13 research outputs found

    Dynamic Skyline Computation with the Skyline Breaker Algorithm

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    Given a sequential data input, we tackle parallel dynamic skyline computation of the read data by means of a spatial tree structure for indexing fine-grained feature vectors. For this purpose, we modified the Skyline Breaker algorithm that solves skyline computation with multiple local split decision trees concurrently. With this approach, we propose an algorithm for dynamic skyline computation that inherits the robustness against the dimension curse and different data distributions

    Privacy Aware Parallel Computation of Skyline Sets Queries from Distributed Databases

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    A skyline query finds objects that are not dominated by another object from a given set of objects. Skyline queries help us to filter unnecessary information efficiently and provide us clues for various decision making tasks. However, we cannot use skyline queries in privacy aware environment, since we have to hide individual's records values even though there is no ID information. Therefore, we considered skyline sets queries. The skyline set query returns skyline sets from all possible sets, each of which is composed of some objects in a database. With the growth of network infrastructure data are stored in distributed databases. In this paper, we expand the idea to compute skyline sets queries in parallel fashion from distributed databases without disclosing individual records to others. The proposed method utilizes an agent-based parallel computing framework that can efficiently compute skyline sets queries and can solve the privacy problems of skyline queries in distributed environment. The computation of skyline sets is performed simultaneously in all databases which increases parallelism and reduces the computation time

    Scalable parallelization of skyline computation for multi-core processors

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    The skyline is an important query operator for multi-criteria decision making. It reduces a dataset to only those points that offer optimal trade-offs of dimensions. In general, it is very expensive to compute. Recently, multicore CPU algorithms have been proposed to accelerate the computation of the skyline. However, they do not sufficiently minimize dominance tests and so are not competitive with state-of-the-art sequential algorithms. In this paper, we introduce a novel multicore skyline algorithm, Hybrid, which processes points in blocks. It maintains a shared, global skyline among all threads, which is used to minimize dominance tests while maintaining high throughput. The algorithm uses an efficiently-updatable data structure over the shared, global skyline, based on point-based partitioning. Also, we release a large benchmark of optimized skyline algorithms, with which we demonstrate on challenging workloads a 100-fold speedup over state-of-the-art multicore algorithms and a 10-fold speedup with 16 cores over state-of-the-art sequential algorithms


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    Conventional SQL queries take exact input and produce complete result set. However, with massive increase in data volume in different applications, the large result sets returned by traditional SQL queries are not well suited for the users to take effective decisions. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in queries like top-k queries and skyline queries those produce a more concise result set. Top-k queries rely on the scores of the objects to evaluate the usefulness of the objects. In this type of queries, users require to define their own scoring function by combining their interests. Based on the user defined scoring function, the system sorts the objects by their scores and outputs the top-k objects in the ranking list as the result. However, defining a scoring function by the users is a major draw of the top-k queries as in the large data sets where there are many conflicting criteria exist, it is very difficult for the users to define the scoring functions by themselves.……広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(工学)Engineeringdoctora

    Parallel Skyline Computation on Multicore Architectures

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