1,611 research outputs found

    Near Real-Time Anomaly Detection in NFV Infrastructures

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    This paper presents a scalable cloud-based archi-tecture for near real-time anomaly detection in the Vodafone NFV infrastructure, spanning across multiple data centers in 11 European countries. Our solution aims at processing in real-time system-level data coming from the monitoring subsystem of the infrastructure, raising alerts to operators as soon as the incoming data presents anomalous patterns. A number of different anomaly detection techniques have been implemented for the proposed architecture, and results from their comparative evaluation are reported, based on real monitoring data coming from one of the monitored data centers, where a number of interesting anomalies have been manually identified. Part of this labelled data-set is also released under an open data license, for possible reuse by other researchers

    Density-based Clustering by Means of Bridge Point Identification

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    Density-based clustering focuses on defining clusters consisting of contiguous regions characterized by similar densities of points. Traditional approaches identify core points first, whereas more recent ones initially identify the cluster borders and then propagate cluster labels within the delimited regions. Both strategies encounter issues in presence of multi-density regions or when clusters are characterized by noisy borders. To overcome the above issues, we present a new clustering algorithm that relies on the concept of bridge point. A bridge point is a point whose neighborhood includes points of different clusters. The key idea is to use bridge points, rather than border points, to partition points into clusters. We have proved that a correct bridge point identification yields a cluster separation consistent with the expectation. To correctly identify bridge points in absence of a priori cluster information we leverage an established unsupervised outlier detection algorithm. Specifically, we empirically show that, in most cases, the detected outliers are actually a superset of the bridge point set. Therefore, to define clusters we spread cluster labels like a wildfire until an outlier, acting as a candidate bridge point, is reached. The proposed algorithm performs statistically better than state-of-the-art methods on a large set of benchmark datasets and is particularly robust to the presence of intra-cluster multiple densities and noisy borders

    In-Network Outlier Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    To address the problem of unsupervised outlier detection in wireless sensor networks, we develop an approach that (1) is flexible with respect to the outlier definition, (2) computes the result in-network to reduce both bandwidth and energy usage,(3) only uses single hop communication thus permitting very simple node failure detection and message reliability assurance mechanisms (e.g., carrier-sense), and (4) seamlessly accommodates dynamic updates to data. We examine performance using simulation with real sensor data streams. Our results demonstrate that our approach is accurate and imposes a reasonable communication load and level of power consumption.Comment: Extended version of a paper appearing in the Int'l Conference on Distributed Computing Systems 200

    A baseline for unsupervised advanced persistent threat detection in system-level provenance

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    Advanced persistent threats (APT) are stealthy, sophisticated, and unpredictable cyberattacks that can steal intellectual property, damage critical infrastructure, or cause millions of dollars in damage. Detecting APTs by monitoring system-level activity is difficult because manually inspecting the high volume of normal system activity is overwhelming for security analysts. We evaluate the effectiveness of unsupervised batch and streaming anomaly detection algorithms over multiple gigabytes of provenance traces recorded on four different operating systems to determine whether they can detect realistic APT-like attacks reliably and efficiently. This report is the first detailed study of the effectiveness of generic unsupervised anomaly detection techniques in this setting

    Breadth analysis of Online Social Networks

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    This thesis is mainly motivated by the analysis, understanding, and prediction of human behaviour by means of the study of their digital fingeprints. Unlike a classical PhD thesis, where you choose a topic and go further on a deep analysis on a research topic, we carried out a breadth analysis on the research topic of complex networks, such as those that humans create themselves with their relationships and interactions. These kinds of digital communities where humans interact and create relationships are commonly called Online Social Networks. Then, (i) we have collected their interactions, as text messages they share among each other, in order to analyze the sentiment and topic of such messages. We have basically applied the state-of-the-art techniques for Natural Language Processing, widely developed and tested on English texts, in a collection of Spanish Tweets and we compare the results. Next, (ii) we focused on Topic Detection, creating our own classifier and applying it to the former Tweets dataset. The breakthroughs are two: our classifier relies on text-graphs from the input text and we achieved a figure of 70% accuracy, outperforming previous results. After that, (iii) we moved to analyze the network structure (or topology) and their data values to detect outliers. We hypothesize that in social networks there is a large mass of users that behaves similarly, while a reduced set of them behave in a different way. However, specially among this last group, we try to separate those with high activity, or low activity, or any other paramater/feature that make them belong to different kind of outliers. We aim to detect influential users in one of these outliers set. We propose a new unsupervised method, Massive Unsupervised Outlier Detection (MUOD), labeling the outliers detected os of shape, magnitude, amplitude or combination of those. We applied this method to a subset of roughly 400 million Google+ users, identifying and discriminating automatically sets of outlier users. Finally, (iv) we find interesting to address the monitorization of real complex networks. We created a framework to dynamically adapt the temporality of large-scale dynamic networks, reducing compute overhead by at least 76%, data volume by 60% and overall cloud costs by at least 54%, while always maintaining accuracy above 88%.PublicadoPrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Matemåtica por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Rosa María Benito Zafrilla.- Secretario: Ángel Cuevas Rumín.- Vocal: José Ernesto Jiménez Merin

    User profiles’ image clustering for digital investigations

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    Sharing images on Social Network (SN) platforms is one of the most widespread behaviors which may cause privacy-intrusive and illegal content to be widely distributed. Clustering the images shared through SN platforms according to the acquisition cameras embedded in smartphones is regarded as a significant task in forensic investigations of cybercrimes. The Sensor Pattern Noise (SPN) caused by camera sensor imperfections due to the manufacturing process has been proved to be an effective and robust camera fingerprint that can be used for several tasks, such as digital evidence analysis, smartphone fingerprinting and user profile linking as well. Clustering the images uploaded by users on their profiles is a way of fingerprinting the camera sources and it is considered a challenging task since users may upload different types of images, i.e., the images taken by users’ smartphones (taken images) and single images from different sources, cropped images, or generic images from the Web (shared images). The shared images make a perturbation in the clustering task, as they do not usually present sufficient characteristics of SPN of their related sources. Moreover, they are not directly referable to the user’s device so they have to be detected and removed from the clustering process. In this paper, we propose a user profiles’ image clustering method without prior knowledge about the type and number of the camera sources. The hierarchical graph-based method clusters both types of images, taken images and shared images. The strengths of our method include overcoming large-scale image datasets, the presence of shared images that perturb the clustering process and the loss of image details caused by the process of content compression on SN platforms. The method is evaluated on the VISION dataset, which is a public benchmark including images from 35 smartphones. The dataset is perturbed by 3000 images, simulating the shared images from different sources except for users’ smartphones. Experimental results confirm the robustness of the proposed method against perturbed datasets and its effectiveness in the image clustering

    SENOCLU, Energy Efficient Approach for Unsupervised Node Clustering in Sensor Networks

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    Acquisition and analysis of data from sensor networks, where nodes operate in unsupervised way, has become a ubiquitous issue. The biggest challenge in this process is related to limited energy, computational and memory capacity of sensor nodes. Therefore, the main goal of our work is to devise and evaluate the contribution of an energy efficient algorithm for data acquisition in sensor networks. The proposed SENOCLU algorithm considers specific requirements of sensor network application like energy efficiency, state change detection, load balancing, high-dimensions of the sensed data etc. By applying these techniques, this algorithm contributes in filling the gap between distributed clustering and high-dimensional clustering algorithms that are available in the literature. This work evaluates the contribution of this algorithm in comparison to other competing state-of-the-art techniques. The experiments show that by applying SENOCLU algorithm better life times of sensor networks are achieved and longer monitoring of different phenomena is provided
