187 research outputs found

    Parameterized Compilation Lower Bounds for Restricted CNF-formulas

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    We show unconditional parameterized lower bounds in the area of knowledge compilation, more specifically on the size of circuits in decomposable negation normal form (DNNF) that encode CNF-formulas restricted by several graph width measures. In particular, we show that - there are CNF formulas of size nn and modular incidence treewidth kk whose smallest DNNF-encoding has size nΩ(k)n^{\Omega(k)}, and - there are CNF formulas of size nn and incidence neighborhood diversity kk whose smallest DNNF-encoding has size nΩ(k)n^{\Omega(\sqrt{k})}. These results complement recent upper bounds for compiling CNF into DNNF and strengthen---quantitatively and qualitatively---known conditional low\-er bounds for cliquewidth. Moreover, they show that, unlike for many graph problems, the parameters considered here behave significantly differently from treewidth

    Limits of Preprocessing

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    We present a first theoretical analysis of the power of polynomial-time preprocessing for important combinatorial problems from various areas in AI. We consider problems from Constraint Satisfaction, Global Constraints, Satisfiability, Nonmonotonic and Bayesian Reasoning. We show that, subject to a complexity theoretic assumption, none of the considered problems can be reduced by polynomial-time preprocessing to a problem kernel whose size is polynomial in a structural problem parameter of the input, such as induced width or backdoor size. Our results provide a firm theoretical boundary for the performance of polynomial-time preprocessing algorithms for the considered problems.Comment: This is a slightly longer version of a paper that appeared in the proceedings of AAAI 201

    TP-Compilation for inference in probabilistic logic programs

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    We propose TP -compilation, a new inference technique for probabilistic logic programs that is based on forward reasoning. TP -compilation proceeds incrementally in that it interleaves the knowledge compilation step for weighted model counting with forward reasoning on the logic program. This leads to a novel anytime algorithm that provides hard bounds on the inferred probabilities. The main difference with existing inference techniques for probabilistic logic programs is that these are a sequence of isolated transformations. Typically, these transformations include conversion of the ground program into an equivalent propositional formula and compilation of this formula into a more tractable target representation for weighted model counting. An empirical evaluation shows that TP -compilation effectively handles larger instances of complex or cyclic real-world problems than current sequential approaches, both for exact and anytime approximate inference. Furthermore, we show that TP -compilation is conducive to inference in dynamic domains as it supports efficient updates to the compiled model

    Guarantees and Limits of Preprocessing in Constraint Satisfaction and Reasoning

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    We present a first theoretical analysis of the power of polynomial-time preprocessing for important combinatorial problems from various areas in AI. We consider problems from Constraint Satisfaction, Global Constraints, Satisfiability, Nonmonotonic and Bayesian Reasoning under structural restrictions. All these problems involve two tasks: (i) identifying the structure in the input as required by the restriction, and (ii) using the identified structure to solve the reasoning task efficiently. We show that for most of the considered problems, task (i) admits a polynomial-time preprocessing to a problem kernel whose size is polynomial in a structural problem parameter of the input, in contrast to task (ii) which does not admit such a reduction to a problem kernel of polynomial size, subject to a complexity theoretic assumption. As a notable exception we show that the consistency problem for the AtMost-NValue constraint admits a polynomial kernel consisting of a quadratic number of variables and domain values. Our results provide a firm worst-case guarantees and theoretical boundaries for the performance of polynomial-time preprocessing algorithms for the considered problems.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.2541, arXiv:1104.556

    Hunting for Tractable Languages for Judgment Aggregation

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    Judgment aggregation is a general framework for collective decision making that can be used to model many different settings. Due to its general nature, the worst case complexity of essentially all relevant problems in this framework is very high. However, these intractability results are mainly due to the fact that the language to represent the aggregation domain is overly expressive. We initiate an investigation of representation languages for judgment aggregation that strike a balance between (1) being limited enough to yield computational tractability results and (2) being expressive enough to model relevant applications. In particular, we consider the languages of Krom formulas, (definite) Horn formulas, and Boolean circuits in decomposable negation normal form (DNNF). We illustrate the use of the positive complexity results that we obtain for these languages with a concrete application: voting on how to spend a budget (i.e., participatory budgeting).Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2018

    Bit-Vector Model Counting using Statistical Estimation

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    Approximate model counting for bit-vector SMT formulas (generalizing \#SAT) has many applications such as probabilistic inference and quantitative information-flow security, but it is computationally difficult. Adding random parity constraints (XOR streamlining) and then checking satisfiability is an effective approximation technique, but it requires a prior hypothesis about the model count to produce useful results. We propose an approach inspired by statistical estimation to continually refine a probabilistic estimate of the model count for a formula, so that each XOR-streamlined query yields as much information as possible. We implement this approach, with an approximate probability model, as a wrapper around an off-the-shelf SMT solver or SAT solver. Experimental results show that the implementation is faster than the most similar previous approaches which used simpler refinement strategies. The technique also lets us model count formulas over floating-point constraints, which we demonstrate with an application to a vulnerability in differential privacy mechanisms
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