263,755 research outputs found

    A new approach to collaborative frameworks using shared objects

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    Multi-user graphical applications currently require the creation of a set of interface objects to maintain each participating display. The concept of shared objects allows a single object instance to be used in multiple contexts concurrently. This provides a novel way of reducing collaborative overheads by requiring the maintenance of only a single set of interface objects. The paper presents the concept of a shared-object collaborative framework and illustrates how the concept can be incorporated into an existing object-oriented toolkit

    AXES at TRECVid 2011

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    The AXES project participated in the interactive known-item search task (KIS) and the interactive instance search task (INS) for TRECVid 2011. We used the same system architecture and a nearly identical user interface for both the KIS and INS tasks. Both systems made use of text search on ASR, visual concept detectors, and visual similarity search. The user experiments were carried out with media professionals and media students at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, with media professionals performing the KIS task and media students participating in the INS task. This paper describes the results and findings of our experiments

    An empirical study of the “prototype walkthrough”: a studio-based activity for HCI education

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    For over a century, studio-based instruction has served as an effective pedagogical model in architecture and fine arts education. Because of its design orientation, human-computer interaction (HCI) education is an excellent venue for studio-based instruction. In an HCI course, we have been exploring a studio-based learning activity called the prototype walkthrough, in which a student project team simulates its evolving user interface prototype while a student audience member acts as a test user. The audience is encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback. We have observed that prototype walkthroughs create excellent conditions for learning about user interface design. In order to better understand the educational value of the activity, we performed a content analysis of a video corpus of 16 prototype walkthroughs held in two HCI courses. We found that the prototype walkthrough discussions were dominated by relevant design issues. Moreover, mirroring the justification behavior of the expert instructor, students justified over 80 percent of their design statements and critiques, with nearly one-quarter of those justifications having a theoretical or empirical basis. Our findings suggest that PWs provide valuable opportunities for students to actively learn HCI design by participating in authentic practice, and provide insight into how such opportunities can be best promoted

    Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Weakly Ionized Medium

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    Ambient interstellar material may become entrained in outflows from massive stars as a result of shear flow instabilities. We study the linear theory of the Kelvin - Helmholtz instability, the simplest example of shear flow instability, in a partially ionized medium. We model the interaction as a two fluid system (charged and neutral) in a planar geometry. Our principal result is that for much of the relevant parameter space, neutrals and ions are sufficiently decoupled that the neutrals are unstable while the ions are held in place by the magnetic field. Thus, we predict that there should be a detectably narrower line profile in ionized species tracing the outflow compared with neutral species since ionized species are not participating in the turbulent interface with the ambient ISM. Since the magnetic field is frozen to the plasma, it is not tangled by the turbulence in the boundary layer.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Strongly enhanced shot noise in chains of quantum dots

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    We study charge transport through a chain of quantum dots. The dots are fully coherent among each other and weakly coupled to metallic electrodes via the dots at the interface, thus modelling a molecular wire. If the non-local Coulomb interactions dominate over the inter-dot hopping we find strongly enhanced shot noise above the sequential tunneling threshold. The current is not enhanced in the region of enhanced noise, thus rendering the noise super-Poissonian. In contrast to earlier work this is achieved even in a fully symmetric system. The origin of this novel behavior lies in a competition of "slow" and "fast" transport channels that are formed due to the differing non-local wave functions and total spin of the states participating in transport. This strong enhancement may allow direct experimental detection of shot noise in a chain of lateral quantum dots.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Community theatre diversity: connections between Portugal and Brazil

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    The desire to transform the scene into an interface of cultural inscriptions, of specific sounds, of loose impulses and of pluralistic corporalities has transformed theatre into a permanent research. Thus, participating in creative processes in community-based collectives becomes a powerful instrument of social mobilisation and political activism

    Pedagogy Embedded in Educational Software Design: Report of a Case Study

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    Most educational software is designed to foster students' learning outcomes but with little consideration of the teaching framework in which it will be used. This paper presents a significantly different model of educational software that was derived from a case study of two teachers participating in a software design process. It shows the relationship between particular elements of the teachers' pedagogy and the characteristics of the software design. In this model the 'classroom atmosphere' is embedded in the human-computer interface scenarios and elements, the 'teaching strategy' in the design of the browsing strategies of the software, and the 'learning strategy' in the particular forms of interaction with the software. The model demonstrates significant links between the study of Pedagogy and the study of Information Technology in Education and has implications for the relationship between these two areas of research and consequently for teacher training. The model proposes a perspective on educational software design that takes into consideration not only learning theories, but also teaching theories and practice

    K-Space at TRECVID 2008

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    In this paper we describe K-Space’s participation in TRECVid 2008 in the interactive search task. For 2008 the K-Space group performed one of the largest interactive video information retrieval experiments conducted in a laboratory setting. We had three institutions participating in a multi-site multi-system experiment. In total 36 users participated, 12 each from Dublin City University (DCU, Ireland), University of Glasgow (GU, Scotland) and Centrum Wiskunde and Informatica (CWI, the Netherlands). Three user interfaces were developed, two from DCU which were also used in 2007 as well as an interface from GU. All interfaces leveraged the same search service. Using a latin squares arrangement, each user conducted 12 topics, leading in total to 6 runs per site, 18 in total. We officially submitted for evaluation 3 of these runs to NIST with an additional expert run using a 4th system. Our submitted runs performed around the median. In this paper we will present an overview of the search system utilized, the experimental setup and a preliminary analysis of our results