716 research outputs found

    MMFL-Net: Multi-scale and Multi-granularity Feature Learning for Cross-domain Fashion Retrieval

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    Instance-level image retrieval in fashion is a challenging issue owing to its increasing importance in real-scenario visual fashion search. Cross-domain fashion retrieval aims to match the unconstrained customer images as queries for photographs provided by retailers; however, it is a difficult task due to a wide range of consumer-to-shop (C2S) domain discrepancies and also considering that clothing image is vulnerable to various non-rigid deformations. To this end, we propose a novel multi-scale and multi-granularity feature learning network (MMFL-Net), which can jointly learn global-local aggregation feature representations of clothing images in a unified framework, aiming to train a cross-domain model for C2S fashion visual similarity. First, a new semantic-spatial feature fusion part is designed to bridge the semantic-spatial gap by applying top-down and bottom-up bidirectional multi-scale feature fusion. Next, a multi-branch deep network architecture is introduced to capture global salient, part-informed, and local detailed information, and extracting robust and discrimination feature embedding by integrating the similarity learning of coarse-to-fine embedding with the multiple granularities. Finally, the improved trihard loss, center loss, and multi-task classification loss are adopted for our MMFL-Net, which can jointly optimize intra-class and inter-class distance and thus explicitly improve intra-class compactness and inter-class discriminability between its visual representations for feature learning. Furthermore, our proposed model also combines the multi-task attribute recognition and classification module with multi-label semantic attributes and product ID labels. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed MMFL-Net achieves significant improvement over the state-of-the-art methods on the two datasets, DeepFashion-C2S and Street2Shop.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, Published by <Multimedia Tools and Applications

    A study of a clothing image segmentation method in complex conditions using a features fusion model

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    According to a priori knowledge in complex conditions, this paper proposes an unsupervised image segmentation algorithm to be used for clothing images that combines colour and texture features. First, block truncation encoding is used to divide the traditional three-dimensional colour space into a six-dimensional colour space so that more fine colour features can be obtained. Then, a texture feature based on the improved local binary pattern (LBP) algorithm is designed and used to describe the clothing image with the colour features. After that, according to the statistical appearance law of the object region and background information in the clothing image, a bisection method is proposed for the segmentation operation. Since the image is divided into several subimage blocks, bisection image segmentation will be accomplished more efficiently. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can quickly and effectively extract effective clothing regions from complex circumstances without any artificial parameters. The proposed clothing image segmentation method will play an important role in computer vision, machine learning applications, pattern recognition and intelligent systems

    Representation and use of chemistry in the global electronic age.

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    We present an overview of the current state of public semantic chemistry and propose new approaches at a strategic and a detailed level. We show by example how a model for a Chemical Semantic Web can be constructed using machine-processed data and information from journal articles.This manuscript addresses questions of robotic access to data and its automatic re-use, including the role of Open Access archival of data. This is a pre-refereed preprint allowed by the publisher's (Royal Soc. Chemistry) Green policy. The author's preferred manuscript is an HTML hyperdocument with ca. 20 links to images, some of which are JPEgs and some of which are SVG (scalable vector graphics) including animations. There are also links to molecules in CML, for which the Jmol viewer is recommended. We susgeest that readers who wish to see the full glory of the manuscript, download the Zipped version and unpack on their machine. We also supply a PDF and DOC (Word) version which obviously cannot show the animations, but which may be the best palce to start, particularly for those more interested in the text

    Exploring Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation without Human Labels

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    Semantic segmentation is a crucial task in computer vision that involves segmenting images into semantically meaningful regions at the pixel level. However, existing approaches often rely on expensive human annotations as supervision for model training, limiting their scalability to large, unlabeled datasets. To address this challenge, we present ZeroSeg, a novel method that leverages the existing pretrained vision-language (VL) model (e.g. CLIP) to train open-vocabulary zero-shot semantic segmentation models. Although acquired extensive knowledge of visual concepts, it is non-trivial to exploit knowledge from these VL models to the task of semantic segmentation, as they are usually trained at an image level. ZeroSeg overcomes this by distilling the visual concepts learned by VL models into a set of segment tokens, each summarizing a localized region of the target image. We evaluate ZeroSeg on multiple popular segmentation benchmarks, including PASCAL VOC 2012, PASCAL Context, and COCO, in a zero-shot manner (i.e., no training or adaption on target segmentation datasets). Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance when compared to other zero-shot segmentation methods under the same training data, while also performing competitively compared to strongly supervised methods. Finally, we also demonstrated the effectiveness of ZeroSeg on open-vocabulary segmentation, through both human studies and qualitative visualizations


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    Clothing recognition is a societally and commercially important yet extremely challenging problem due to large variations in clothing appearance, layering, style, body shape and pose. In this dissertation, we propose new computational vision approaches that learn to represent and recognize clothing items in images. First, we present an effective method for parsing clothing in fashion photographs, where we label the regions of an image with their clothing categories. We then extend our approach to tackle the clothing parsing problem using a data-driven methodology: for a query image, we find similar styles from a large database of tagged fashion images and use these examples to recognize clothing items in the query. Along with our novel large fashion dataset, we also present intriguing initial results on using clothing estimates to improve human pose identification. Second, we examine questions related to fashion styles and identifying the clothing elements associated with each style. We first design an online competitive style rating game called Hipster Wars to crowd source reliable human judgments of clothing styles. We use this game to collect a new dataset of clothing outfits with associated style ratings for different clothing styles. Next, we build visual style descriptors and train models that are able to classify clothing styles and identify the clothing elements are most discriminative in every style. Finally, we define a new task, Exact Street to Shop, where our goal is to match a real-world example of a garment item to the same exact garment in an online shop. This is an extremely challenging task due to visual differences between street photos that are taken of people wearing clothing in everyday uncontrolled settings, and online shop photos, which are captured by professionals in highly controlled settings. We introduce a novel large dataset for this application, collected from the web, and present a deep learning based similarity network that can compare clothing items across visual domains.Doctor of Philosoph