309 research outputs found

    Parameter optimization for amplify-and-forward relaying systems with pilot symbol assisted modulation scheme

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    Article published in the journal:Wireless Sensor Network Also available from publisher: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/wsn.2009.11003Cooperative diversity is a promising technology for future wireless networks. In this paper, we consider a cooperative communication system operating in an amplify-and-forward (AF) mode with a pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM) scheme. It is assumed that a linear minimum mean square estimator (LMMSE) is used for the channel estimation at the receiver. A simple and easy-to-evaluate asymptotical upper bound (AUB) of the symbol-error-rate (SER) is derived for uncoded AF cooperative communication systems with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellations. Based on the AUB, we propose a criterion for the parameter optimization in the PSAM scheme. We discuss how the pilot spacing and the length of the Wiener filter should be chosen under the constraint of a tradeoff between pilot overhead, estimation accuracy, and receiver complexity. We also formulate an power allocation problem for the considered system. It is shown that the power allocation problem can optimally be solved by means of a gradient search method. Numerical simulations are presented to verify the correctness of the theoretical results and to demonstrate the benefits of the parameter optimization

    Using amplify-and-forward relay for coverage extension in indoor environments

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    Cooperative communication is a promising method for increasing the capacity and extending the coverage between a base station (BS) and a mobile user (MU) by using relays to exploit cooperative diversity. However, the existing literature mainly focuses on theoretical performance evaluation without experimental validation and, thus, fails to address the effects on real-world radio signal propagation. This research, therefore, aims to develop a prototype amplify-and-forward (AF) relay using software-defined radio (SDR) to evaluate the real-world performance of such a relay in improving coverage. The proposed relay is developed using the LabVIEW software and programmed on a National Instruments-Universal Software Radio Peripheral 2922 (NI-USRP 2922) SDR platform. The major merit of this entire communication setup is less expensive as the system uses a reprogrammable hardware. The measurements are performed indoors, and the signal strength or received power at the MU in cases with and without the relay is recorded. The results show that the received power performance and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the user improve significantly when the AF relay is deployed compared to when direct link point-to-point transmission without the relay is used

    Communications over fading channels with partial channel information : performance and design criteria

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    The effects of system parameters upon the performance are quantified under the assumption that some statistical information of the wireless fading channels is available. These results are useful in determining the optimal design of system parameters. Suboptimal receivers are designed for systems that are constrained in terms of implementation complexity. The achievable rates are investigated for a wireless communication system when neither the transmitter nor the receiver has prior knowledge of the channel state information (CSI). Quantitative results are provided for independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian signals. A simple, low-duty-cycle signaling scheme is proposed to improve the information rates for low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and the optimal duty cycle is expressed as a function of the fading rate and SNR. It is demonstrated that the resource allocations and duty cycles developed for Gaussian signals can also be applied to systems using other signaling formats. The average SNR and outage probabilities are examined for amplify-and-forward cooperative relaying schemes in Rayleigh fading channels. Simple power allocation strategies are determined by using knowledge of the mean strengths of the channels. Suboptimal algorithms are proposed for cases that optimal receivers are difficult to implement. For systems with multiple transmit antennas, an iterative method is used to avoid the inversion of a data-dependent matrix in decision-directed channel estimation. When CSI is not available, two noncoherent detection algorithms are formulated based on the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT). Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the use of GLRT-based detectors in systems with cooperative diversity

    Joint Relay Selection and Power Allocation in Large-Scale MIMO Systems with Untrusted Relays and Passive Eavesdroppers

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    In this paper, a joint relay selection and power allocation (JRP) scheme is proposed to enhance the physical layer security of a cooperative network, where a multiple antennas source communicates with a single-antenna destination in presence of untrusted relays and passive eavesdroppers (Eves). The objective is to protect the data confidentially while concurrently relying on the untrusted relays as potential Eves to improve both the security and reliability of the network. To realize this objective, we consider cooperative jamming performed by the destination while JRP scheme is implemented. With the aim of maximizing the instantaneous secrecy rate, we derive a new closed-form solution for the optimal power allocation and propose a simple relay selection criterion under two scenarios of non-colluding Eves (NCE) and colluding Eves (CE). For the proposed scheme, a new closed-form expression is derived for the ergodic secrecy rate (ESR) and the secrecy outage probability as security metrics, and a new closed-form expression is presented for the average symbol error rate (SER) as a reliability measure over Rayleigh fading channels. We further explicitly characterize the high signal-to-noise ratio slope and power offset of the ESR to highlight the impacts of system parameters on the ESR. In addition, we examine the diversity order of the proposed scheme to reveal the achievable secrecy performance advantage. Finally, the secrecy and reliability diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of the optimized network are provided. Numerical results highlight that the ESR performance of the proposed JRP scheme for NCE and CE cases is increased with respect to the number of untrustworthy relays.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (In press

    Hybrid Free-Space Optical and Visible Light Communication Link

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    V součastnosti bezdrátové optické komunikace (optical wireless communication, OWC) získávají širokou pozornost jako vhodný doplněk ke komunikačním přenosům v rádiovém pásmu. OWC nabízejí několik výhod včetně větší šířky přenosového pásma, neregulovaného frekvenčního pásma či odolnosti vůči elektromagnetickému rušení. Tato práce se zabývá návrhem OWC systémů pro připojení koncových uživatelů. Samotná realizace spojení může být provedena za pomoci různých variant bezdrátových technologií, například pomocí OWC, kombinací různých OWC technologií nebo hybridním rádio-optickým spojem. Za účelem propojení tzv. poslední míle je analyzován optický bezvláknový spoj (free space optics, FSO). Tato práce se dále zabývá analýzou přenosových vlastností celo-optického více skokového spoje s důrazem na vliv atmosférických podmínek. V dnešní době mnoho uživatelů tráví čas ve vnitřních prostorech kanceláří či doma, kde komunikace ve viditelném spektru (visible light communication, VLC) poskytuje lepší přenosové parametry pokrytí než úzce směrové FSO. V rámci této práce byla odvozena a experimentálně ověřena závislost pro bitovou chybovost přesměrovaného (relaying) spoje ve VLC. Pro propojení poskytovatele datavých služeb s koncovým uživatelem může být výhodné zkombinovat více přenosových technologií. Proto je navržen a analyzovám systém pro překonání tzv. problému poslední míle a posledního metru kombinující hybridní FSO a VLC technologie.The field of optical wireless communications (OWC) has recently attracted significant attention as a complementary technology to radio frequency (RF). OWC systems offer several advantages including higher bandwidth, an unregulated spectrum, resistance to electromagnetic interference and a high order of reusability. The thesis focuses on the deployment and analyses of end-user interconnections using the OWC systems. Interconnection can be established by many wireless technologies, for instance, by a single OWC technology, a combination of OWC technologies, or by hybrid OWC/RF links. In order to establish last mile outdoor interconnection, a free-space optical (FSO) has to be investigated. In this thesis, the performance of all-optical multi-hop scenarios is analyzed under atmospheric conditions. However, nowadays, many end users spend much time in indoor environments where visible light communication (VLC) technology can provide better transmission parameters and, significantly, better coverage. An analytical description of bit error rate for relaying VLC schemes is derived and experimentally verified. Nonetheless, for the last mile, interconnection of a provider and end users (joint outdoor and indoor connection) can be advantageous when combining multiple technologies. Therefore, a hybrid FSO/VLC system is proposed and analyzed for the interconnection of the last mile and last meter bottleneck

    Cooperative Transmission Techniques in Wireless Communication Networks

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    Cooperative communication networks have received significant interests from both academia and industry in the past decade due to its ability to provide spatial diversity without the need of implementing multiple transmit and/or receive antennas at the end-user terminals. These new communication networks have inspired novel ideas and approaches to find out what and how performance improvement can be provided with cooperative communications. The objective of this thesis is to design and analyze various cooperative transmission techniques under the two common relaying signal processing methods, namely decode-and-forward (DF) and amplify-and-forward (AF). For the DF method, the thesis focuses on providing performance improvement by mitigating detection errors at the relay(s). In particular, the relaying action is implemented adaptively to reduce the phenomenon of error propagation: whether or not a relay’s decision to retransmit depends on its decision variable and a predefined threshold. First, under the scenario that unequal error protection is employed to transmit different information classes at the source, a relaying protocol in a singlerelay network is proposed and its error performance is evaluated. It is shown that by setting the optimal signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) thresholds at the relay for different information classes, the overall error performance can be significantly improved. Second, for multiple-relay networks, a relay selection protocol, also based on SNR thresholds, is proposed and the optimal thresholds are also provided. Third, an adaptive relaying protocol and a low-complexity receiver are proposed when binary frequency-shift-keying (FSK) modulation is employed and neither the receiver nor the transmitter knows the fading coefficients. It is demonstrated that large performance improvements are possible when the optimal thresholds are implemented at the relays and destination. Finally, under the scenario that there is information feedback from the destination to the relays, a novel protocol is developed to achieve the maximum transmission throughput over a multiple-relay network while the bit-error rate satisfies a given constraint. With the AF method, the thesis examines a fixed-gain multiple-relay network in which the channels are temporally-correlated Rayleigh flat fading. Developed is a general framework for maximum-ratio-combining detection when M-FSK modulation is used and no channel state information is available at the destination. In particular, an upper-bound expression on the system’s error performance is derived and used to verify that the system achieves the maximal diversity order. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing schemes for the multiple-relay network under consideration

    Adaptive relay techniques for OFDM-based cooperative communication systems

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    Cooperative communication has been considered as a cost-effective manner to exploit the spatial diversity, improve the quality-of-service and extend transmission coverage. However, there are many challenges faced by cooperative systems which use relays to forward signals to the destination, such as the accumulation of multipath channels, complex resource allocation with the bidirectional asymmetric traffic and reduction of transmission efficiency caused by additional relay overhead. In this thesis, we aim to address the above challenges of cooperative communications, and design the efficient relay systems. Starting with the channel accumulation problem in the amplify-and-forward relay system, we proposed two adaptive schemes for single/multiple-relay networks respectively. These schemes exploit an adaptive guard interval (GI) technique to cover the accumulated delay spread and enhance the transmission efficiency by limiting the overhead. The proposed GI scheme can be implemented without any extra control signal. Extending the adaptive GI scheme to multiple-relay systems, we propose a relay selection strategy which achieves the trade-off between the transmission reliability and overhead by considering both the channel gain and the accumulated delay spread. We then consider resource allocation problem in the two-way decode-and-forward relay system with asymmetric traffic loads. Two allocation algorithms are respectively investigated for time-division and frequency-division relay systems to maximize the end-to-end capacity of the two-way system under a capacity ratio constraint. For the frequency-division systems, a balanced end-to-end capacity is defined as the objective function which combines the requirements of maximizing the end-to-end capacity and achieving the capacity ratio. A suboptimal algorithm is proposed for the frequency-division systems which separates subcarrier allocation and time/power allocation. It can achieve the similar performance with the optimal one with reduced complexity. In order to further enhance the transmission reliability and maintaining low processing delay, we propose an equalize-and-forward (EF) relay scheme. The EF relay equalizes the channel between source and relay to eliminate the channel accumulation without signal regeneration. To reduce the processing time, an efficient parallel structure is applied in the EF relay. Numerical results show that the EF relay exhibits low outage probability at the same data rate as compared to AF and DF schemes

    Parameter Optimization for Amplify-and-Forward Relaying with Imperfect Channel Estimation

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    Paper presented at the Vehicular Technology Conference, 2009. VTC Spring 2009. IEEE 69th. Orginal article on IEEE site: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VETECS.2009.5073769Cooperative diversity is a promising technology for future wireless networks. In this paper, we consider a cooperative communication system operating in an amplify-and-forward (AF) mode with an imperfectly-known relay fading channel. It is assumed that a pilot symbol assisted modulation (PSAM) scheme with linear minimum mean square estimator (LMMSE) is used for the channel estimation. A simple and easy-to-evaluate asymptotical upper bound (AUB) of the symbol-error-rate (SER) is derived for uncoded AF cooperative systems with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellations. Based on the AUB, we propose a criterion for the choice of parameters in the PSAM scheme, i.e., the pilot spacing and the Wiener filter length. We also formulate an optimum power allocation problem for the considered system. The optimum power allocation can be found by means of a gradient search over a continuous range. Numerical simulations are presented to verify the correctness of the theoretical results and the benefits of the parameter optimization. © 2009 IEEE