855 research outputs found

    Baby-Step Giant-Step Algorithms for the Symmetric Group

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    We study discrete logarithms in the setting of group actions. Suppose that GG is a group that acts on a set SS. When r,sSr,s \in S, a solution gGg \in G to rg=sr^g = s can be thought of as a kind of logarithm. In this paper, we study the case where G=SnG = S_n, and develop analogs to the Shanks baby-step / giant-step procedure for ordinary discrete logarithms. Specifically, we compute two sets A,BSnA, B \subseteq S_n such that every permutation of SnS_n can be written as a product abab of elements aAa \in A and bBb \in B. Our deterministic procedure is optimal up to constant factors, in the sense that AA and BB can be computed in optimal asymptotic complexity, and A|A| and B|B| are a small constant from n!\sqrt{n!} in size. We also analyze randomized "collision" algorithms for the same problem

    ECC2K-130 on NVIDIA GPUs

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    A major cryptanalytic computation is currently underway on multiple platforms, including standard CPUs, FPGAs, PlayStations and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), to break the Certicom ECC2K-130 challenge. This challenge is to compute an elliptic-curve discrete logarithm on a Koblitz curve over F2131\rm F_{2^{131}} . Optimizations have reduced the cost of the computation to approximately 277 bit operations in 261 iterations. GPUs are not designed for fast binary-field arithmetic; they are designed for highly vectorizable floating-point computations that fit into very small amounts of static RAM. This paper explains how to optimize the ECC2K-130 computation for this unusual platform. The resulting GPU software performs more than 63 million iterations per second, including 320 million F2131\rm F_{2^{131}} multiplications per second, on a $500 NVIDIA GTX 295 graphics card. The same techniques for finite-field arithmetic and elliptic-curve arithmetic can be reused in implementations of larger systems that are secure against similar attacks, making GPUs an interesting option as coprocessors when a busy Internet server has many elliptic-curve operations to perform in parallel

    Quantum attacks on Bitcoin, and how to protect against them

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    The key cryptographic protocols used to secure the internet and financial transactions of today are all susceptible to attack by the development of a sufficiently large quantum computer. One particular area at risk are cryptocurrencies, a market currently worth over 150 billion USD. We investigate the risk of Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrencies, to attacks by quantum computers. We find that the proof-of-work used by Bitcoin is relatively resistant to substantial speedup by quantum computers in the next 10 years, mainly because specialized ASIC miners are extremely fast compared to the estimated clock speed of near-term quantum computers. On the other hand, the elliptic curve signature scheme used by Bitcoin is much more at risk, and could be completely broken by a quantum computer as early as 2027, by the most optimistic estimates. We analyze an alternative proof-of-work called Momentum, based on finding collisions in a hash function, that is even more resistant to speedup by a quantum computer. We also review the available post-quantum signature schemes to see which one would best meet the security and efficiency requirements of blockchain applications.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures. For a rough update on the progress of Quantum devices and prognostications on time from now to break Digital signatures, see https://www.quantumcryptopocalypse.com/quantum-moores-law

    An algebraic hash function based on SL2

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    Cryptographic hash functions are fundamental building blocks of many computer security systems and protocols, primarily being used to ensure data integrity. Recent attacks against modern hash functions have questioned the suitability of standard hash function construction principles. In this paper we consider a hash function construction based multiplication in the group of 2 x 2 matrices over a finite field proposed by Zemor and Tillich [48, 42, 43]. We also look at how the algebraic properties of hash functions following this design can be exploited in attacks. Finally, we consider variations to the approach of Zemor and Tillich that offer some resistance to those attacks

    Estimating the cost of generic quantum pre-image attacks on SHA-2 and SHA-3

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    We investigate the cost of Grover's quantum search algorithm when used in the context of pre-image attacks on the SHA-2 and SHA-3 families of hash functions. Our cost model assumes that the attack is run on a surface code based fault-tolerant quantum computer. Our estimates rely on a time-area metric that costs the number of logical qubits times the depth of the circuit in units of surface code cycles. As a surface code cycle involves a significant classical processing stage, our cost estimates allow for crude, but direct, comparisons of classical and quantum algorithms. We exhibit a circuit for a pre-image attack on SHA-256 that is approximately 2153.82^{153.8} surface code cycles deep and requires approximately 212.62^{12.6} logical qubits. This yields an overall cost of 2166.42^{166.4} logical-qubit-cycles. Likewise we exhibit a SHA3-256 circuit that is approximately 2146.52^{146.5} surface code cycles deep and requires approximately 2202^{20} logical qubits for a total cost of, again, 2166.52^{166.5} logical-qubit-cycles. Both attacks require on the order of 21282^{128} queries in a quantum black-box model, hence our results suggest that executing these attacks may be as much as 275275 billion times more expensive than one would expect from the simple query analysis.Comment: Same as the published version to appear in the Selected Areas of Cryptography (SAC) 2016. Comments are welcome

    Time-Memory Trade-offs for Parallel Collision Search Algorithms

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    Parallel versions of collision search algorithms require a significant amount of memory to store a proportion of the points computed by the pseudo-random walks. Implementations available in the literature use a hash table to store these points and allow fast memory access. We provide theoretical evidence that memory is an important factor in determining the runtime of this method. We propose to replace the traditional hash table by a simple structure, inspired by radix trees, which saves space and provides fast look-up and insertion. In the case of many-collision search algorithms, our variant has a constant-factor improved runtime. We give benchmarks that show the linear parallel performance of the attack on elliptic curves discrete logarithms and improved running times for meet-in-the-middle applications

    Quantum Search for Scaled Hash Function Preimages

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    We present the implementation of Grover's algorithm in a quantum simulator to perform a quantum search for preimages of two scaled hash functions, whose design only uses modular addition, word rotation, and bitwise exclusive or. Our implementation provides the means to assess with precision the scaling of the number of gates and depth of a full-fledged quantum circuit designed to find the preimages of a given hash digest. The detailed construction of the quantum oracle shows that the presence of AND gates, OR gates, shifts of bits and the reuse of the initial state along the computation, require extra quantum resources as compared with other hash functions based on modular additions, XOR gates and rotations. We also track the entanglement entropy present in the quantum register at every step along the computation, showing that it becomes maximal at the inner core of the first action of the quantum oracle, which implies that no classical simulation based on Tensor Networks would be of relevance. Finally, we show that strategies that suggest a shortcut based on sampling the quantum register after a few steps of Grover's algorithm can only provide some marginal practical advantage in terms of error mitigation.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure