7 research outputs found

    Developing and Delivering a Remote Experiment based on the Experiential Learning framework during COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The students following Engineering disciplines should acquire a conceptual understanding of the concepts and the processors and attitudes. There are two recognizable learning environments for students: classroom and laboratory environments. With the COVID-19 Pandemic, both environments merged to online environments, impacting students' processes and characteristic attitudes development. This paper introduces a theoretical framework based on experiential learning to plan and deliver processes online. A case study based on the power-factor correction experiment was presented. The traditional experiment that runs for 2 hours was broken into smaller tasks such as pre-lab activity, simulation exercise, PowerPoint presentation, remote laboratory activity, and final report based on the experiential learning approach. The delivery of the lab under online mode delivery was presented. Then students' performance was compared before and after the online mode of delivery. It was found that students' performance on average has a distinct improvement. In order to obtain students' reflections about the online experiential learning approach, a questionnaire that carries close and open-ended questions was administered. The majority of the students liked the approach followed and praised for allowing them to experiment in a novel way during the COVID-19


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    The article presents and describes a tool for the professional development of teachers. Special attention is paid to the subject-methodical section, the implementation of which since 2020 has been taking place in an online form with the use of distance educational technologies. The article describes and presents the concepts of «e-learning» and «distance learning technologies,» and briefly presents the history of the development of distance education in the world. The article contains a description of the advantages of distance learning, as well as an analysis of the difficulties experienced by students of training courses and seminars, and advanced training of distance courses. In the post-industrial world, one of the main qualification requirements is professional mobility, determined by readiness for continuous retraining and advanced training. The education system, designed to ensure the increase of human capital, and increase the efficiency and competitiveness of the economy, should, first of all, prepare people for life in rapidly changing conditions. Therefore, the system itself must keep up with the changes taking place. The main challenge of 2020 was the emergency transfer of the educational process to a remote form using e-learning technologies. The education system did not have time to «group up» and prepare. The implementation of educational programs in a remote format required careful coordination of pedagogical activities and thoughtful administration of the process. The crisis exposed serious substantive and organizational problems in the industry and identified professional-pedagogical difficulties in the field of ICT competence: both at the level of the general user and the level of the general pedagogical component. The pedagogical community has an objective need to master new competencies. We can assume that the current situation will inevitably entail changes in the standards of training and retraining, as well as the emergence of new training programs

    Проектирование и реализация микросервисной архитектуры веб-платформы для обучения иностранным языкам

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    В данной работе рассматриваются механизмы и методы создания сервисов: изучение слов, аккаунты, тесты, запись на занятия с преподавателями. Также рассматриваются варианты синхронизации работы различных сервисов и данных между собой.This work contains mechanisms and methods for creating such services as word learning, accounts, tests, and individual classes with teachers. There are various options for synchronizing services and data with each other

    Investigating Cultural Values and Educational Technology Adoption in Central Asia: A Case Study

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    Although the adoption of new tools for communication and learning could reasonably be expected to influence culture, little is known about the relationship between cultural values and the adoption or diffusion of Web 2.0 technologies. This case study examines the way in which the cultural values of 59 teachers in four Central Asian countries influenced and were influenced by Web 2.0 technologies during five to eighteen months of online professional development. Data was collected through self-introductions, Likert-scale and open-ended prompts on initial and final surveys, online forum discussions, and capstone projects. This allows an examination of changes in the participants’ expressed attitudes toward and use of Web 2.0 educational technology as well as the identification of cultural values (Hofstede, 1980b) associated with these patterns of adoption and diffusion. The findings are especially beneficial to decision-makers who care about the way the use of Web 2.0 educational technologies could impact educational systems and cultures