404 research outputs found

    Parallelizable Authenticated Encryption with Small State Size

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    Authenticated encryption (AE) is a symmetric-key encryption function that provides confidentiality and authenticity of a message. One of the evaluation criteria for AE is state size, which is memory size needed for encryption. State size is especially important when cryptosystem is implemented in constrained devices, while trivial reduction by using a small primitive is not generally acceptable as it leads to a degraded security. In these days, the state size of AE has been very actively studied and a number of small-state AE schemes have been proposed, but they are inherently serial. It would be a natural question if we come up with a parallelizable AE with a smaller state size than the state-of-the-art. In this paper, we study the seminal OCB mode for parallelizable AE and propose a method to reduce its state size without losing the bit security of it. More precisely, while (the most small-state variant of) OCB has 3n3n-bit state, by carefully treating the checksum that is halved, we can achieve 2.5n2.5n-bit state, while keeping the n/2n/2-bit security as original. We also propose an inverse-free variant of it based on OTR. While the original OTR has 4n4n-bit state, ours has 3.5n3.5n-bit state. To our knowledge these numbers are the smallest ones achieved by the blockcipher modes for parallel AE and inverse-free parallel AE

    Manticore and CS mode : parallelizable encryption with joint cipher-state authentication.

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    SoK: Cryptographically Protected Database Search

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    Protected database search systems cryptographically isolate the roles of reading from, writing to, and administering the database. This separation limits unnecessary administrator access and protects data in the case of system breaches. Since protected search was introduced in 2000, the area has grown rapidly; systems are offered by academia, start-ups, and established companies. However, there is no best protected search system or set of techniques. Design of such systems is a balancing act between security, functionality, performance, and usability. This challenge is made more difficult by ongoing database specialization, as some users will want the functionality of SQL, NoSQL, or NewSQL databases. This database evolution will continue, and the protected search community should be able to quickly provide functionality consistent with newly invented databases. At the same time, the community must accurately and clearly characterize the tradeoffs between different approaches. To address these challenges, we provide the following contributions: 1) An identification of the important primitive operations across database paradigms. We find there are a small number of base operations that can be used and combined to support a large number of database paradigms. 2) An evaluation of the current state of protected search systems in implementing these base operations. This evaluation describes the main approaches and tradeoffs for each base operation. Furthermore, it puts protected search in the context of unprotected search, identifying key gaps in functionality. 3) An analysis of attacks against protected search for different base queries. 4) A roadmap and tools for transforming a protected search system into a protected database, including an open-source performance evaluation platform and initial user opinions of protected search.Comment: 20 pages, to appear to IEEE Security and Privac

    AES-Based Authenticated Encryption Modes in Parallel High-Performance Software

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    Authenticated encryption (AE) has recently gained renewed interest due to the ongoing CAESAR competition. This paper deals with the performance of block cipher modes of operation for AE in parallel software. We consider the example of the AES on Intel\u27s new Haswell microarchitecture that has improved instructions for AES and finite field multiplication. As opposed to most previous high-performance software implementations of operation modes -- that have considered the encryption of single messages -- we propose to process multiple messages in parallel. We demonstrate that this message scheduling is of significant advantage for most modes. As a baseline for longer messages, the performance of AES-CBC encryption on a single core increases by factor 6.8 when adopting this approach. For the first time, we report optimized AES-NI implementations of the novel AE modes OTR, CLOC, COBRA, SILC, McOE-G, POET and Julius -- both with single and multiple messages. For almost all AE modes considered, we obtain a consistent speed-up when processing multiple messages in parallel. Notably, among the nonce-based modes, CCM, CLOC and SILC get by factor 3.7 faster, achieving a performance comparable to GCM (the latter, however, possessing classes of weak keys), with OCB3 still performing at only 0.77 cpb. Among the nonce-misuse resistant modes, McOE-G receives a speed-up by more than factor 4 with a performance of about 1.62 cpb, with COPA consistently performing best at 1.45 cpb

    Farasha: A Provable Permutation-based Parallelizable PRF

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    The pseudorandom function Farfalle, proposed by Bertoni et al. at ToSC 2017, is a permutation based arbitrary length input and output PRF. At its core are the public permutations and feedback shift register based rolling functions. Being an elegant and parallelizable design, it is surprising that the security of Farfalle has been only investigated against generic cryptanalysis techniques such as differential/linear and algebraic attacks and nothing concrete about its provable security is known. To fill this gap, in this work, we propose Farasha, a new permutation-based parallelizable PRF with provable security. Farasha can be seen as a simple and provable Farfalle-like construction where the rolling functions in the compression and expansion phases of Farfalle are replaced by a uniform almost xor universal (AXU) and a simple counter, respectively. We then prove that in the random permutation model, the compression phase of Farasha can be shown to be an uniform AXU function and the expansion phase can be mapped to an Even-Mansour block cipher. Consequently, combining these two properties, we show that Farasha achieves a security of min(keysize, permutation size/2). Finally, we provide concrete instantiations of Farasha with AXU functions providing different performance trade-offs. We believe our work will bring new insights in further understanding the provable security of Farfalle-like constructions

    Lightweight Authenticated Encryption Mode Suitable for Threshold Implementation

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    This paper proposes tweakable block cipher (TBC) based modes PFB_Plus\mathsf{PFB\_Plus} and PFBω\mathsf{PFB}\omega that are efficient in threshold implementations (TI). Let tt be an algebraic degree of a target function, e.g.~t=1t=1 (resp.~t>1t>1) for linear (resp.~non-linear) function. The dd-th order TI encodes the internal state into dt+1d t + 1 shares. Hence, the area size increases proportionally to the number of shares. This implies that TBC based modes can be smaller than block cipher (BC) based modes in TI because TBC requires ss-bit block to ensure ss-bit security, e.g. \textsf{PFB} and \textsf{Romulus}, while BC requires 2s2s-bit block. However, even with those TBC based modes, the minimum we can reach is 3 shares of ss-bit state with t=2t=2 and the first-order TI (d=1d=1). Our first design PFB_Plus\mathsf{PFB\_Plus} aims to break the barrier of the 3s3s-bit state in TI. The block size of an underlying TBC is s/2s/2 bits and the output of TBC is linearly expanded to ss bits. This expanded state requires only 2 shares in the first-order TI, which makes the total state size 2.5s2.5s bits. We also provide rigorous security proof of PFB_Plus\mathsf{PFB\_Plus}. Our second design PFBω\mathsf{PFB}\omega further increases a parameter ω\omega: a ratio of the security level ss to the block size of an underlying TBC. We prove security of PFBω\mathsf{PFB}\omega for any ω\omega under some assumptions for an underlying TBC and for parameters used to update a state. Next, we show a concrete instantiation of PFB_Plus\mathsf{PFB\_Plus} for 128-bit security. It requires a TBC with 64-bit block, 128-bit key and 128-bit tweak, while no existing TBC can support it. We design a new TBC by extending \textsf{SKINNY} and provide basic security evaluation. Finally, we give hardware benchmarks of PFB_Plus\mathsf{PFB\_Plus} in the first-order TI to show that TI of PFB_Plus\mathsf{PFB\_Plus} is smaller than that of \textsf{PFB} by more than one thousand gates and is the smallest within the schemes having 128-bit security

    Flexible Memory Protection with Dynamic Authentication Trees

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    As computing appliances increase in use and handle more critical information and functionalities, the importance of security grows even greater. In cases where the device processes sensitive data or performs important functionality, an attacker may be able to read or manipulate it by accessing the data bus between the processor and memory itself. As it is impossible to provide physical protection to the piece of hardware in use, it is important to provide protection against revealing confidential information and securing the device\u27s intended operation. Defense against bus attacks such as spoofing, splicing, and replay attacks are of particular concern. Traditional memory authentication techniques, such as hashes and message authentication codes, are costly when protecting off-chip memory during run-time. Balanced authentication trees such as the well-known Merkle tree or TEC-Tree are widely used to reduce this cost. While authentication trees are less costly than conventional techniques it still remains expensive. This work proposes a new method of dynamically updating an authentication tree structure based on a processor\u27s memory access pattern. Memory addresses that are more frequently accessed are dynamically shifted to a higher tree level to reduce the number of memory accesses required to authenticate that address. The block-level AREA technique is applied to allow for data confidentiality with no additional cost. An HDL design for use in an FPGA is provided as a transparent and highly customizable AXI-4 memory controller. The memory controller allows for data confidentiality and authentication for random-access memory with different speed or memory size constraints. The design was implemented on a Zynq 7000 system-on-chip using the processor to communicate with the hardware design. The performance of the dynamic tree design is comparable to the TEC-Tree in several memory access patterns. The TEC-Tree performs better than a dynamic design in particular applications; however, speedup over the TEC-Tree is possible to achieve when applied in scenarios that frequently accessed previously processed data
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