8 research outputs found

    Edge-centric multimodal authentication system using encrypted biometric templates

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    Data security, complete system control, and missed storage and computing opportunities in personal portable devices are some of the major limitations of the centralized cloud environment. Among these limitations, security is a prime concern due to potential unauthorized access to private data. Biometrics, in particular, is considered sensitive data, and its usage is subject to the privacy protection law. To address this issue, a multimodal authentication system using encrypted biometrics for the edge-centric cloud environment is proposed in this study. Personal portable devices are utilized for encrypting biometrics in the proposed system, which optimizes the use of resources and tackles another limitation of the cloud environment. Biometrics is encrypted using a new method. In the proposed system, the edges transmit the encrypted speech and face for processing in the cloud. The cloud then decrypts the biometrics and performs authentication to confirm the identity of an individual. The model for speech authentication is based on two types of features, namely, Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients and perceptual linear prediction coefficients. The model for face authentication is implemented by determining the eigenfaces. The final decision about the identity of a user is based on majority voting. Experimental results show that the new encryption method can reliably hide the identity of an individual and accurately decrypt the biometrics, which is vital for errorless authentication

    Recent Advances in Biometric Technology for Mobile Devices

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    International audienceThe prevalent commercial deployment of mobile biometrics as a robust authentication method on mobile devices has fueled increasingly scientific attention. Motivated by this, in this work we seek to provide insight on recent development in mobile biometrics. We present parallels and dissimilarities of mobile biometrics and classical biometrics, enumerate related benefits and challenges. Further we provide an overview of recent techniques in mobile biometrics, as well as application systems adopted by industry. Finally, we discuss open research problems in this field

    Secure Authentication for Mobile Users

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    RÉSUMÉ :L’authentification biométrique telle que les empreintes digitales et la biométrie faciale a changé la principale méthode d’authentification sur les appareils mobiles. Les gens inscrivent facilement leurs modèles d’empreintes digitales ou de visage dans différents systèmes d’authentification pour profiter de leur accès facile au smartphone sans avoir besoin de se souvenir et de saisir les codes PIN/mots de passe conventionnels. Cependant, ils ne sont pas conscients du fait qu’ils stockent leurs caractéristiques physiologiques ou comportementales durables sur des plates-formes non sécurisées (c’est-à-dire sur des téléphones mobiles ou sur un stockage en nuage), menaçant la confidentialité de leurs modèles biométriques et de leurs identités. Par conséquent, un schéma d’authentification est nécessaire pour préserver la confidentialité des modèles biométriques des utilisateurs et les authentifier en toute sécurité sans compter sur des plates-formes non sécurisées et non fiables.La plupart des études ont envisagé des approches logicielles pour concevoir un système d’authentification sécurisé. Cependant, ces approches ont montré des limites dans les systèmes d’authentification sécurisés. Principalement, ils souffrent d’une faible précision de vérification, en raison des transformations du gabarit (cancelable biometrics), de la fuite d’informations (fuzzy commitment schemes) ou de la réponse de vérification non en temps réel, en raison des calculs coûteux (homomorphic encryption).---------- ABSTRACT: Biometric authentication such as fingerprint and face biometrics has changed the main authentication method on mobile devices. People easily enroll their fingerprint or face template on different authentication systems to take advantage of their easy access to the smartphone with no need to remember and enter the conventional PINs/passwords. However, they are not aware that they store their long-lasting physiological or behavioral characteristics on insecure platforms (i.e., on mobile phones or on cloud storage), threatening the privacy of their biometric templates and their identities. Therefore, an authentication scheme is required to preserve the privacy of users’ biometric templates and securely authenticate them without relying on insecure and untrustworthy platforms. Most studies have considered software-based approaches to design a privacy-reserving authentication system. However, these approaches have shown limitations in secure authentication systems. Mainly, they suffer from low verification accuracy, due to the template transformations (in cancelable biometrics), information leakage (in fuzzy commitment schemes), or non real-time verification response, due to the expensive computations (in homomorphic encryption)

    Unconstrained palmprint as a smartphone biometric

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    In this work the use of palmprints as an alternative biometric for smartphones is investigated and its feasibility is evaluated across multiple devices using unconstrained acquisition. A novel multi-device database that covers a wide range of camera systems with data obtained in various conditions was built. This database contains palmprint images from 81 users acquired with 5 smartphones and is publicly available to the research community. Extensive experiments were carried out and their results placed into the context of existing, more constrained palmprint databases acquired with smartphones. The results outline the potential of palmprints to be used as an efficient secondary biometric deployed on consumer devices