4,271 research outputs found

    Radiative cooling in numerical astrophysics: the need for adaptive mesh refinement

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    Energy loss through optically thin radiative cooling plays an important part in the evolution of astrophysical gas dynamics and should therefore be considered a necessary element in any numerical simulation. Although the addition of this physical process to the equations of hydrodynamics is straightforward, it does create numerical challenges that have to be overcome in order to ensure the physical correctness of the simulation. First, the cooling has to be treated (semi-)implicitly, owing to the discrepancies between the cooling timescale and the typical timesteps of the simulation. Secondly, because of its dependence on a tabulated cooling curve, the introduction of radiative cooling creates the necessity for an interpolation scheme. In particular, we will argue that the addition of radiative cooling to a numerical simulation creates the need for extremely high resolution, which can only be fully met through the use of adaptive mesh refinement.Comment: 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Computers & Fluid

    GRChombo : Numerical Relativity with Adaptive Mesh Refinement

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    In this work, we introduce GRChombo: a new numerical relativity code which incorporates full adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) using block structured Berger-Rigoutsos grid generation. The code supports non-trivial "many-boxes-in-many-boxes" mesh hierarchies and massive parallelism through the Message Passing Interface (MPI). GRChombo evolves the Einstein equation using the standard BSSN formalism, with an option to turn on CCZ4 constraint damping if required. The AMR capability permits the study of a range of new physics which has previously been computationally infeasible in a full 3+1 setting, whilst also significantly simplifying the process of setting up the mesh for these problems. We show that GRChombo can stably and accurately evolve standard spacetimes such as binary black hole mergers and scalar collapses into black holes, demonstrate the performance characteristics of our code, and discuss various physics problems which stand to benefit from the AMR technique.Comment: 48 pages, 24 figure

    Convergence of simple adaptive Galerkin schemes based on h − h/2 error estimators

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    We discuss several adaptive mesh-refinement strategies based on (h − h/2)-error estimation. This class of adaptivemethods is particularly popular in practise since it is problem independent and requires virtually no implementational overhead. We prove that, under the saturation assumption, these adaptive algorithms are convergent. Our framework applies not only to finite element methods, but also yields a first convergence proof for adaptive boundary element schemes. For a finite element model problem, we extend the proposed adaptive scheme and prove convergence even if the saturation assumption fails to hold in general

    Wall-resolved large eddy simulation over NACA0012 airfoil

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    The work presented here forms part of a project on Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of aeroengine aeroacoustic interactions. In this paper we concentrate on LES of near-field flow over an isolated NACA0012 airfoil at zero angle of attack with Rec=2e5. The predicted unsteady pressure/velocity field is used in an analytically-based scheme for far-field trailing edge noise prediction. A wall resolved implicit LES or so-callednumerical Large Eddy Simulation (NLES) approach is employed to resolve streak-like structure in the near-wall flow regions. The mean and RMS velocity and pressure profile on airfoil surface and in wake are validated against experimental data and computational results from other researchers. The results of the wall-resolved NLES method are very encouraging. The effects of grid-refinement and higher-order numerical scheme on the wall-resolved NLES approach are also discussed

    On Validating an Astrophysical Simulation Code

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    We present a case study of validating an astrophysical simulation code. Our study focuses on validating FLASH, a parallel, adaptive-mesh hydrodynamics code for studying the compressible, reactive flows found in many astrophysical environments. We describe the astrophysics problems of interest and the challenges associated with simulating these problems. We describe methodology and discuss solutions to difficulties encountered in verification and validation. We describe verification tests regularly administered to the code, present the results of new verification tests, and outline a method for testing general equations of state. We present the results of two validation tests in which we compared simulations to experimental data. The first is of a laser-driven shock propagating through a multi-layer target, a configuration subject to both Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov instabilities. The second test is a classic Rayleigh-Taylor instability, where a heavy fluid is supported against the force of gravity by a light fluid. Our simulations of the multi-layer target experiments showed good agreement with the experimental results, but our simulations of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability did not agree well with the experimental results. We discuss our findings and present results of additional simulations undertaken to further investigate the Rayleigh-Taylor instability.Comment: 76 pages, 26 figures (3 color), Accepted for publication in the ApJ

    Adaptive mesh refinement method for CFD applications

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    The main objective of this thesis is the development of an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) algorithm for computational fluid dynamics simulations using hexahedral and tetrahedral meshes. This numerical methodology is applied in the context of large-eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent flows and direct numerical simulations (DNS) of interfacial flows, to bring new numerical research and physical insight. For the fluid dynamics simulations, the governing equations, the spatial discretization on unstructured grids and the numerical schemes for solving Navier-Stokes equations are presented. The equations follow a discretization by conservative finite-volume on collocated meshes. For the turbulent flows formulation, the spatial discretization preserves symmetry properties of the continuous differential operators and the time integration follows a self-adaptive strategy, which has been well tested on unstructured grids. Moreover, LES model consisting of a wall adapting local-eddy-viscosity within a variational multi-scale formulation is used for the applications showed in this thesis. For the two-phase flow formulation, a conservative level-set method is applied for capturing the interface between two fluids and is implemented with a variable density projection scheme to simulate incompressible two-phase flows on unstructured meshes. The AMR algorithm developed in this thesis is based on a quad/octree data structure and keeps a relation of 1:2 between levels of refinement. In the case of tetrahedral meshes, a geometrical criterion is followed to keep the quality metric of the mesh on a reasonable basis. The parallelization strategy consists mainly in the creation of mesh elements in each sub-domain and establishes a unique global identification number, to avoid duplicate elements. Load balance is assured at each AMR iteration to keep the parallel performance of the CFD code. Moreover, a mesh multiplication algorithm (MM) is reported to create large meshes, with different kind of mesh elements, but preserving the topology from a coarser original mesh. This thesis focuses on the study of turbulent flows and two-phase flows using an AMR framework. The cases studied for LES of turbulent flows applications are the flow around one and two separated square cylinders, and the flow around a simplified car model. In this context, a physics-based refinement criterion is developed, consisting of the residual velocity calculated from a multi-scale decomposition of the instantaneous velocity. This criteria ensures grid adaptation following the main vortical structures and giving enough mesh resolution on the zones of interest, i.e., flow separation, turbulent wakes, and vortex shedding. The cases studied for the two-phase flows are the DNS of 2D and 3D gravity-driven bubble, with a particular focus on the wobbling regime. A study of rising bubbles in the wobbling regime and the effect of dimensionless numbers on the dynamic behavior of the bubbles are presented. Moreover, the use of tetrahedral AMR is applied for the numerical simulation of gravity-driven bubbles in complex domains. On this topic, the methodology is validated on bubbles rising in cylindrical channels with different topology, where the study of these cases contributed to having new numerical research and physical insight in the development of a rising bubble with wall effects.El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de un algoritmo adaptativo de refinamiento de malla (AMR) para simulaciones de dinámica de fluidos computacional utilizando mallas hexaédricas y tetraédricas. Esta metodología numérica se aplica en el contexto de simulaciones Large-eddie (LES) de flujos turbulentos y simulaciones numéricas directas (DNS) de flujos interfaciales, para traer nuevas investigaciones numéricas y entendimiento físicas. Para las simulaciones de dinámica de fluidos, se presentan las ecuaciones governantes, la discretización espacial en mallas no estructuradas y los esquemas numéricos para resolver las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes. Las ecuaciones siguen una discretización conservativa por volumenes finitos en mallas colocadas. Para la formulación de flujos turbulentos, la discretización espacial preserva las propiedades de simetría de los operadores diferenciales continuos y la integración de tiempo sigue una estrategia autoadaptativa, que ha sido bien probada en mallas no estructuradas. Además, para las aplicaciones que se muestran en esta tesis, se utiliza el modelo LES que consiste en una viscosidad local que se adapta a la pared dentro de una formulación multiescala variable. Para la formulación de flujo de dos fases, se aplica un método de conjunto de niveles conservador para capturar la interfaz entre dos fluidos y se implementa con un esquema de proyección de densidad variable para simular flujos de dos fases incompresibles en mallas no estructuradas. El algoritmo AMR desarrollado en esta tesis se basa en una estructura de datos de quad / octree y mantiene una relación de 1: 2 entre los niveles de refinamiento. En el caso de las mallas tetraédricas, se sigue un criterio geométrico para mantener la calidad de la malla en una base razonable. La estrategia de paralelización consiste principalmente en la creación de elementos de malla en cada subdominio y establece un número de identificación global único, para evitar elementos duplicados. El equilibrio de carga está asegurado en cada iteración de AMR para mantener el rendimiento paralelo del código CFD. Además, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo de multiplicación de malla (MM) para crear mallas grandes, con diferentes tipos de elementos de malla, pero preservando la topología de una malla original más pequeña. Esta tesis se centra en el estudio de flujos turbulentos y flujos de dos fases utilizando un marco AMR. Los casos estudiados para aplicaciones de LES de flujos turbulentos son el flujo alrededor de uno y dos cilindros separados de sección cuadrada, y el flujo alrededor de un modelo de automóvil simplificado. En este contexto, se desarrolla un criterio de refinamiento basado en la física, que consiste en la velocidad residual calculada a partir de una descomposición de escala múltiple de la velocidad instantánea. Este criterio garantiza la adaptación de la malla siguiendo las estructuras vorticales principales y proporcionando una resolución de malla suficiente en las zonas de interés, es decir, separación de flujo, estelas turbulentas y desprendimiento de vórtices. Los casos estudiados para los flujos de dos fases son el DNS de la burbuja impulsada por la gravedad en 2D y 3D, con un enfoque particular en el régimen de oscilación. Además, el uso de AMR tetraédrico se aplica para la simulación numérica de burbujas impulsadas por la gravedad en dominios complejos. En este tema, la metodología se valida en burbujas que ascienden en canales cilíndricos con topología diferente, donde el estudio de estos casos contribuyó a tener una nueva investigación numérica y una visión física en el desarrollo de una burbuja con efectos de pared

    A study of planar Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in fluids with Mie-Grüneisen equations of state

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    We present a numerical comparison study of planar Richtmyer-Meshkov instability with the intention of exposing the role of the equation of state. Results for Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in fluids with Mie-Grüneisen equations of state derived from a linear shock-particle speed Hugoniot relationship (Jeanloz, J. Geophys. Res. 94, 5873, 1989; McQueen et al., High Velocity Impact Phenomena (1970), pp. 294–417; Menikoff and Plohr, Rev. Mod. Phys. 61(1), 75 1989) are compared to those from perfect gases under nondimensionally matched initial conditions at room temperature and pressure. The study was performed using Caltech’s Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Object-oriented C++ (AMROC) (Deiterding, Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Theory and Applications (2005), Vol. 41, pp. 361–372; Deiterding, “Parallel adaptive simulation of multi-dimensional detonation structures,” Ph.D. thesis (Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, September 2003)) framework with a low-dissipation, hybrid, center-difference, limiter patch solver (Ward and Pullin, J. Comput. Phys. 229, 2999 (2010)). Results for single and triple mode planar Richtmyer-Meshkov instability when a reflected shock wave occurs are first examined for mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and molybdenum modeled by Mie-Grüneisen equations of state. The single mode case is examined for incident shock Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.5. The planar triple mode case is studied using a single incident Mach number of 2.5 with initial corrugation wavenumbers related by k_1 = k_2+k_3. Comparison is then drawn to Richtmyer-Meshkov instability in perfect gases with matched nondimensional pressure jump across the incident shock, post-shock Atwood ratio, post-shock amplitude-to-wavelength ratio, and time nondimensionalized by Richtmyer’s linear growth time constant prediction. Differences in start-up time and growth rate oscillations are observed across equations of state. Growth rate oscillation frequency is seen to correlate directly to the oscillation frequency for the transmitted and reflected shocks. For the single mode cases, further comparison is given for vorticity distribution and corrugation centerline shortly after shock interaction. Additionally, we examine single mode Richtmyer-Meshkov instability when a reflected expansion wave is present for incident Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.5. Comparison to perfect gas solutions in such cases yields a higher degree of similarity in start-up time and growth rate oscillations. The formation of incipient weak waves in the heavy fluid driven by waves emanating from the perturbed transmitted shock is observed when an expansion wave is reflected