265 research outputs found

    Database Principles and Technologies – Based on Huawei GaussDB

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    This open access book contains eight chapters that deal with database technologies, including the development history of database, database fundamentals, introduction to SQL syntax, classification of SQL syntax, database security fundamentals, database development environment, database design fundamentals, and the application of Huawei’s cloud database product GaussDB database. This book can be used as a textbook for database courses in colleges and universities, and is also suitable as a reference book for the HCIA-GaussDB V1.5 certification examination. The Huawei GaussDB (for MySQL) used in the book is a Huawei cloud-based high-performance, highly applicable relational database that fully supports the syntax and functionality of the open source database MySQL. All the experiments in this book can be run on this database platform. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence

    Database Principles and Technologies – Based on Huawei GaussDB

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    This open access book contains eight chapters that deal with database technologies, including the development history of database, database fundamentals, introduction to SQL syntax, classification of SQL syntax, database security fundamentals, database development environment, database design fundamentals, and the application of Huawei’s cloud database product GaussDB database. This book can be used as a textbook for database courses in colleges and universities, and is also suitable as a reference book for the HCIA-GaussDB V1.5 certification examination. The Huawei GaussDB (for MySQL) used in the book is a Huawei cloud-based high-performance, highly applicable relational database that fully supports the syntax and functionality of the open source database MySQL. All the experiments in this book can be run on this database platform. As the world’s leading provider of ICT (information and communication technology) infrastructure and smart terminals, Huawei’s products range from digital data communication, cyber security, wireless technology, data storage, cloud computing, and smart computing to artificial intelligence

    Applications integration for manufacturing control systems with particular reference to software interoperability issues

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    The introduction and adoption of contemporary computer aided manufacturing control systems (MCS) can help rationalise and improve the productivity of manufacturing related activities. Such activities include product design, process planning and production management with CAD, CAPP and CAPM. However, they tend to be domain specific and would generally have been designed as stand-alone systems where there is a serious lack of consideration for integration requirements with other manufacturing activities outside the area of immediate concern. As a result, "islands of computerisation" exist which exhibit deficiencies and constraints that inhibit or complicate subsequent interoperation among typical MCS components. As a result of these interoperability constraints, contemporary forms of MCS typically yield sub-optimal benefits and do not promote synergy on an enterprise-wide basis. The move towards more integrated manufacturing systems, which requires advances in software interoperability, is becoming a strategic issue. Here the primary aim is to realise greater functional synergy between software components which span engineering, production and management activities and systems. Hence information of global interest needs to be shared across conventional functional boundaries between enterprise functions. The main thrust of this research study is to derive a new generation of MCS in which software components can "functionally interact" and share common information through accessing distributed data repositories in an efficient, highly flexible and standardised manner. It addresses problems of information fragmentation and the lack of formalism, as well as issues relating to flexibly structuring interactions between threads of functionality embedded within the various components. The emphasis is on the: • definition of generic information models which underpin the sharing of common data among production planning, product design, finite capacity scheduling and cell control systems. • development of an effective framework to manage functional interaction between MCS components, thereby coordinating their combined activities. • "soft" or flexible integration of the MCS activities over an integrating infrastructure in order to (i) help simplify typical integration problems found when using contemporary interconnection methods for applications integration; and (ii) enable their reconfiguration and incremental development. In order to facilitate adaptability in response to changing needs, these systems must also be engineered to enable reconfigurability over their life cycle. Thus within the scope of this research study a new methodology and software toolset have been developed to formally structure and support implementation, run-time and change processes. The tool set combines the use of IDEFO (for activity based or functional modelling), IDEFIX (for entity-attribute relationship modelling), and EXPRESS (for information modelling). This research includes a pragmatic but effective means of dealing with legacyl software, which often may be a vital source of readily available information which supports the operation of the manufacturing enterprise. The pragmatism and medium term relevance of the research study has promoted particular interest and collaboration from software manufacturers and industrial practitioners. Proof of concept studies have been carried out to implement and evaluate the developed mechanisms and software toolset

    Integrated persistent object manager (IPOM) : a model to support persistence and data sharing in object-oriented database systems

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    Computer Scienc

    CazDataProvider: a solution to the object-relational mismatch

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaToday, most software applications require mechanisms to store information persistently. For decades, Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs) have been the most common technology to provide efficient and reliable persistence. Due to the object-relational paradigm mismatch, object oriented applications that store data in relational databases have to deal with Object Relational Mapping (ORM) problems. Since the emerging of new ORM frameworks, there has been an attempt to lure developers for a radical paradigm shift. However, they still often have troubles finding the best persistence mechanism for their applications, especially when they have to bear with legacy database systems. The aim of this dissertation is to discuss the persistence problem on object oriented applications and find the best solutions. The main focus lies on the ORM limitations, patterns, technologies and alternatives. The project supporting this dissertation was implemented at Cachapuz under the Project Global Weighting Solutions (GWS). Essentially, the objectives of GWS were centred on finding the optimal persistence layer for CazFramework, mostly providing database interoperability with close-to-Structured Query Language (SQL) querying. Therefore, this work provides analyses on ORM patterns, frameworks, alternatives to ORM like Object-Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMSs). It also describes the implementation of CazDataProvider, a .NET library tool providing database interoperability and dynamic query features. In the end, there is a performance comparison of all the technologies debated in this dissertation. The result of this dissertation provides guidance for adopting the best persistence technology or implement the most suitable ORM architectures.Hoje, a maioria dos aplicações requerem mecanismos para armazenar informação persistentemente. Durante décadas, as RDBMSs têm sido a tecnologia mais comum para fornecer persistência eficiente e confiável. Devido à incompatibilidade dos paradigmas objetos-relacional, as aplicações orientadas a objetos que armazenam dados em bases de dados relacionais têm de lidar com os problemas do ORM. Desde o surgimento de novas frameworks ORM, houve uma tentativa de atrair programadores para uma mudança radical de paradigmas. No entanto, eles ainda têm muitas vezes dificuldade em encontrar o melhor mecanismo de persistência para as suas aplicações, especialmente quando eles têm de lidar com bases de dados legadss. O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir o problema de persistência em aplicações orientadas a objetos e encontrar as melhores soluções. O foco principal está nas limitações, padrões e tecnologias do ORM bem como suas alternativas. O projeto de apoio a esta dissertação foi implementado na Cachapuz no âmbito do Projeto GWS. Essencialmente, os objetivos do GWS foram centrados em encontrar a camada de persistência ideal para a CazFramework, principalmente fornecendo interoperabilidade de base de dados e consultas em SQL. Portanto, este trabalho fornece análises sobre padrões, frameworks e alternativas ao ORM como OODBMS. Além disso descreve a implementação do CazDataProvider, uma biblioteca .NET que fornece interoperabilidade de bases de dados e consultas dinâmicas. No final, há uma comparação de desempenho de todas as tecnologias discutidas nesta dissertação. O resultado deste trabalho fornece orientação para adotar a melhor tecnologia de persistência ou implementar as arquiteturas ORM mais adequadas

    Developing a database for Genbank information.

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    The thesis project, Gene Database, was done to create a way for the bioinformatics research group at the University of Louisville to have access to GenBank EST information in the form of a database. This database allows for a programmable front end to be used to conduct further research with the use of EST information. The database backend used is Oracle and was populated through a custom Java program. The loader was created in lieu of using Oracle\u27s SQL*Loader because of the limitations in SQL*Loader. Previous ways of accessing the GenBank information included downloading the compressed files and using them locally as raw file formats or using the NCBI Website remotely. This Gene Database allows for a central location for bio-information of the GenBank to be kept at the University of Louisville. The database was initially populated with the human EST information. The database is versatile enough to allow for other organisms to be stored in the database as well. It also allows for custom queries for specific research goals that are spawned by having this information readily available for researchers

    Program Analysis and Compilation Techniques for Speeding up Transactional Database Workloads

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    There is a trend towards increased specialization of data management software for performance reasons. The improved performance not only leads to a more efficient usage of the underlying hardware and cuts the operation costs of the system, but also is a game-changing competitive advantage for many emerging application domains such as high-frequency algorithmic trading, clickstream analysis, infrastructure monitoring, fraud detection, and online advertising to name a few. In this thesis, we study the automatic specialization and optimization of database application programs -- sequences of queries and updates, augmented with control flow constructs as they appear in database scripts, user-defined functions (UDFs), transactional workloads and triggers in languages such as PL/SQL. We propose to build online transaction processing (OLTP) systems around a modern compiler infrastructure. We show how to build an optimizing compiler for transaction programs using generative programming and state-of-the-art compiler technology, and present techniques for aggressive code inlining, fusion, deforestation, and data structure specialization in the domain of relational transaction programs. We also identify and explore the key optimizations that can be applied in this domain. In addition, we study the advantage of using program dependency analysis and restructuring to enable the concurrency control algorithms to achieve higher performance. Traditionally, optimistic concurrency control algorithms, such as optimistic Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), avoid blocking concurrent transactions at the cost of having a validation phase. Upon failure in the validation phase, the transaction is usually aborted and restarted from scratch. The "abort and restart" approach becomes a performance bottleneck for use cases with high contention objects or long running transactions. In addition, restarting from scratch creates a negative feedback loop in the system, because the system incurs additional overhead that may create even more conflicts. However, using the dependency information inside the transaction programs, we propose a novel transaction repair approach for in-memory databases. This low overhead approach summarizes the transaction programs in the form of a dependency graph. The dependency graph also contains the constructs used in the validation phase of the MVCC algorithm. Then, when encountering conflicts among transactions, our mechanism quickly detects the conflict locations in the program and partially re-executes the conflicting transactions. This approach maximizes the reuse of the computations done in the first execution round and increases the transaction processing throughput. We evaluate the proposed ideas and techniques in the thesis on some popular benchmarks such as TPC-C and modified versions of TPC-H and TPC-E, as well as other micro-benchmarks. We show that applying these techniques leads to 2x-100x performance improvement in many use cases. Besides, by selectively disabling some of the optimizations in the compiler, we derive a clinical and precise way of obtaining insight into their individual performance contributions
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