57 research outputs found

    Parallel Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods

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    Parallel step-by-step methods

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    Parallel linear system solvers for Runge-Kutta methods

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    If the nonlinear systems arising in implicit Runge-Kutta methods like the Radau IIA methods are iterated by (modified) Newton, then we have to solve linear systems whose matrix of coefficients is of the form I−AotimeshJI-A otimes hJ with A the Runge-Kutta matrix and J an approximation to the Jacobian of the righthand side function of the system of differential equations. For larger systems of differential equations, the solution of these linear systems by a direct linear solver is very costly, mainly because of the LU-decompositions. We try to reduce these costs by solving the linear systems by a second (inner) iteration process. This inner iteration process is such that each inner iteration again requires the solution of a linear system. However, the matrix of coefficients in these new linear systems is of the form I−BotimeshJI-B otimes hJ where B is similar to a diagonal matrix with positive diagonal entries. Hence, after performing a similarity transformation, the linear systems are decoupled into s subsystems, so that the costs of the LU-decomposition are reduced to the costs of s LU-decompositions of dimension d. Since these LU-decompositions can be computed in parallel, the effective LU-costs on a parallel computer system are reduced by a factor s3s^3. It will be shown that matrices B can be constructed such that the inner iterations converge whenever A and J have their eigenvalues in the positive and nonpositive halfplane, respectively. The theoretical results will be illustrated by a few numerical examples. A parallel implementation on the four-processor Cray-C98/4256 shows a speed-up ranging from at least 2.4 until at least 3.1 with respect to RADAU5 applied in one-processor mode

    Parallel-iterated Runge-Kutta methods for stiff ordinary differential equations

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    AbstractFor the numerical integration of a stiff ordinary differential equation, fully implicit Runge-Kutta methods offer nice properties, like a high classical order and high stage order as well as an excellent stability behaviour. However, such methods need the solution of a set of highly coupled equations for the stage values and this is a considerable computational task. This paper discusses an iteration scheme to tackle this problem. By means of a suitable choice of the iteration parameters, the implicit relations for the stage values, as they occur in each iteration, can be uncoupled so that they can be solved in parallel. The resulting scheme can be cast into the class of Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) methods and, similar to these methods, requires only one LU factorization per step (per processor). The stability as well as the computational efficiency of the process strongly depends on the particular choice of the iteration parameters and on the number of iterations performed. We discuss several choices to obtain good stability and fast convergence. Based on these approaches, we wrote two codes possessing local error control and stepsize variation. We have implemented both codes on an ALLIANT FX/4 machine (four parallel vector processors and shared memory) and measured their speedup factors for a number of test problems. Furthermore, the performance of these codes is compared with the performance of the best stiff ODE codes for sequential computers, like SIMPLE, LSODE and RADAU5

    A short note on the stability of a class of parallel Runge-Kutta methods

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    With this short note, we close a gap in the linear stability theory of block predictor-corrector Runge-Kutta schemes originally proposed for the parallel solution of ODEs
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