200 research outputs found

    The use of alternative data models in data warehousing environments

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    Data Warehouses are increasing their data volume at an accelerated rate; high disk space consumption; slow query response time and complex database administration are common problems in these environments. The lack of a proper data model and an adequate architecture specifically targeted towards these environments are the root causes of these problems. Inefficient management of stored data includes duplicate values at column level and poor management of data sparsity which derives from a low data density, and affects the final size of Data Warehouses. It has been demonstrated that the Relational Model and Relational technology are not the best techniques for managing duplicates and data sparsity. The novelty of this research is to compare some data models considering their data density and their data sparsity management to optimise Data Warehouse environments. The Binary-Relational, the Associative/Triple Store and the Transrelational models have been investigated and based on the research results a novel Alternative Data Warehouse Reference architectural configuration has been defined. For the Transrelational model, no database implementation existed. Therefore it was necessary to develop an instantiation of it’s storage mechanism, and as far as could be determined this is the first public domain instantiation available of the storage mechanism for the Transrelational model

    Raphtory: Modelling, Maintenance and Analysis of Distributed Temporal Graphs.

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    PhD ThesesTemporal graphs capture the development of relationships within data throughout time. This model ts naturally within a streaming architecture, where new events can be inserted directly into the graph upon arrival from a data source and be compared to related entities or historical state. However, the majority of graph processing systems only consider traditional graph analysis on static data, whilst those which do expand past this often only support batched updating and delta analysis across graph snapshots. In this work we de ne a temporal property graph model and the semantics for updating it in both a distributed and non-distributed context. We have built Raphtory, a distributed temporal graph analytics platform which maintains the full graph history in memory, leveraging the de ned update semantics to insert streamed events directly into the model without batching or centralised ordering. In parallel with the ingestion, traditional and time-aware analytics may be performed on the most up-to-date version of the graph, as well as any point throughout its history. The depth of history viewed from the perspective of a time point may also be varied to explore both short and long term patterns within the data. Through this we extract novel insights over a variety of use cases, including phenomena never seen before in social networks. Finally, we demonstrate Raphtory's ability to scale both vertically and horizontally, handling consistent throughput in excess of 100,000 updates a second alongside the ingestion and maintenance of graphs built from billions of events

    Management and Visualisation of Non-linear History of Polygonal 3D Models

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    The research presented in this thesis concerns the problems of maintenance and revision control of large-scale three dimensional (3D) models over the Internet. As the models grow in size and the authoring tools grow in complexity, standard approaches to collaborative asset development become impractical. The prevalent paradigm of sharing files on a file system poses serious risks with regards, but not limited to, ensuring consistency and concurrency of multi-user 3D editing. Although modifications might be tracked manually using naming conventions or automatically in a version control system (VCS), understanding the provenance of a large 3D dataset is hard due to revision metadata not being associated with the underlying scene structures. Some tools and protocols enable seamless synchronisation of file and directory changes in remote locations. However, the existing web-based technologies are not yet fully exploiting the modern design patters for access to and management of alternative shared resources online. Therefore, four distinct but highly interconnected conceptual tools are explored. The first is the organisation of 3D assets within recent document-oriented No Structured Query Language (NoSQL) databases. These "schemaless" databases, unlike their relational counterparts, do not represent data in rigid table structures. Instead, they rely on polymorphic documents composed of key-value pairs that are much better suited to the diverse nature of 3D assets. Hence, a domain-specific non-linear revision control system 3D Repo is built around a NoSQL database to enable asynchronous editing similar to traditional VCSs. The second concept is that of visual 3D differencing and merging. The accompanying 3D Diff tool supports interactive conflict resolution at the level of scene graph nodes that are de facto the delta changes stored in the repository. The third is the utilisation of HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for the purposes of 3D data management. The XML3DRepo daemon application exposes the contents of the repository and the version control logic in a Representational State Transfer (REST) style of architecture. At the same time, it manifests the effects of various 3D encoding strategies on the file sizes and download times in modern web browsers. The fourth and final concept is the reverse-engineering of an editing history. Even if the models are being version controlled, the extracted provenance is limited to additions, deletions and modifications. The 3D Timeline tool, therefore, implies a plausible history of common modelling operations such as duplications, transformations, etc. Given a collection of 3D models, it estimates a part-based correspondence and visualises it in a temporal flow. The prototype tools developed as part of the research were evaluated in pilot user studies that suggest they are usable by the end users and well suited to their respective tasks. Together, the results constitute a novel framework that demonstrates the feasibility of a domain-specific 3D version control

    A cooperative framework for molecular biology database integration using image object selection

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    The theme and the concept of 'Molecular Biology Database Integration' and the problems associated with this concept initiated the idea for this Ph.D research. The available technologies facilitate to analyse the data independently and discretely but it fails to integrate the data resources for more meaningful information. This along with the integration issues created the scope for this Ph.D research. The research has reviewed the 'database interoperability' problems and it has suggested a framework for integrating the molecular biology databases. The framework has proposed to develop a cooperative environment to share information on the basis of common purpose for the molecular biology databases. The research has also reviewed other implementation and interoperability issues for laboratory based, dedicated and target specific database. The research has addressed the following issues: diversity of molecular biology databases schemas, schema constructs and schema implementation multi-database query using image object keying, database integration technologies using context graph, automated navigation among these databases. This thesis has introduced a new approach for database implementation. It has introduced an interoperable component database concept to initiate multidatabase query on gene mutation data. A number of data models have been proposed for gene mutation data which is the basis for integrating the target specific component database to be integrated with the federated information system. The proposed data models are: data models for genetic trait analysis, classification of gene mutation data, pathological lesion data and laboratory data. The main feature of this component database is non-overlapping attributes and it will follow non-redundant integration approach as explained in the thesis. This will be achieved by storing attributes which will not have the union or intersection of any attributes that exist in public domain molecular biology databases. Unlike data warehousing technique, this feature is quite unique and novel. The component database will be integrated with other biological data sources for sharing information in a cooperative environment. This involves developing new tools. The thesis explains the role of these new tools which are: meta data extractor, mapping linker, query generator and result interpreter. These tools are used for a transparent integration without creating any global schema of the participating databases. The thesis has also established the concept of image object keying for multidatabase query and it has proposed a relevant algorithm for matching protein spot in gel electrophoresis image. An object spot in gel electrophoresis image will initiate the query when it is selected by the user. It matches the selected spot with other similar spots in other resource databases. This image object keying method is an alternative to conventional multidatabase query which requires writing complex SQL scripts. This method also resolve the semantic conflicts that exist among molecular biology databases. The research has proposed a new framework based on the context of the web data for interactions with different biological data resources. A formal description of the resource context is described in the thesis. The implementation of the context into Resource Document Framework (RDF) will be able to increase the interoperability by providing the description of the resources and the navigation plan for accessing the web based databases. A higher level construct is developed (has, provide and access) to implement the context into RDF for web interactions. The interactions within the resources are achieved by utilising an integration domain to extract the required information with a single instance and without writing any query scripts. The integration domain allows to navigate and to execute the query plan within the resource databases. An extractor module collects elements from different target webs and unify them as a whole object in a single page. The proposed framework is tested to find specific information e.g., information on Alzheimer's disease, from public domain biology resources, such as, Protein Data Bank, Genome Data Bank, Online Mendalian Inheritance in Man and local database. Finally, the thesis proposes further propositions and plans for future work

    Enabling Model-Driven Live Analytics For Cyber-Physical Systems: The Case of Smart Grids

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    Advances in software, embedded computing, sensors, and networking technologies will lead to a new generation of smart cyber-physical systems that will far exceed the capabilities of today’s embedded systems. They will be entrusted with increasingly complex tasks like controlling electric grids or autonomously driving cars. These systems have the potential to lay the foundations for tomorrow’s critical infrastructures, to form the basis of emerging and future smart services, and to improve the quality of our everyday lives in many areas. In order to solve their tasks, they have to continuously monitor and collect data from physical processes, analyse this data, and make decisions based on it. Making smart decisions requires a deep understanding of the environment, internal state, and the impacts of actions. Such deep understanding relies on efficient data models to organise the sensed data and on advanced analytics. Considering that cyber-physical systems are controlling physical processes, decisions need to be taken very fast. This makes it necessary to analyse data in live, as opposed to conventional batch analytics. However, the complex nature combined with the massive amount of data generated by such systems impose fundamental challenges. While data in the context of cyber-physical systems has some similar characteristics as big data, it holds a particular complexity. This complexity results from the complicated physical phenomena described by this data, which makes it difficult to extract a model able to explain such data and its various multi-layered relationships. Existing solutions fail to provide sustainable mechanisms to analyse such data in live. This dissertation presents a novel approach, named model-driven live analytics. The main contribution of this thesis is a multi-dimensional graph data model that brings raw data, domain knowledge, and machine learning together in a single model, which can drive live analytic processes. This model is continuously updated with the sensed data and can be leveraged by live analytic processes to support decision-making of cyber-physical systems. The presented approach has been developed in collaboration with an industrial partner and, in form of a prototype, applied to the domain of smart grids. The addressed challenges are derived from this collaboration as a response to shortcomings in the current state of the art. More specifically, this dissertation provides solutions for the following challenges: First, data handled by cyber-physical systems is usually dynamic—data in motion as opposed to traditional data at rest—and changes frequently and at different paces. Analysing such data is challenging since data models usually can only represent a snapshot of a system at one specific point in time. A common approach consists in a discretisation, which regularly samples and stores such snapshots at specific timestamps to keep track of the history. Continuously changing data is then represented as a finite sequence of such snapshots. Such data representations would be very inefficient to analyse, since it would require to mine the snapshots, extract a relevant dataset, and finally analyse it. For this problem, this thesis presents a temporal graph data model and storage system, which consider time as a first-class property. A time-relative navigation concept enables to analyse frequently changing data very efficiently. Secondly, making sustainable decisions requires to anticipate what impacts certain actions would have. Considering complex cyber-physical systems, it can come to situations where hundreds or thousands of such hypothetical actions must be explored before a solid decision can be made. Every action leads to an independent alternative from where a set of other actions can be applied and so forth. Finding the sequence of actions that leads to the desired alternative, requires to efficiently create, represent, and analyse many different alternatives. Given that every alternative has its own history, this creates a very high combinatorial complexity of alternatives and histories, which is hard to analyse. To tackle this problem, this dissertation introduces a multi-dimensional graph data model (as an extension of the temporal graph data model) that enables to efficiently represent, store, and analyse many different alternatives in live. Thirdly, complex cyber-physical systems are often distributed, but to fulfil their tasks these systems typically need to share context information between computational entities. This requires analytic algorithms to reason over distributed data, which is a complex task since it relies on the aggregation and processing of various distributed and constantly changing data. To address this challenge, this dissertation proposes an approach to transparently distribute the presented multi-dimensional graph data model in a peer-to-peer manner and defines a stream processing concept to efficiently handle frequent changes. Fourthly, to meet future needs, cyber-physical systems need to become increasingly intelligent. To make smart decisions, these systems have to continuously refine behavioural models that are known at design time, with what can only be learned from live data. Machine learning algorithms can help to solve this unknown behaviour by extracting commonalities over massive datasets. Nevertheless, searching a coarse-grained common behaviour model can be very inaccurate for cyber-physical systems, which are composed of completely different entities with very different behaviour. For these systems, fine-grained learning can be significantly more accurate. However, modelling, structuring, and synchronising many fine-grained learning units is challenging. To tackle this, this thesis presents an approach to define reusable, chainable, and independently computable fine-grained learning units, which can be modelled together with and on the same level as domain data. This allows to weave machine learning directly into the presented multi-dimensional graph data model. In summary, this thesis provides an efficient multi-dimensional graph data model to enable live analytics of complex, frequently changing, and distributed data of cyber-physical systems. This model can significantly improve data analytics for such systems and empower cyber-physical systems to make smart decisions in live. The presented solutions combine and extend methods from model-driven engineering, [email protected], data analytics, database systems, and machine learning

    A cooperative framework for molecular biology database integration using image object selection.

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    The theme and the concept of 'Molecular Biology Database Integration’ and the problems associated with this concept initiated the idea for this Ph.D research. The available technologies facilitate to analyse the data independently and discretely but it fails to integrate the data resources for more meaningful information. This along with the integration issues created the scope for this Ph.D research. The research has reviewed the 'database interoperability' problems and it has suggested a framework for integrating the molecular biology databases. The framework has proposed to develop a cooperative environment to share information on the basis of common purpose for the molecular biology databases. The research has also reviewed other implementation and interoperability issues for laboratory based, dedicated and target specific database. The research has addressed the following issues: - diversity of molecular biology databases schemas, schema constructs and schema implementation -multi-database query using image object keying -database integration technologies using context graph - automated navigation among these databases This thesis has introduced a new approach for database implementation. It has introduced an interoperable component database concept to initiate multidatabase query on gene mutation data. A number of data models have been proposed for gene mutation data which is the basis for integrating the target specific component database to be integrated with the federated information system. The proposed data models are: data models for genetic trait analysis, classification of gene mutation data, pathological lesion data and laboratory data. The main feature of this component database is non-overlapping attributes and it will follow non-redundant integration approach as explained in the thesis. This will be achieved by storing attributes which will not have the union or intersection of any attributes that exist in public domain molecular biology databases. Unlike data warehousing technique, this feature is quite unique and novel. The component database will be integrated with other biological data sources for sharing information in a cooperative environment. This/involves developing new tools. The thesis explains the role of these new tools which are: meta data extractor, mapping linker, query generator and result interpreter. These tools are used for a transparent integration without creating any global schema of the participating databases. The thesis has also established the concept of image object keying for multidatabase query and it has proposed a relevant algorithm for matching protein spot in gel electrophoresis image. An object spot in gel electrophoresis image will initiate the query when it is selected by the user. It matches the selected spot with other similar spots in other resource databases. This image object keying method is an alternative to conventional multidatabase query which requires writing complex SQL scripts. This method also resolve the semantic conflicts that exist among molecular biology databases. The research has proposed a new framework based on the context of the web data for interactions with different biological data resources. A formal description of the resource context is described in the thesis. The implementation of the context into Resource Document Framework (RDF) will be able to increase the interoperability by providing the description of the resources and the navigation plan for accessing the web based databases. A higher level construct is developed (has, provide and access) to implement the context into RDF for web interactions. The interactions within the resources are achieved by utilising an integration domain to extract the required information with a single instance and without writing any query scripts. The integration domain allows to navigate and to execute the query plan within the resource databases. An extractor module collects elements from different target webs and unify them as a whole object in a single page. The proposed framework is tested to find specific information e.g., information on Alzheimer's disease, from public domain biology resources, such as, Protein Data Bank, Genome Data Bank, Online Mendalian Inheritance in Man and local database. Finally, the thesis proposes further propositions and plans for future work

    Optimisation of partitioned temporal joins

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    Development of a parallel database environment

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