4 research outputs found

    PeopleNet: A Novel People Counting Framework for Head-Mounted Moving Camera Videos

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    Traditional crowd counting (optical flow or feature matching) techniques have been upgraded to deep learning (DL) models due to their lack of automatic feature extraction and low-precision outcomes. Most of these models were tested on surveillance scene crowd datasets captured by stationary shooting equipment. It is very challenging to perform people counting from the videos shot with a head-mounted moving camera; this is mainly due to mixing the temporal information of the moving crowd with the induced camera motion. This study proposed a transfer learning-based PeopleNet model to tackle this significant problem. For this, we have made some significant changes to the standard VGG16 model, by disabling top convolutional blocks and replacing its standard fully connected layers with some new fully connected and dense layers. The strong transfer learning capability of the VGG16 network yields in-depth insights of the PeopleNet into the good quality of density maps resulting in highly accurate crowd estimation. The performance of the proposed model has been tested over a self-generated image database prepared from moving camera video clips, as there is no public and benchmark dataset for this work. The proposed framework has given promising results on various crowd categories such as dense, sparse, average, etc. To ensure versatility, we have done self and cross-evaluation on various crowd counting models and datasets, which proves the importance of the PeopleNet model in adverse defense of society

    Face Centered Image Analysis Using Saliency and Deep Learning Based Techniques

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    Image analysis starts with the purpose of configuring vision machines that can perceive like human to intelligently infer general principles and sense the surrounding situations from imagery. This dissertation studies the face centered image analysis as the core problem in high level computer vision research and addresses the problem by tackling three challenging subjects: Are there anything interesting in the image? If there is, what is/are that/they? If there is a person presenting, who is he/she? What kind of expression he/she is performing? Can we know his/her age? Answering these problems results in the saliency-based object detection, deep learning structured objects categorization and recognition, human facial landmark detection and multitask biometrics. To implement object detection, a three-level saliency detection based on the self-similarity technique (SMAP) is firstly proposed in the work. The first level of SMAP accommodates statistical methods to generate proto-background patches, followed by the second level that implements local contrast computation based on image self-similarity characteristics. At last, the spatial color distribution constraint is considered to realize the saliency detection. The outcome of the algorithm is a full resolution image with highlighted saliency objects and well-defined edges. In object recognition, the Adaptive Deconvolution Network (ADN) is implemented to categorize the objects extracted from saliency detection. To improve the system performance, L1/2 norm regularized ADN has been proposed and tested in different applications. The results demonstrate the efficiency and significance of the new structure. To fully understand the facial biometrics related activity contained in the image, the low rank matrix decomposition is introduced to help locate the landmark points on the face images. The natural extension of this work is beneficial in human facial expression recognition and facial feature parsing research. To facilitate the understanding of the detected facial image, the automatic facial image analysis becomes essential. We present a novel deeply learnt tree-structured face representation to uniformly model the human face with different semantic meanings. We show that the proposed feature yields unified representation in multi-task facial biometrics and the multi-task learning framework is applicable to many other computer vision tasks

    Partially-Sparse Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Background Modeling and Subtraction

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    Binary Representation Learning for Large Scale Visual Data

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    The exponentially growing modern media created large amount of multimodal or multidomain visual data, which usually reside in high dimensional space. And it is crucial to provide not only effective but also efficient understanding of the data.In this dissertation, we focus on learning binary representation of visual dataset, whose primary use has been hash code for retrieval purpose. Simultaneously it serves as multifunctional feature that can also be used for various computer vision tasks. Essentially, this is achieved by discriminative learning that preserves the supervision information in the binary representation.By using deep networks such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as backbones, and effective binary embedding algorithm that is seamlessly integrated into the learning process, we achieve state-of-the art performance on several settings. First, we study the supervised binary representation learning problem by using label information directly instead of pairwise similarity or triplet loss. By considering images and associated textual information, we study the cross-modal representation learning. CNNs are used in both image and text embedding, and we are able to perform retrieval and prediction across these modalities. Furthermore, by utilizing unlabeled images from a different domain, we propose to use adversarial learning to connect these domains. Finally, we also consider progressive learning for more efficient learning and instance-level representation learning to provide finer granularity understanding. This dissertation demonstrates that binary representation is versatile and powerful under various circumstances with different tasks