27 research outputs found

    Eliminating read barriers through procrastination and cleanliness

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    Managed languages use read barriers to interpret forwarding pointers introduced to keep track of copied objects. For example, in a split-heap managed runtime for a multicore environment, an object initially allocated on a local heap may be copied to a shared heap if it becomes the source of a store operation whose target location resides on the shared heap. As part of the copy operation, a forwarding pointer may be established to allow existing references to the local object to reference the copied version. In this paper, we consider the design of a managed runtime that avoids the need for read barriers. Our design is premised on the availability of a sufficient degree of concurrency to stall operations that would otherwise necessitate the copy. Stalled actions are deferred until the next local collection, avoiding exposing forwarding pointers to the mutator. In certain important cases, procrastination is unnecessary- lightweight runtime techniques can sometimes be used to allow objects to be eagerly copied when their set of incoming references is known, or when it can be determined that having multiple copies would not violate program semantics. Experimental results over a range of parallel benchmarks on a number of different architectural platforms including an 864 core Azul Vega 3, and a 48 core Intel SCC, indicate that our approach leads to notable performance gains (20- 32 % on average) without incurring any additional complexity

    Achieving Highly Reliable Embedded Software: An Empirical Evaluation of Different Approaches

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    Granularity in Large-Scale Parallel Functional Programming

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    This thesis demonstrates how to reduce the runtime of large non-strict functional programs using parallel evaluation. The parallelisation of several programs shows the importance of granularity, i.e. the computation costs of program expressions. The aspect of granularity is studied both on a practical level, by presenting and measuring runtime granularity improvement mechanisms, and at a more formal level, by devising a static granularity analysis. By parallelising several large functional programs this thesis demonstrates for the first time the advantages of combining lazy and parallel evaluation on a large scale: laziness aids modularity, while parallelism reduces runtime. One of the parallel programs is the Lolita system which, with more than 47,000 lines of code, is the largest existing parallel non-strict functional program. A new mechanism for parallel programming, evaluation strategies, to which this thesis contributes, is shown to be useful in this parallelisation. Evaluation strategies simplify parallel programming by separating algorithmic code from code specifying dynamic behaviour. For large programs the abstraction provided by functions is maintained by using a data-oriented style of parallelism, which defines parallelism over intermediate data structures rather than inside the functions. A highly parameterised simulator, GRANSIM, has been constructed collaboratively and is discussed in detail in this thesis. GRANSIM is a tool for architecture-independent parallelisation and a testbed for implementing runtime-system features of the parallel graph reduction model. By providing an idealised as well as an accurate model of the underlying parallel machine, GRANSIM has proven to be an essential part of an integrated parallel software engineering environment. Several parallel runtime- system features, such as granularity improvement mechanisms, have been tested via GRANSIM. It is publicly available and in active use at several universities worldwide. In order to provide granularity information this thesis presents an inference-based static granularity analysis. This analysis combines two existing analyses, one for cost and one for size information. It determines an upper bound for the computation costs of evaluating an expression in a simple strict higher-order language. By exposing recurrences during cost reconstruction and using a library of recurrences and their closed forms, it is possible to infer the costs for some recursive functions. The possible performance improvements are assessed by measuring the parallel performance of a hand-analysed and annotated program

    Functional programming abstractions for weakly consistent systems

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    In recent years, there has been a wide-spread adoption of both multicore and cloud computing. Traditionally, concurrent programmers have relied on the underlying system providing strong memory consistency, where there is a semblance of concurrent tasks operating over a shared global address space. However, providing scalable strong consistency guarantees as the scale of the system grows is an increasingly difficult endeavor. In a multicore setting, the increasing complexity and the lack of scalability of hardware mechanisms such as cache coherence deters scalable strong consistency. In geo-distributed compute clouds, the availability concerns in the presence of partial failures prohibit strong consistency. Hence, modern multicore and cloud computing platforms eschew strong consistency in favor of weakly consistent memory, where each task\u27s memory view is incomparable with the other tasks. As a result, programmers on these platforms must tackle the full complexity of concurrent programming for an asynchronous distributed system. ^ This dissertation argues that functional programming language abstractions can simplify scalable concurrent programming for weakly consistent systems. Functional programming espouses mutation-free programming, and rare mutations when present are explicit in their types. By controlling and explicitly reasoning about shared state mutations, functional abstractions simplify concurrent programming. Building upon this intuition, this dissertation presents three major contributions, each focused on addressing a particular challenge associated with weakly consistent loosely coupled systems. First, it describes A NERIS, a concurrent functional programming language and runtime for the Intel Single-chip Cloud Computer, and shows how to provide an efficient cache coherent virtual address space on top of a non cache coherent multicore architecture. Next, it describes RxCML, a distributed extension of MULTIMLTON and shows that, with the help of speculative execution, synchronous communication can be utilized as an efficient abstraction for programming asynchronous distributed systems. Finally, it presents QUELEA, a programming system for eventually consistent distributed stores, and shows that the choice of correct consistency level for replicated data type operations and transactions can be automated with the help of high-level declarative contracts

    Aspects of functional programming

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    This thesis explores the application of functional programming in new areas and its implementation using new technologies. We show how functional languages can be used to implement solutions to problems in fuzzy logic using a number of languages: Haskell, Ginger and Aladin. A compiler for the weakly-typed, lazy language Ginger is developed using Java byte-code as its target code. This is used as the inspiration for an implementation of Aladin, a simple functional language which has two novel features: its primitives are designed to be written in any language, and evaluation is controlled by declaring the strictness of all functions. Efficient denotational and operational semantics are given for this machine and an implementation is devel- oped using these semantics. We then show that by using the advantages of Aladin (simplicity and strictness control) we can employ partial evaluation to achieve con- siderable speed-ups in the running times of Aladin programs

    Extending functional databases for use in text-intensive applications

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    This thesis continues research exploring the benefits of using functional databases based around the functional data model for advanced database applications-particularly those supporting investigative systems. This is a growing generic application domain covering areas such as criminal and military intelligence, which are characterised by significant data complexity, large data sets and the need for high performance, interactive use. An experimental functional database language was developed to provide the requisite semantic richness. However, heavy use in a practical context has shown that language extensions and implementation improvements are required-especially in the crucial areas of string matching and graph traversal. In addition, an implementation on multiprocessor, parallel architectures is essential to meet the performance needs arising from existing and projected database sizes in the chosen application area. [Continues.