2 research outputs found

    Parametric model of spectral envelope to synthesize realistic intensity variations in singing voice

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    2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 634 - 638In this paper, we propose a method to synthesize the natural variations of spectral envelope as intensity varies in singing voice. To this end, we propose a parametric model of spectral envelope based on novel 4-pole resonators as formant filters. This model has been used to analyse 60 vowels sung at different intensities in order to define a set of functions describing the global variations of parameters along intensity. These functions have been used to modify the intensity of 16 recorded vowels and 8 synthetic vowels generated with Vocaloid. The realism of the transformations performed with our approach has been evaluated by four amateurmusicians in comparison to Melodyne for real sounds and to Vocaloid for synthetic sounds. The proposed approach has been proved to achieve more realistic sounds than Melodyne and Vocaloid, especially for loud-to-weak transformations.This work has been funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of the Spanish Government under Project No. TIN2010-21089-C03- 02 and Project No. IPT-2011-0885-430000, by the Junta de Andaluc´ıa under Project No. P11-TIC-7154 and by the Ministerio de Educaci ón, Cultura y Deporte through the ‘Programa Nacional de Movilidad de Recursos Humanos del Plan Nacional de I-D+i 2008-2011, prorrogado por Acuerdo de Consejo de Ministros de 7 de octubre de 2011’. The work has been done in the context of Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech, Universidad de Málaga

    Analysis on Using Synthesized Singing Techniques in Assistive Interfaces for Visually Impaired to Study Music

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    Tactile and auditory senses are the basic types of methods that visually impaired people sense the world. Their interaction with assistive technologies also focuses mainly on tactile and auditory interfaces. This research paper discuss about the validity of using most appropriate singing synthesizing techniques as a mediator in assistive technologies specifically built to address their music learning needs engaged with music scores and lyrics. Music scores with notations and lyrics are considered as the main mediators in musical communication channel which lies between a composer and a performer. Visually impaired music lovers have less opportunity to access this main mediator since most of them are in visual format. If we consider a music score, the vocal performer’s melody is married to all the pleasant sound producible in the form of singing. Singing best fits for a format in temporal domain compared to a tactile format in spatial domain. Therefore, conversion of existing visual format to a singing output will be the most appropriate nonlossy transition as proved by the initial research on adaptive music score trainer for visually impaired [1]. In order to extend the paths of this initial research, this study seek on existing singing synthesizing techniques and researches on auditory interfaces