7,686 research outputs found

    Parallel Algorithms for Small Subgraph Counting

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    Subgraph counting is a fundamental problem in analyzing massive graphs, often studied in the context of social and complex networks. There is a rich literature on designing efficient, accurate, and scalable algorithms for this problem. In this work, we tackle this challenge and design several new algorithms for subgraph counting in the Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) model: Given a graph GG over nn vertices, mm edges and TT triangles, our first main result is an algorithm that, with high probability, outputs a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation to TT, with optimal round and space complexity provided any Smax(m,n2/m)S \geq \max{(\sqrt m, n^2/m)} space per machine, assuming T=Ω(m/n)T=\Omega(\sqrt{m/n}). Our second main result is an O~δ(loglogn)\tilde{O}_{\delta}(\log \log n)-rounds algorithm for exactly counting the number of triangles, parametrized by the arboricity α\alpha of the input graph. The space per machine is O(nδ)O(n^{\delta}) for any constant δ\delta, and the total space is O(mα)O(m\alpha), which matches the time complexity of (combinatorial) triangle counting in the sequential model. We also prove that this result can be extended to exactly counting kk-cliques for any constant kk, with the same round complexity and total space O(mαk2)O(m\alpha^{k-2}). Alternatively, allowing O(α2)O(\alpha^2) space per machine, the total space requirement reduces to O(nα2)O(n\alpha^2). Finally, we prove that a recent result of Bera, Pashanasangi and Seshadhri (ITCS 2020) for exactly counting all subgraphs of size at most 55, can be implemented in the MPC model in O~δ(logn)\tilde{O}_{\delta}(\sqrt{\log n}) rounds, O(nδ)O(n^{\delta}) space per machine and O(mα3)O(m\alpha^3) total space. Therefore, this result also exhibits the phenomenon that a time bound in the sequential model translates to a space bound in the MPC model

    Massively Parallel Algorithms for Small Subgraph Counting

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    Parallel Five-Cycle Counting Algorithms

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    Counting the frequency of subgraphs in large networks is a classic research question that reveals the underlying substructures of these networks for important applications. However, subgraph counting is a challenging problem, even for subgraph sizes as small as five, due to the combinatorial explosion in the number of possible occurrences. This paper focuses on the five-cycle, which is an important special case of five-vertex subgraph counting and one of the most difficult to count efficiently. We design two new parallel five-cycle counting algorithms and prove that they are work-efficient and achieve polylogarithmic span. Both algorithms are based on computing low out-degree orientations, which enables the efficient computation of directed two-paths and three-paths, and the algorithms differ in the ways in which they use this orientation to eliminate double-counting. We develop fast multicore implementations of the algorithms and propose a work scheduling optimization to improve their performance. Our experiments on a variety of real-world graphs using a 36-core machine with two-way hyper-threading show that our algorithms achieves 10-46x self-relative speed-up, outperform our serial benchmarks by 10-32x, and outperform the previous state-of-the-art serial algorithm by up to 818x

    Beyond Triangles: A Distributed Framework for Estimating 3-profiles of Large Graphs

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    We study the problem of approximating the 33-profile of a large graph. 33-profiles are generalizations of triangle counts that specify the number of times a small graph appears as an induced subgraph of a large graph. Our algorithm uses the novel concept of 33-profile sparsifiers: sparse graphs that can be used to approximate the full 33-profile counts for a given large graph. Further, we study the problem of estimating local and ego 33-profiles, two graph quantities that characterize the local neighborhood of each vertex of a graph. Our algorithm is distributed and operates as a vertex program over the GraphLab PowerGraph framework. We introduce the concept of edge pivoting which allows us to collect 22-hop information without maintaining an explicit 22-hop neighborhood list at each vertex. This enables the computation of all the local 33-profiles in parallel with minimal communication. We test out implementation in several experiments scaling up to 640640 cores on Amazon EC2. We find that our algorithm can estimate the 33-profile of a graph in approximately the same time as triangle counting. For the harder problem of ego 33-profiles, we introduce an algorithm that can estimate profiles of hundreds of thousands of vertices in parallel, in the timescale of minutes.Comment: To appear in part at KDD'1

    Approximately Counting Embeddings into Random Graphs

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    Let H be a graph, and let C_H(G) be the number of (subgraph isomorphic) copies of H contained in a graph G. We investigate the fundamental problem of estimating C_H(G). Previous results cover only a few specific instances of this general problem, for example, the case when H has degree at most one (monomer-dimer problem). In this paper, we present the first general subcase of the subgraph isomorphism counting problem which is almost always efficiently approximable. The results rely on a new graph decomposition technique. Informally, the decomposition is a labeling of the vertices such that every edge is between vertices with different labels and for every vertex all neighbors with a higher label have identical labels. The labeling implicitly generates a sequence of bipartite graphs which permits us to break the problem of counting embeddings of large subgraphs into that of counting embeddings of small subgraphs. Using this method, we present a simple randomized algorithm for the counting problem. For all decomposable graphs H and all graphs G, the algorithm is an unbiased estimator. Furthermore, for all graphs H having a decomposition where each of the bipartite graphs generated is small and almost all graphs G, the algorithm is a fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme. We show that the graph classes of H for which we obtain a fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme for almost all G includes graphs of degree at most two, bounded-degree forests, bounded-length grid graphs, subdivision of bounded-degree graphs, and major subclasses of outerplanar graphs, series-parallel graphs and planar graphs, whereas unbounded-length grid graphs are excluded.Comment: Earlier version appeared in Random 2008. Fixed an typo in Definition 3.

    Shared-memory Graph Truss Decomposition

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    We present PKT, a new shared-memory parallel algorithm and OpenMP implementation for the truss decomposition of large sparse graphs. A k-truss is a dense subgraph definition that can be considered a relaxation of a clique. Truss decomposition refers to a partitioning of all the edges in the graph based on their k-truss membership. The truss decomposition of a graph has many applications. We show that our new approach PKT consistently outperforms other truss decomposition approaches for a collection of large sparse graphs and on a 24-core shared-memory server. PKT is based on a recently proposed algorithm for k-core decomposition.Comment: 10 pages, conference submissio