7 research outputs found

    Participatory approaches for the development and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for rural farmers

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    Abstract: One of the prime ingredients for rural development in developing countries is information access. Although the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution in these countries has gained momentum, most of the farming communities still have no access to value added information. The agricultural researcher and the farming community need to enhance their knowledge by increased ‘farmer participation’ in research. This paper makes a strong case for the use of participatory approaches involving farming community for development and adoption of ICT in the agricultural sector. It acknowledges that farmers are knowledgeable and encourages researchers to work with farmers and development workers for agricultural improvements. This paper discusses how digital ICT developed by means of participatory learning and action research can spur development and eradicate poverty by providing services to farmers in rural areas. It also highlights how participatory approaches can empower collective groups of farmers and help to put decision-making in the hands of the farmers. Although no single ICT will be satisfactory for farmers, the use of a wide range of ICTs in agriculture can improve the livelihood of the farmers in rural areas and help in their socio-economic growth. The paper focuses on various participatory approaches such as participatory communication and participatory learning for effective use of ICTs in agricultural domain. It highlights how participatory approaches can assist in ‘participatory information and communication technology development’ for rural farming community

    Using participation and participatory approaches to introduce ICTs into rural communities

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    There is evidence that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have transformed the lives of rural communities who have access to ICT resources. The rural communities’ experience and knowledge of agriculture is often underestimated. The various approaches for participation and sharing of knowledge to develop ICTs by acknowledging farmers, will lead to socio-economic development and empowerment of rural communities. The paper highlights how to use participation and participatory approaches to introduce ICTs to the rural community. The rural farming community should contribute to solving problems by sharing their knowledge base with developmental workers and researchers using various participatory approaches. Community participation is the key to the development of sustainable farming systems. This paper discusses how ‘participation’ would help the farming community in identifying their technological and agricultural needs and assisting them to adopt agricultural ICTs. The authors suggest the use of a mix of participatory approaches to assist in participatory information and communication technology development - PICTD. This paper discusses lessons learned while using participatory approaches to introduce ICTs to rural communities

    ICT in Education:Secondary Technical Vocational Education and Training Institute Centered Diffusion of Innovation in Rural Bangladesh

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    Bewertung und Akzeptanz heterogener Weizenpopulationen in ökologischen Wertschöpfungsketten

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    BAKWERT war konzeptionell auf die Stärkung der gesamten ökologischen Wertschöpfungskette und die Verbreitung von Innovationen zur ökologischen Intensivierung der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion ausgerichtet. Am Beispiel heterogener Weizenpopulationen wurde eine gemeinsame Dynamik der Innovation in Landwirtschaft, Verarbeitung und Vermarktung hergestellt. Das Gesamtziel von BAKWERT war es, zur Weiterentwicklung und Verbreitung des innovativen agrarökologischen Züchtungsansatzes heterogener Populationen beizutragen. Erstes Arbeitsziel war die Etablierung und Organisation von drei regionalen ökologischen Wertschöpfungsketten für den Anbau, die Verarbeitung und Vermarktung heterogener Weizenpopulationen. Diese regionalen Wertschöpfungsketten mit insgesamt 10 Landwirtschafts-, 3 Mühlen- und 14 Bäckereibetrieben wurden kontinuierlich mit Ergebnissen aus den Analysen versorgt, um laufend Anpassungen und Verbesserungen zu ermöglichen und die Optimierung von Prozessen und Produkten sicherzustellen. Hauptaugenmerk lag auf der Identifizierung von Anpassungsbedarfen beim Anbau bzw. der Verarbeitung von heterogenem Weizen. Hierzu wurden die Praxisprozesse eng begleitet und die Erfahrungen dokumentiert. Die laufenden Datenerhebungen und Analysen (Feldbonituren, Ernteanalysen, Mahl- und Backtests, etc.) wurden ergänzt durch strukturierte qualitative Datenerhebungen (Interviews, Gruppendiskussionen, etc.). Erträge und Qualitäten der zwei untersuchten Populationen waren vergleichbar mit der Liniensorte ‚Aristaro‘. Insbesondere bei der Backqualität wies das heterogene Material dabei eine höhere Stabilität auf. Im BAKWERT-Projekt hat sich gezeigt, dass heterogene Populationen auch in der Praxis eine erfolgreiche Strategie für ökologische Qualitätsweizenerzeugung im Klimawandel sind. Der Populationsweizen kann ohne Schwierigkeiten oder Anpassungsbedarf in den regulären Warenfluss der Mühlen und Bäckereien integriert werden. Für Bäckereien mit engem Kundenkontakt und starker Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation bieten spezielle Populationsprodukte zusätzlich Möglichkeiten zur Produktdifferenzierung und Profilbildung im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit und Regionalität

    Designing and developing an e-Agricultural information service at the library of Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) : a survey

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    The topic of this study done in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe was to explore the viability of designing and developing an e-agricultural information service at the Library of Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT).The aim of the study was to determine the feasibility of designing and developing a web based information database for answering farmers’ queries. It also aimed to identify ways in which agricultural information can be transferred to farmers using ICTs available to the farming community and CUT. The findings indicated that an effective and efficient e-agriculture information service can be established at CUT using cell phones as the main communication medium. The research design was a survey and a questionnaire was used for data collection. SPSS was used for data analysis form which interpretations and recommendations were made.Information ScienceM. Information Scienc

    Secondary Educational Institution Centered Diffusion of ICT in Rural Bangladesh

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