44 research outputs found

    Parallel implementation of the TRANSIMS micro-simulation

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    This paper describes the parallel implementation of the TRANSIMS traffic micro-simulation. The parallelization method is domain decomposition, which means that each CPU of the parallel computer is responsible for a different geographical area of the simulated region. We describe how information between domains is exchanged, and how the transportation network graph is partitioned. An adaptive scheme is used to optimize load balancing. We then demonstrate how computing speeds of our parallel micro-simulations can be systematically predicted once the scenario and the computer architecture are known. This makes it possible, for example, to decide if a certain study is feasible with a certain computing budget, and how to invest that budget. The main ingredients of the prediction are knowledge about the parallel implementation of the micro-simulation, knowledge about the characteristics of the partitioning of the transportation network graph, and knowledge about the interaction of these quantities with the computer system. In particular, we investigate the differences between switched and non-switched topologies, and the effects of 10 Mbit, 100 Mbit, and Gbit Ethernet. keywords: Traffic simulation, parallel computing, transportation planning, TRANSIM

    Distributed agent-based traffic simulations

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    Modeling and simulation play an important role in transportation networks analysis. With the widespread of personalized real-time information sources, it is relevant for the simulation model to be individual-centered. The agent-based simulation is the most promising paradigm in this context. However, representing the movements of realistic numbers of travelers within reasonable execution times requires significant computational resources. It also requires relevant methods, architectures and algorithms that respect the characteristics of transportation networks. In this paper, we tackle the problem of using high-performance computing for agent-based traffic simulations. To do so, we define two generic agent-based simulation models, representing the existing sequential agent-based traffic simulations. The first model is macroscopic, in which travelers do not interact directly and use a fundamental diagram of traffic flow to continuously compute their speeds. The second model is microscopic, in which travelers interact with their neighbors to adapt their speeds to their surrounding environment. We define patterns to distribute these simulations in a high-performance environment. The first distributes agents equally between available computation units. The second pattern splits the environment over the different units. We finally propose a diffusive method to dynamically balance the load between units during execution. The results show that agent-based distribution is more efficient with macroscopic simulations, with a speedup of 6 compared to the sequential version, while environmentbased distribution is more efficient with microscopic simulations, with a speedup of 14. Our diffusive load-balancing algorithm improves further the performance of the environment based approach by 150%

    QarSUMO: A Parallel, Congestion-optimized Traffic Simulator

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    Traffic simulators are important tools for tasks such as urban planning and transportation management. Microscopic simulators allow per-vehicle movement simulation, but require longer simulation time. The simulation overhead is exacerbated when there is traffic congestion and most vehicles move slowly. This in particular hurts the productivity of emerging urban computing studies based on reinforcement learning, where traffic simulations are heavily and repeatedly used for designing policies to optimize traffic related tasks. In this paper, we develop QarSUMO, a parallel, congestion-optimized version of the popular SUMO open-source traffic simulator. QarSUMO performs high-level parallelization on top of SUMO, to utilize powerful multi-core servers and enables future extension to multi-node parallel simulation if necessary. The proposed design, while partly sacrificing speedup, makes QarSUMO compatible with future SUMO improvements. We further contribute such an improvement by modifying the SUMO simulation engine for congestion scenarios where the update computation of consecutive and slow-moving vehicles can be simplified. We evaluate QarSUMO with both real-world and synthetic road network and traffic data, and examine its execution time as well as simulation accuracy relative to the original, sequential SUMO

    Dynamic Agent Compression

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    We introduce a new method for processing agents in agent-based models that significantly improves the efficiency of certain models. Dynamic Agent Compression allows agents to shift in and out of a compressed state based on their changing levels of heterogeneity. Sets of homogeneous agents are stored in compact bins, making the model more efficient in its use of memory and computational cycles. Modelers can use this increased efficiency to speed up the execution times, to conserve memory, or to scale up the complexity or number of agents in their simulations. We describe in detail an implementation of Dynamic Agent Compression that is lossless, i.e., no model detail is discarded during the compression process. We also contrast lossless compression to lossy compression, which promises greater efficiency gains yet may introduce artifacts in model behavior. The advantages outweigh the overhead of Dynamic Agent Compression in models where agents are unevenly heterogeneous — where a set of highly heterogeneous agents are intermixed with numerous other agents that fall into broad internally homogeneous categories. Dynamic Agent Compression is not appropriate in models with few, exclusively complex, agents.Agent-Based Modeling, Scaling, Homogeneity, Compression

    Preliminary Results of a Multiagent Traffic Simulation for Berlin

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    This paper provides an introduction to multi-agent traffic simulation. Metropolitan regions can consist of several million inhabitants, implying the simulation of several million travelers, which represents a considerable computational challenge. We reports on our recent case study of a real-world Berlin scenario. The paper explains computational techniques necessary to achieve results. It turns out that the difficulties there, because of data availability and because of the special situation of Berlin after the re-unification, are considerably larger than in previous scenarios that we have treated

    An Agent-based Route Choice Model

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    Travel demand emerges from individual decisions. These decisions, depending on individual objectives, preferences, experiences and spatial knowledge about travel, are both heterogeneous and evolutionary. Research emerging from fields such as road pricing and ATIS requires travel demand models that are able to consider travelers with distinct attributes (value of time (VOT), willingness to pay, travel budgets, etc.) and behavioral preferences (e.g. willingness to switch routes with potential savings) in a differentiated market (by tolls and the level of service). Traditional trip-based models have difficulty in dealing with the aforementioned heterogeneity and issues such as equity. Moreover, the role of spatial information, which has significant influence on decision-making and travel behavior, has not been fully addressed in existing models. To bridge the gap, this paper proposes to explicitly model the formation and spread- ing of spatial knowledge among travelers. An Agent-based Route Choice (ARC) model was developed to track choices of each decision-maker on a road network over time and map individual choices into macroscopic flow pattern. ARC has been applied on both SiouxFalls network and Chicago sketch network. Comparison between ARC and existing models (UE and SUE) on both networks shows ARC is valid and computationally tractable. To be brief, this paper specifically focuses on the route choice behavior, while the proposed model can be extended to other modules of travel demand under an integrated framework.Agent-based model, route choice, traffic assignment, travel demand modeling

    An Assignment-Based Approach to Efficient Real-Time City-Scale Taxi Dispatching

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    This study proposes and evaluates an efficient real-time taxi dispatching strategy that solves the linear assignment problem to find a globally optimal taxi-to-request assignment at each decision epoch. The authors compare the assignment-based strategy with two popular rule-based strategies. They evaluate dispatching strategies in detail in the city of Berlin and the neighboring region of Brandenburg using the microscopic large-scale MATSim simulator. The assignment-based strategy produced better results for both drivers (less idle driving) and passengers (less waiting). However, computing the assignments for thousands of taxis in a huge road network turned out to be computationally demanding. Certain adaptations pertaining to the cost matrix calculation were necessary to increase the computational efficiency and assure real-time responsiveness

    Large scale transportation simulations on Beowulf clusters

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