\textit{message complexity} for population protocols, where the state of an agent is divided into an externally-visible message\textit{message} and an internal component, where only the message can be observed by the other agent in an interaction. We consider the case of O(1)O(1) message complexity. When time is unrestricted, we obtain an exact characterization of the stably computable predicates based on the number of internal states s(n)s(n): If s(n)=o(n)s(n) = o(n) then the protocol computes semilinear predicates (unlike the original model, which can compute non-semilinear predicates with s(n)=O(log⁥n)s(n) = O(\log n)), and otherwise it computes a predicate decidable by a nondeterministic O(nlog⁥s(n))O(n \log s(n))-space-bounded Turing machine. We then introduce novel O(polylog(n))O(\mathrm{polylog}(n)) expected time protocols for junta/leader election and general purpose broadcast correct with high probability, and approximate and exact population size counting correct with probability 1. Finally, we show that the main constraint on the power of bounded-message-size protocols is the size of the internal states: with unbounded internal states, any computable function can be computed with probability 1 in the limit by a protocol that uses only 1-bit\textit{1-bit} messages

    Simple and Efficient Local Codes for Distributed Stable Network Construction

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    In this work, we study protocols so that populations of distributed processes can construct networks. In order to highlight the basic principles of distributed network construction we keep the model minimal in all respects. In particular, we assume finite-state processes that all begin from the same initial state and all execute the same protocol (i.e. the system is homogeneous). Moreover, we assume pairwise interactions between the processes that are scheduled by an adversary. The only constraint on the adversary scheduler is that it must be fair. In order to allow processes to construct networks, we let them activate and deactivate their pairwise connections. When two processes interact, the protocol takes as input the states of the processes and the state of the their connection and updates all of them. Initially all connections are inactive and the goal is for the processes, after interacting and activating/deactivating connections for a while, to end up with a desired stable network. We give protocols (optimal in some cases) and lower bounds for several basic network construction problems such as spanning line, spanning ring, spanning star, and regular network. We provide proofs of correctness for all of our protocols and analyze the expected time to convergence of most of them under a uniform random scheduler that selects the next pair of interacting processes uniformly at random from all such pairs. Finally, we prove several universality results by presenting generic protocols that are capable of simulating a Turing Machine (TM) and exploiting it in order to construct a large class of networks.Comment: 43 pages, 7 figure