3,563 research outputs found

    Memetic Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Hypergraph partitioning has a wide range of important applications such as VLSI design or scientific computing. With focus on solution quality, we develop the first multilevel memetic algorithm to tackle the problem. Key components of our contribution are new effective multilevel recombination and mutation operations that provide a large amount of diversity. We perform a wide range of experiments on a benchmark set containing instances from application areas such VLSI, SAT solving, social networks, and scientific computing. Compared to the state-of-the-art hypergraph partitioning tools hMetis, PaToH, and KaHyPar, our new algorithm computes the best result on almost all instances

    Partitioning Complex Networks via Size-constrained Clustering

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    The most commonly used method to tackle the graph partitioning problem in practice is the multilevel approach. During a coarsening phase, a multilevel graph partitioning algorithm reduces the graph size by iteratively contracting nodes and edges until the graph is small enough to be partitioned by some other algorithm. A partition of the input graph is then constructed by successively transferring the solution to the next finer graph and applying a local search algorithm to improve the current solution. In this paper, we describe a novel approach to partition graphs effectively especially if the networks have a highly irregular structure. More precisely, our algorithm provides graph coarsening by iteratively contracting size-constrained clusterings that are computed using a label propagation algorithm. The same algorithm that provides the size-constrained clusterings can also be used during uncoarsening as a fast and simple local search algorithm. Depending on the algorithm's configuration, we are able to compute partitions of very high quality outperforming all competitors, or partitions that are comparable to the best competitor in terms of quality, hMetis, while being nearly an order of magnitude faster on average. The fastest configuration partitions the largest graph available to us with 3.3 billion edges using a single machine in about ten minutes while cutting less than half of the edges than the fastest competitor, kMetis

    Relaxation-Based Coarsening for Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Multilevel partitioning methods that are inspired by principles of multiscaling are the most powerful practical hypergraph partitioning solvers. Hypergraph partitioning has many applications in disciplines ranging from scientific computing to data science. In this paper we introduce the concept of algebraic distance on hypergraphs and demonstrate its use as an algorithmic component in the coarsening stage of multilevel hypergraph partitioning solvers. The algebraic distance is a vertex distance measure that extends hyperedge weights for capturing the local connectivity of vertices which is critical for hypergraph coarsening schemes. The practical effectiveness of the proposed measure and corresponding coarsening scheme is demonstrated through extensive computational experiments on a diverse set of problems. Finally, we propose a benchmark of hypergraph partitioning problems to compare the quality of other solvers

    Advanced Multilevel Node Separator Algorithms

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    A node separator of a graph is a subset S of the nodes such that removing S and its incident edges divides the graph into two disconnected components of about equal size. In this work, we introduce novel algorithms to find small node separators in large graphs. With focus on solution quality, we introduce novel flow-based local search algorithms which are integrated in a multilevel framework. In addition, we transfer techniques successfully used in the graph partitioning field. This includes the usage of edge ratings tailored to our problem to guide the graph coarsening algorithm as well as highly localized local search and iterated multilevel cycles to improve solution quality even further. Experiments indicate that flow-based local search algorithms on its own in a multilevel framework are already highly competitive in terms of separator quality. Adding additional local search algorithms further improves solution quality. Our strongest configuration almost always outperforms competing systems while on average computing 10% and 62% smaller separators than Metis and Scotch, respectively