5 research outputs found

    Parameterization of point-cloud freeform surfaces using adaptive sequential learning RBFnetworks

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    We propose a self-organizing Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network method for parameterization of freeform surfaces from larger, noisy and unoriented point clouds. In particular, an adaptive sequential learning algorithm is presented for network construction from a single instance of point set. The adaptive learning allows neurons to be dynamically inserted and fully adjusted (e.g. their locations, widths and weights), according to mapping residuals and data point novelty associated to underlying geometry. Pseudo-neurons, exhibiting very limited contributions, can be removed through a pruning procedure. Additionally, a neighborhood extended Kalman filter (NEKF) was developed to significantly accelerate parameterization. Experimental results show that this adaptive learning enables effective capture of global low-frequency variations while preserving sharp local details, ultimately leading to accurate and compact parameterization, as characterized by a small number of neurons. Parameterization using the proposed RBF network provides simple, low cost and low storage solutions to many problems such as surface construction, re-sampling, hole filling, multiple level-of-detail meshing and data compression from unstructured and incomplete range data. Performance results are also presented for comparison

    A Review of 3D Point Clouds Parameterization Methods

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    3D point clouds parameterization is a very important research topic in the fields of computer graphics and computer vision, which has many applications such as texturing, remeshing and morphing, etc. Different from mesh parameterization, point clouds parameterization is a more challenging task in general as there is normally no connectivity information between points. Due to this challenge, the papers on point clouds parameterization are not as many as those on mesh parameterization. To the best of our knowledge, there are no review papers about point clouds parameterization. In this paper, we present a survey of existing methods for parameterizing 3D point clouds. We start by introducing the applications and importance of point clouds parameterization before explaining some relevant concepts. According to the organization of the point clouds, we first divide point cloud parameterization methods into two groups: organized and unorganized ones. Since various methods for unorganized point cloud parameterization have been proposed, we further divide the group of unorganized point cloud parameterization methods into some subgroups based on the technique used for parameterization. The main ideas and properties of each method are discussed aiming to provide an overview of various methods and help with the selection of different methods for various applications

    Bridge Structural Condition Assessment using 3D Imaging

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    Objective, accurate, and fast assessment of bridge structural condition is critical to timely assess safety risks. Current practices for bridge condition assessment rely on visual observations and manual interpretation of reports and sketches prepared by inspectors in the field. Visual observation, manual reporting and interpretation has several drawbacks such as being labor intensive, subject to personal judgment and experience, and prone to error. Terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) are promising sensors to automatically identify structural condition indicators, such as cracks, displacements and deflected shapes, as they are able to provide high coverage and accuracy at long ranges. However, there is limited research conducted on employing TLS to detect cracks for bridge condition assessment, which mainly focused on manual detection and measurements of cracks, displacements or shape deflections from the laser scan point clouds. TLS is an advance 3D imaging technology that is used to rapidly measure the 3D coordinates of densely scanned points within a scene. The data gathered by a TLS is provided in the form of 3D point clouds with color and intensity data often associated with each point within the cloud. This paper proposes a novel adaptive wavelet neural network (WNN) based approach to automatically detect concrete cracks from TLS point clouds for bridge structural condition assessment. The adaptive WNN is designed to selforganize, self-adapt, and sequentially learn a compact reconstruction of the 3D point cloud. The architecture of the network is based on a single-layer neural network consisting of Mexican hat wavelet functions. The approach was tested on a cracked concrete specimen. The preliminary experimental results show that the proposed approach is promising as it enables detecting concrete cracks accurately from TLS point clouds. Using the proposed method for crack detection would enable automatic and remote assessment of bridge condition. This would, in turn, result in reducing costs associated with infrastructure management, and improving the overall quality of our infrastructure by enhancing maintenance operations

    Free-boundary conformal parameterization of point clouds

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    With the advancement in 3D scanning technology, there has been a surge of interest in the use of point clouds in science and engineering. To facilitate the computations and analyses of point clouds, prior works have considered parameterizing them onto some simple planar domains with a fixed boundary shape such as a unit circle or a rectangle. However, the geometry of the fixed shape may lead to some undesirable distortion in the parameterization. It is therefore more natural to consider free-boundary conformal parameterizations of point clouds, which minimize the local geometric distortion of the mapping without constraining the overall shape. In this work, we develop a free-boundary conformal parameterization method for disk-type point clouds, which involves a novel approximation scheme of the point cloud Laplacian with accumulated cotangent weights together with a special treatment at the boundary points. With the aid of the free-boundary conformal parameterization, high-quality point cloud meshing can be easily achieved. Furthermore, we show that using the idea of conformal welding in complex analysis, the point cloud conformal parameterization can be computed in a divide-and-conquer manner. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Parameterization of point-cloud freeform surfaces using adaptive sequential learning RBFnetworks

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    This article was published in the journal, Pattern Recognition [© Elsevier Ltd.] and is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S003132031300054XWe propose a self-organizing Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network method for parameterization of freeform surfaces from larger, noisy and unoriented point clouds. In particular, an adaptive sequential learning algorithm is presented for network construction from a single instance of point set. The adaptive learning allows neurons to be dynamically inserted and fully adjusted (e.g. their locations, widths and weights), according to mapping residuals and data point novelty associated to underlying geometry. Pseudo-neurons, exhibiting very limited contributions, can be removed through a pruning procedure. Additionally, a neighborhood extended Kalman filter (NEKF) was developed to significantly accelerate parameterization. Experimental results show that this adaptive learning enables effective capture of global low-frequency variations while preserving sharp local details, ultimately leading to accurate and compact parameterization, as characterized by a small number of neurons. Parameterization using the proposed RBF network provides simple, low cost and low storage solutions to many problems such as surface construction, re-sampling, hole filling, multiple level-of-detail meshing and data compression from unstructured and incomplete range data. Performance results are also presented for comparison