8,708 research outputs found

    Data Analytics with Differential Privacy

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    Differential privacy is the state-of-the-art definition for privacy, guaranteeing that any analysis performed on a sensitive dataset leaks no information about the individuals whose data are contained therein. In this thesis, we develop differentially private algorithms to analyze distributed and streaming data. In the distributed model, we consider the particular problem of learning -- in a distributed fashion -- a global model of the data, that can subsequently be used for arbitrary analyses. We build upon PrivBayes, a differentially private method that approximates the high-dimensional distribution of a centralized dataset as a product of low-order distributions, utilizing a Bayesian Network model. We examine three novel approaches to learning a global Bayesian Network from distributed data, while offering the differential privacy guarantee to all local datasets. Our work includes a detailed theoretical analysis of the distributed, differentially private entropy estimator which we use in one of our algorithms, as well as a detailed experimental evaluation, using both synthetic and real-world data. In the streaming model, we focus on the problem of estimating the density of a stream of users, which expresses the fraction of all users that actually appear in the stream. We offer one of the strongest privacy guarantees for the streaming model, user-level pan-privacy, which ensures that the privacy of any user is protected, even against an adversary that observes the internal state of the algorithm. We provide a detailed analysis of an existing, sampling-based algorithm for the problem and propose two novel modifications that significantly improve it, both theoretically and experimentally, by optimally using all the allocated "privacy budget."Comment: Diploma Thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 201

    Gozar: NAT-friendly Peer Sampling with One-Hop Distributed NAT Traversal

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    Gossip-based peer sampling protocols have been widely used as a building block for many large-scale distributed applications. However, Network Address Translation gateways (NATs) cause most existing gossiping protocols to break down, as nodes cannot establish direct connections to nodes behind NATs (private nodes). In addition, most of the existing NAT traversal algorithms for establishing connectivity to private nodes rely on third party servers running at a well-known, public IP addresses. In this paper, we present Gozar, a gossip-based peer sampling service that: (i) provides uniform random samples in the presence of NATs, and (ii) enables direct connectivity to sampled nodes using a fully distributed NAT traversal service, where connection messages require only a single hop to connect to private nodes. We show in simulation that Gozar preserves the randomness properties of a gossip-based peer sampling service. We show the robustness of Gozar when a large fraction of nodes reside behind NATs and also in catastrophic failure scenarios. For example, if 80% of nodes are behind NATs, and 80% of the nodes fail, more than 92% of the remaining nodes stay connected. In addition, we compare Gozar with existing NAT-friendly gossip-based peer sampling services, Nylon and ARRG. We show that Gozar is the only system that supports one-hop NAT traversal, and its overhead is roughly half of Nylon’s

    Towards Tight Bounds for the Streaming Set Cover Problem

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    We consider the classic Set Cover problem in the data stream model. For nn elements and mm sets (m≥nm\geq n) we give a O(1/δ)O(1/\delta)-pass algorithm with a strongly sub-linear O~(mnδ)\tilde{O}(mn^{\delta}) space and logarithmic approximation factor. This yields a significant improvement over the earlier algorithm of Demaine et al. [DIMV14] that uses exponentially larger number of passes. We complement this result by showing that the tradeoff between the number of passes and space exhibited by our algorithm is tight, at least when the approximation factor is equal to 11. Specifically, we show that any algorithm that computes set cover exactly using (12δ−1)({1 \over 2\delta}-1) passes must use Ω~(mnδ)\tilde{\Omega}(mn^{\delta}) space in the regime of m=O(n)m=O(n). Furthermore, we consider the problem in the geometric setting where the elements are points in R2\mathbb{R}^2 and sets are either discs, axis-parallel rectangles, or fat triangles in the plane, and show that our algorithm (with a slight modification) uses the optimal O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) space to find a logarithmic approximation in O(1/δ)O(1/\delta) passes. Finally, we show that any randomized one-pass algorithm that distinguishes between covers of size 2 and 3 must use a linear (i.e., Ω(mn)\Omega(mn)) amount of space. This is the first result showing that a randomized, approximate algorithm cannot achieve a space bound that is sublinear in the input size. This indicates that using multiple passes might be necessary in order to achieve sub-linear space bounds for this problem while guaranteeing small approximation factors.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper is to appear in PODS 201

    Private Incremental Regression

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    Data is continuously generated by modern data sources, and a recent challenge in machine learning has been to develop techniques that perform well in an incremental (streaming) setting. In this paper, we investigate the problem of private machine learning, where as common in practice, the data is not given at once, but rather arrives incrementally over time. We introduce the problems of private incremental ERM and private incremental regression where the general goal is to always maintain a good empirical risk minimizer for the history observed under differential privacy. Our first contribution is a generic transformation of private batch ERM mechanisms into private incremental ERM mechanisms, based on a simple idea of invoking the private batch ERM procedure at some regular time intervals. We take this construction as a baseline for comparison. We then provide two mechanisms for the private incremental regression problem. Our first mechanism is based on privately constructing a noisy incremental gradient function, which is then used in a modified projected gradient procedure at every timestep. This mechanism has an excess empirical risk of ≈d\approx\sqrt{d}, where dd is the dimensionality of the data. While from the results of [Bassily et al. 2014] this bound is tight in the worst-case, we show that certain geometric properties of the input and constraint set can be used to derive significantly better results for certain interesting regression problems.Comment: To appear in PODS 201

    Fast Private Data Release Algorithms for Sparse Queries

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    We revisit the problem of accurately answering large classes of statistical queries while preserving differential privacy. Previous approaches to this problem have either been very general but have not had run-time polynomial in the size of the database, have applied only to very limited classes of queries, or have relaxed the notion of worst-case error guarantees. In this paper we consider the large class of sparse queries, which take non-zero values on only polynomially many universe elements. We give efficient query release algorithms for this class, in both the interactive and the non-interactive setting. Our algorithms also achieve better accuracy bounds than previous general techniques do when applied to sparse queries: our bounds are independent of the universe size. In fact, even the runtime of our interactive mechanism is independent of the universe size, and so can be implemented in the "infinite universe" model in which no finite universe need be specified by the data curator
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