14,916 research outputs found

    Path-tracing Monte Carlo Library for 3D Radiative Transfer in Highly Resolved Cloudy Atmospheres

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    Interactions between clouds and radiation are at the root of many difficulties in numerically predicting future weather and climate and in retrieving the state of the atmosphere from remote sensing observations. The large range of issues related to these interactions, and in particular to three-dimensional interactions, motivated the development of accurate radiative tools able to compute all types of radiative metrics, from monochromatic, local and directional observables, to integrated energetic quantities. In the continuity of this community effort, we propose here an open-source library for general use in Monte Carlo algorithms. This library is devoted to the acceleration of path-tracing in complex data, typically high-resolution large-domain grounds and clouds. The main algorithmic advances embedded in the library are those related to the construction and traversal of hierarchical grids accelerating the tracing of paths through heterogeneous fields in null-collision (maximum cross-section) algorithms. We show that with these hierarchical grids, the computing time is only weakly sensitivive to the refinement of the volumetric data. The library is tested with a rendering algorithm that produces synthetic images of cloud radiances. Two other examples are given as illustrations, that are respectively used to analyse the transmission of solar radiation under a cloud together with its sensitivity to an optical parameter, and to assess a parametrization of 3D radiative effects of clouds.Comment: Submitted to JAMES, revised and submitted again (this is v2

    k-d Darts: Sampling by k-Dimensional Flat Searches

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    We formalize the notion of sampling a function using k-d darts. A k-d dart is a set of independent, mutually orthogonal, k-dimensional subspaces called k-d flats. Each dart has d choose k flats, aligned with the coordinate axes for efficiency. We show that k-d darts are useful for exploring a function's properties, such as estimating its integral, or finding an exemplar above a threshold. We describe a recipe for converting an algorithm from point sampling to k-d dart sampling, assuming the function can be evaluated along a k-d flat. We demonstrate that k-d darts are more efficient than point-wise samples in high dimensions, depending on the characteristics of the sampling domain: e.g. the subregion of interest has small volume and evaluating the function along a flat is not too expensive. We present three concrete applications using line darts (1-d darts): relaxed maximal Poisson-disk sampling, high-quality rasterization of depth-of-field blur, and estimation of the probability of failure from a response surface for uncertainty quantification. In these applications, line darts achieve the same fidelity output as point darts in less time. We also demonstrate the accuracy of higher dimensional darts for a volume estimation problem. For Poisson-disk sampling, we use significantly less memory, enabling the generation of larger point clouds in higher dimensions.Comment: 19 pages 16 figure

    Fourier Analysis of Stochastic Sampling Strategies for Assessing Bias and Variance in Integration

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    Each pixel in a photorealistic, computer generated picture is calculated by approximately integrating all the light arriving at the pixel, from the virtual scene. A common strategy to calculate these high-dimensional integrals is to average the estimates at stochastically sampled locations. The strategy with which the sampled locations are chosen is of utmost importance in deciding the quality of the approximation, and hence rendered image. We derive connections between the spectral properties of stochastic sampling patterns and the first and second order statistics of estimates of integration using the samples. Our equations provide insight into the assessment of stochastic sampling strategies for integration. We show that the amplitude of the expected Fourier spectrum of sampling patterns is a useful indicator of the bias when used in numerical integration. We deduce that estimator variance is directly dependent on the variance of the sampling spectrum over multiple realizations of the sampling pattern. We then analyse Gaussian jittered sampling, a simple variant of jittered sampling, that allows a smooth trade-off of bias for variance in uniform (regular grid) sampling. We verify our predictions using spectral measurement, quantitative integration experiments and qualitative comparisons of rendered images.</jats:p

    Parallel hierarchical global illumination

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    Solving the global illumination problem is equivalent to determining the intensity of every wavelength of light in all directions at every point in a given scene. The complexity of the problem has led researchers to use approximation methods for solving the problem on serial computers. Rather than using an approximation method, such as backward ray tracing or radiosity, we have chosen to solve the Rendering Equation by direct simulation of light transport from the light sources. This paper presents an algorithm that solves the Rendering Equation to any desired accuracy, and can be run in parallel on distributed memory or shared memory computer systems with excellent scaling properties. It appears superior in both speed and physical correctness to recent published methods involving bidirectional ray tracing or hybrid treatments of diffuse and specular surfaces. Like progressive radiosity methods, it dynamically refines the geometry decomposition where required, but does so without the excessive storage requirements for ray histories. The algorithm, called Photon, produces a scene which converges to the global illumination solution. This amounts to a huge task for a 1997-vintage serial computer, but using the power of a parallel supercomputer significantly reduces the time required to generate a solution. Currently, Photon can be run on most parallel environments from a shared memory multiprocessor to a parallel supercomputer, as well as on clusters of heterogeneous workstations

    A Dual-Beam Method-of-Images 3D Searchlight BSSRDF

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    We present a novel BSSRDF for rendering translucent materials. Angular effects lacking in previous BSSRDF models are incorporated by using a dual-beam formulation. We employ a Placzek's Lemma interpretation of the method of images and discard diffusion theory. Instead, we derive a plane-parallel transformation of the BSSRDF to form the associated BRDF and optimize the image confiurations such that the BRDF is close to the known analytic solutions for the associated albedo problem. This ensures reciprocity, accurate colors, and provides an automatic level-of-detail transition for translucent objects that appear at various distances in an image. Despite optimizing the subsurface fluence in a plane-parallel setting, we find that this also leads to fairly accurate fluence distributions throughout the volume in the original 3D searchlight problem. Our method-of-images modifications can also improve the accuracy of previous BSSRDFs.Comment: added clarifying text and 1 figure to illustrate the metho