4 research outputs found

    Prediction of Partition Coefficients in SDS Micelles by DFT Calculations

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    A computational methodology using Density-Functional Theory (DFT) calculations was developed to determine the partition coefficient of a compound in a solution of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) micelles. Different sets of DFT calculations were used to predict the free energy of a set of 63 molecules in 15 different solvents with the purpose of identifying the solvents with similar physicochemical characteristics to the studied micelles. Experimental partition coefficients were obtained from Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography (MEKC) measurements. The experimental partition coefficient of these molecules was compared with the predicted partition coefficient in heptane/water, cyclohexane/water, N-dodecane/water, pyridine/water, acetic acid/water, decan-1- ol/water, octanol/water, propan-2-ol/water, acetone/water, propan-1-ol/water, methanol/water, 1,2-ethane diol/water, dimethyl sulfoxide/water, formic acid/water, and diethyl sulphide/water systems. It is observed that the combination of pronan-1-ol/water solvent was the most appropriated to estimate the partition coefficient for SDS micelles. This approach allowed us to estimate the partition coefficient orders of magnitude faster than the classical molecular dynamics simulations. The DFT calculations were carried out with the well-known exchange correlation functional B3LYP and with the global hybrid functional M06-2X from the Minnesota functionals with 6-31++G ** basis set. The effect of solvation was considered by the continuum model based on density (SMD). The proposed workflow for the prediction rate of the participation coefficient unveiled the symmetric balance between the experimental data and the computational methods

    On the diffusion of ketoprofen and ibuprofen in water: An experimental and theoretical approach

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    In view of its importance for the development of dispersion and distribution models in the environment and also for the design of removal methods from wastewaters, the mobility and solute-solvent interaction in aqueous solutions of two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ketoprofen and ibuprofen) were studied by measuring mutual diffusion coefficients of each pharmaceutical in water at infinitesimal concentration as a function of temperature, using the Taylor dispersion method. Intra-diffusion coefficients of the same solutes in water at the same temperature range were also calculated by Molecular Dynamics simulations. The analysis of the simulation trajectories allowed the study of the structure of the solvent molecules around the solute and their mutual interaction, which was also addressed by quantum mechanical (DFT) calculations. Ibuprofen presents a higher mutual diffusion coefficient in water than ketoprofen and molecular dynamics simulations are able to predict the experimental values for two solutes. Besides the solute molecular weight and molecular dimensions, the diffusion coefficients of these two pharmaceuticals are influenced by the solute-solvent interactions, which seem to be stronger in the case of ketoprofen. The solvation free energy obtained via DFT calculations confirms that hypothesis

    Prediction of partition coefficients for systems of micelles using DFT

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    Programa de Doctorat en Qu铆mica Te貌rica i Modelitzaci贸 Computacional[eng] A compound鈥檚 solvent鈭抴ater partition coefficient (log P) measures the equilibrium ratio of the compound鈥檚 concentrations in a two-phase system: as two solvents in contact or a system of micelles in an aqueous solution. In this thesis, the partition coefficient of three groups of small compounds (alcohol, ether, and hydrocarbons) in 10 different solvents (benzene, cyclohexane, hexane, n-Octane, toluene, carbon tetrachloride, heptane, trichloroethane, and octanol) was computed used DFT and B3LYP method with 6.31G(d), 6.311+G** and 6.311++G** basis sets. It is obtained that the partition coefficient of alcohol solutes in various solvents using the 6.31G(d) basis set indicates a satisfactory correlation with experimental values. The correlation between the experimental value and the partition coefficient of ether solutes in different solvents using the 6.311++G** basis set shows high agreement. The experimental data displayed a high correlation with the partition coefficient computed for hydrocarbon compounds in various solvents using all three basis sets: 6.31G(d), 6.311+G**, and 6.311++G**. In addition, we have studied the correlation of the experimental partition coefficients in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB), Sodium cholate (SC), and Lithium perfluoro octane sulfonate (LPFOS) micelles with ab initio calculated partition coefficients in 15 different organic solvents. Specifically, the partition coefficients of a series of 63 molecules in an aqueous system of SDS, SC, HTAB, and LPFOS micelles are correlated with the partition coefficient in heptane/water, cyclohexane/water, n-dodecane/water, pyridine/water, acetic acid/water, octanol/water, acetone/water, 1-propanol/water, 2-propanol/water, methanol/water, formic acid/water, diethyl sulfide/water, decan-1-ol/water, 1-2 ethane diol/water and dimethyl sulfoxide/water systems. All calculations were performed using the Gaussian 16 Quantum Chemistry package. Molecular structures were generated in the more extended conformation using Avogadro, and geometries of all molecules were optimized using Density Functional Theory (DFT) B3LYP and MO6-2X with 6-31++G** basis set by the continuum solvation model based on density (SMD). The obtained results show that calculated partition coefficients in the alcohol/water mixture give the best correlation to predict the experimental partition coefficients in SDS, SC, and LPFOS micelles. With respect to HTAB micelle systems, a new selection of molecules is created, excluding those containing N atoms and Urea atom groups. Interestingly, the partition coefficient of these chosen molecules exhibits a strong correlation with the experimental partition coefficient. Finally, the partition coefficient of flexible molecules was studied by the same protocol for two solvent combinations, octanol/water and cyclohexane/water. The calculated values were compared with the experimental partition coefficients. The average partition coefficient in octanol solvent exhibited a high correlation with the experimental data. However, for the 16 compounds in the cyclohexane solvent, their partition coefficients do not exhibit significant agreement with the experimental partition coefficients.[cat] S'ha desenvolupat una metodologia computacional per calcular el coeficient de partici贸 de diferents tipus de mol猫cules en sistemes micel路lars. En primer lloc, s'ha calculat el coeficient de partici贸 de tres grups de compostos (alcohol, 猫ter i hidrocarburs) utilitzant el m猫tode DFT amb el funcional B3LYP. S'han obtingut correlacions satisfact貌ries amb els valors experimentals. En aquesta tesi s'ha desenvolupat un procediment per calcular els coeficients de partici贸 experimentals en micel路les de dodecilsulfat de sodi (SDS), bromur d'hexadeciltrimetilamoni (HTAB), colat de sodi (SC) i perfluorooctanosulfonat de liti (LPFOS). Espec铆ficament, els coeficients de partici贸 d'una s猫rie de 63 mol猫cules en un sistema aqu贸s de micel路les de SDS, SC, HTAB i LPFOS es correlacionen amb el coeficient de partici贸 en deu barreges aquoses. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que els coeficients de partici贸 calculats a la barreja alcohol/aigua donen la millor correlaci贸 per predir els coeficients de partici贸 experimentals en micel路les SDS, SC i LPFOS. Pel que fa als sistemes micelars HTAB, es crea una nova selecci贸 de mol猫cules, excloent-ne aquelles que contenen 脿toms de N arom脿tics i grups d'urea. 脡s interessant notar que el coeficient de partici贸 d'aquestes mol猫cules triades mostra una forta correlaci贸 amb el coeficient de partici贸 experimental. Finalment, es va estudiar el coeficient de partici贸 de mol猫cules flexibles mitjan莽ant el mateix protocol per a dues combinacions de dissolvents, octanol/aigua i ciclohex脿/aigua. Els valors calculats es van comparar amb els coeficients de partici贸 experimentals. El coeficient de partici贸 mitjana en dissolvent octanol va mostrar una alta correlaci贸 amb les dades experimentals. Tot i aix貌, per als 16 compostos en el dissolvent ciclohex脿, els seus coeficients de partici贸 no mostren una concordan莽a significativa amb els coeficients de partici贸 experimental

    Prediction of partition coefficients for systems of micelles using DFT

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    [eng] A compound鈥檚 solvent鈭抴ater partition coefficient (log P) measures the equilibrium ratio of the compound鈥檚 concentrations in a two-phase system: as two solvents in contact or a system of micelles in an aqueous solution. In this thesis, the partition coefficient of three groups of small compounds (alcohol, ether, and hydrocarbons) in 10 different solvents (benzene, cyclohexane, hexane, n-Octane, toluene, carbon tetrachloride, heptane, trichloroethane, and octanol) was computed used DFT and B3LYP method with 6.31G(d), 6.311+G** and 6.311++G** basis sets. It is obtained that the partition coefficient of alcohol solutes in various solvents using the 6.31G(d) basis set indicates a satisfactory correlation with experimental values. The correlation between the experimental value and the partition coefficient of ether solutes in different solvents using the 6.311++G** basis set shows high agreement. The experimental data displayed a high correlation with the partition coefficient computed for hydrocarbon compounds in various solvents using all three basis sets: 6.31G(d), 6.311+G**, and 6.311++G**. In addition, we have studied the correlation of the experimental partition coefficients in Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB), Sodium cholate (SC), and Lithium perfluoro octane sulfonate (LPFOS) micelles with ab initio calculated partition coefficients in 15 different organic solvents. Specifically, the partition coefficients of a series of 63 molecules in an aqueous system of SDS, SC, HTAB, and LPFOS micelles are correlated with the partition coefficient in heptane/water, cyclohexane/water, n-dodecane/water, pyridine/water, acetic acid/water, octanol/water, acetone/water, 1-propanol/water, 2-propanol/water, methanol/water, formic acid/water, diethyl sulfide/water, decan-1-ol/water, 1-2 ethane diol/water and dimethyl sulfoxide/water systems. All calculations were performed using the Gaussian 16 Quantum Chemistry package. Molecular structures were generated in the more extended conformation using Avogadro, and geometries of all molecules were optimized using Density Functional Theory (DFT) B3LYP and MO6-2X with 6-31++G** basis set by the continuum solvation model based on density (SMD). The obtained results show that calculated partition coefficients in the alcohol/water mixture give the best correlation to predict the experimental partition coefficients in SDS, SC, and LPFOS micelles. With respect to HTAB micelle systems, a new selection of molecules is created, excluding those containing N atoms and Urea atom groups. Interestingly, the partition coefficient of these chosen molecules exhibits a strong correlation with the experimental partition coefficient. Finally, the partition coefficient of flexible molecules was studied by the same protocol for two solvent combinations, octanol/water and cyclohexane/water. The calculated values were compared with the experimental partition coefficients. The average partition coefficient in octanol solvent exhibited a high correlation with the experimental data. However, for the 16 compounds in the cyclohexane solvent, their partition coefficients do not exhibit significant agreement with the experimental partition coefficients.[cat] S'ha desenvolupat una metodologia computacional per calcular el coeficient de partici贸 de diferents tipus de mol猫cules en sistemes micel路lars. En primer lloc, s'ha calculat el coeficient de partici贸 de tres grups de compostos (alcohol, 猫ter i hidrocarburs) utilitzant el m猫tode DFT amb el funcional B3LYP. S'han obtingut correlacions satisfact貌ries amb els valors experimentals. En aquesta tesi s'ha desenvolupat un procediment per calcular els coeficients de partici贸 experimentals en micel路les de dodecilsulfat de sodi (SDS), bromur d'hexadeciltrimetilamoni (HTAB), colat de sodi (SC) i perfluorooctanosulfonat de liti (LPFOS). Espec铆ficament, els coeficients de partici贸 d'una s猫rie de 63 mol猫cules en un sistema aqu贸s de micel路les de SDS, SC, HTAB i LPFOS es correlacionen amb el coeficient de partici贸 en deu barreges aquoses. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que els coeficients de partici贸 calculats a la barreja alcohol/aigua donen la millor correlaci贸 per predir els coeficients de partici贸 experimentals en micel路les SDS, SC i LPFOS. Pel que fa als sistemes micelars HTAB, es crea una nova selecci贸 de mol猫cules, excloent-ne aquelles que contenen 脿toms de N arom脿tics i grups d'urea. 脡s interessant notar que el coeficient de partici贸 d'aquestes mol猫cules triades mostra una forta correlaci贸 amb el coeficient de partici贸 experimental. Finalment, es va estudiar el coeficient de partici贸 de mol猫cules flexibles mitjan莽ant el mateix protocol per a dues combinacions de dissolvents, octanol/aigua i ciclohex脿/aigua. Els valors calculats es van comparar amb els coeficients de partici贸 experimentals. El coeficient de partici贸 mitjana en dissolvent octanol va mostrar una alta correlaci贸 amb les dades experimentals. Tot i aix貌, per als 16 compostos en el dissolvent ciclohex脿, els seus coeficients de partici贸 no mostren una concordan莽a significativa amb els coeficients de partici贸 experimental