1,291 research outputs found

    Panoptic Segmentation

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    We propose and study a task we name panoptic segmentation (PS). Panoptic segmentation unifies the typically distinct tasks of semantic segmentation (assign a class label to each pixel) and instance segmentation (detect and segment each object instance). The proposed task requires generating a coherent scene segmentation that is rich and complete, an important step toward real-world vision systems. While early work in computer vision addressed related image/scene parsing tasks, these are not currently popular, possibly due to lack of appropriate metrics or associated recognition challenges. To address this, we propose a novel panoptic quality (PQ) metric that captures performance for all classes (stuff and things) in an interpretable and unified manner. Using the proposed metric, we perform a rigorous study of both human and machine performance for PS on three existing datasets, revealing interesting insights about the task. The aim of our work is to revive the interest of the community in a more unified view of image segmentation.Comment: accepted to CVPR 201

    A SAM-based Solution for Hierarchical Panoptic Segmentation of Crops and Weeds Competition

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    Panoptic segmentation in agriculture is an advanced computer vision technique that provides a comprehensive understanding of field composition. It facilitates various tasks such as crop and weed segmentation, plant panoptic segmentation, and leaf instance segmentation, all aimed at addressing challenges in agriculture. Exploring the application of panoptic segmentation in agriculture, the 8th Workshop on Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture (CVPPA) hosted the challenge of hierarchical panoptic segmentation of crops and weeds using the PhenoBench dataset. To tackle the tasks presented in this competition, we propose an approach that combines the effectiveness of the Segment AnyThing Model (SAM) for instance segmentation with prompt input from object detection models. Specifically, we integrated two notable approaches in object detection, namely DINO and YOLO-v8. Our best-performing model achieved a PQ+ score of 81.33 based on the evaluation metrics of the competition.Comment: Technical report of NYCU-WEED team for the challenge of hierarchical panoptic segmentation of crops and weeds using the PhenoBench dataset at the 8th Workshop on Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture (CVPPA) - International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 202

    PVO: Panoptic Visual Odometry

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    We present PVO, a novel panoptic visual odometry framework to achieve more comprehensive modeling of the scene motion, geometry, and panoptic segmentation information. Our PVO models visual odometry (VO) and video panoptic segmentation (VPS) in a unified view, which makes the two tasks mutually beneficial. Specifically, we introduce a panoptic update module into the VO Module with the guidance of image panoptic segmentation. This Panoptic-Enhanced VO Module can alleviate the impact of dynamic objects in the camera pose estimation with a panoptic-aware dynamic mask. On the other hand, the VO-Enhanced VPS Module also improves the segmentation accuracy by fusing the panoptic segmentation result of the current frame on the fly to the adjacent frames, using geometric information such as camera pose, depth, and optical flow obtained from the VO Module. These two modules contribute to each other through recurrent iterative optimization. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PVO outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both visual odometry and video panoptic segmentation tasks.Comment: CVPR2023 Project page: https://zju3dv.github.io/pvo/ code: https://github.com/zju3dv/PV

    Benchmarking the Robustness of Panoptic Segmentation for Automated Driving

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    Precise situational awareness is required for the safe decision-making of assisted and automated driving (AAD) functions. Panoptic segmentation is a promising perception technique to identify and categorise objects, impending hazards, and driveable space at a pixel level. While segmentation quality is generally associated with the quality of the camera data, a comprehensive understanding and modelling of this relationship are paramount for AAD system designers. Motivated by such a need, this work proposes a unifying pipeline to assess the robustness of panoptic segmentation models for AAD, correlating it with traditional image quality. The first step of the proposed pipeline involves generating degraded camera data that reflects real-world noise factors. To this end, 19 noise factors have been identified and implemented with 3 severity levels. Of these factors, this work proposes novel models for unfavourable light and snow. After applying the degradation models, three state-of-the-art CNN- and vision transformers (ViT)-based panoptic segmentation networks are used to analyse their robustness. The variations of the segmentation performance are then correlated to 8 selected image quality metrics. This research reveals that: 1) certain specific noise factors produce the highest impact on panoptic segmentation, i.e. droplets on lens and Gaussian noise; 2) the ViT-based panoptic segmentation backbones show better robustness to the considered noise factors; 3) some image quality metrics (i.e. LPIPS and CW-SSIM) correlate strongly with panoptic segmentation performance and therefore they can be used as predictive metrics for network performance

    PolyphonicFormer: Unified Query Learning for Depth-aware Video Panoptic Segmentation

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    The Depth-aware Video Panoptic Segmentation (DVPS) is a new challenging vision problem that aims to predict panoptic segmentation and depth in a video simultaneously. The previous work solves this task by extending the existing panoptic segmentation method with an extra dense depth prediction and instance tracking head. However, the relationship between the depth and panoptic segmentation is not well explored -- simply combining existing methods leads to competition and needs carefully weight balancing. In this paper, we present PolyphonicFormer, a vision transformer to unify these sub-tasks under the DVPS task and lead to more robust results. Our principal insight is that the depth can be harmonized with the panoptic segmentation with our proposed new paradigm of predicting instance level depth maps with object queries. Then the relationship between the two tasks via query-based learning is explored. From the experiments, we demonstrate the benefits of our design from both depth estimation and panoptic segmentation aspects. Since each thing query also encodes the instance-wise information, it is natural to perform tracking directly with appearance learning. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results on two DVPS datasets (Semantic KITTI, Cityscapes), and ranks 1st on the ICCV-2021 BMTT Challenge video + depth track. Code is available at https://github.com/HarborYuan/PolyphonicFormer .Comment: Accepted by ECCV 202

    PanDA: Panoptic Data Augmentation

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    The recently proposed panoptic segmentation task presents a significant challenge of image understanding with computer vision by unifying semantic segmentation and instance segmentation tasks. In this paper we present an efficient and novel panoptic data augmentation (PanDA) method which operates exclusively in pixel space, requires no additional data or training, and is computationally cheap to implement. By retraining original state-of-the-art models on PanDA augmented datasets generated with a single frozen set of parameters, we show robust performance gains in panoptic segmentation, instance segmentation, as well as detection across models, backbones, dataset domains, and scales. Finally, the effectiveness of unrealistic-looking training images synthesized by PanDA suggest that one should rethink the need for image realism for efficient data augmentation