6 research outputs found

    Creating and Recognizing 3D Objects

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    This thesis aims at investigating on 3D Computer Vision, a research topic which is gathering even increasing attention thanks to the more and more widespread availability of affordable 3D visual sensor, such as, in particular consumer grade RGB-D cameras. The contribution of this dissertation is twofold. First, the work addresses how to compactly represent the content of images acquired with RGB-D cameras. Second, the thesis focuses on 3D Reconstruction, key issue to efficiently populate the databases of 3D models deployed in object/category recognition scenarios. As 3D Registration plays a fundamental role in 3D Reconstruction, the former part of the thesis proposes a pipeline for coarse registration of point clouds that is entirely based on the computation of 3D Local Reference Frames (LRF). Unlike related work in literature, we also propose a comprehensive experimental evaluation based on diverse kinds of data (such as those acquired by laser scanners, RGB-D and stereo cameras) as well as on quantitative comparison with respect to three other methods. Driven by the ever-lower costs and growing distribution of 3D sensing devices, we expect broad-scale integration of depth sensing into mobile devices to be forthcoming. Accordingly, the thesis investigates on merging appearance and shape information for Mobile Visual Search and focuses on encoding RGB-D images in compact binary codes. An extensive experimental analysis on three state-of-the-art datasets, addressing both category and instance recognition scenarios, has led to the development of an RGB-D search engine architecture that can attain high recognition rates with peculiarly moderate bandwidth requirements. Our experiments also include a comparison with the CDVS (Compact Descriptors for Visual Search) pipeline, candidate to become part of the MPEG-7 standard

    Moving Least Squares Correspondences for Iterative Point Set Registration

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    Registering partial shapes plays an important role in numerous applications in the fields of robotics, vision, and graphics. An essential problem of registration algorithms is the determination of correspondences between surfaces. In this paper, we provide a in-depth evaluation of an approach that computes high-quality correspondences for pair-wise closest point-based iterative registration and compare the results with state-of-the-art registration algorithms. Instead of using a discrete point set for correspondence search, the approach is based on a locally reconstructed continuous moving least squares surface to overcome sampling mismatches in the input shapes. Furthermore, MLS-based correspondences are highly robust to noise. We demonstrate that this strategy outperforms existing approaches in terms of registration accuracy by combining it with the SparseICP local registration algorithm. Our extensive evaluation over several thousand scans from different sources verify that MLS-based approach results in a significant increase in alignment accuracy, surpassing state-of-theart feature-based and probabilistic methods. At the same time, it allows an efficient implementation that introduces only a modest computational overhead

    Pairwise Registration by Local Orientation Cues

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    Inspired by recent work on robust and fast computation of 3D Local Reference Frames (LRFs), we propose a novel pipeline for coarse registration of 3D point clouds. Key to the method are: (i) the observation that any two corresponding points endowed with an LRF provide a hypothesis on the rigid motion between two views, (ii) the intuition that feature points can be matched based solely on cues directly derived from the computation of the LRF, (iii) a feature detection approach relying on a saliency criterion which captures the ability to establish an LRF repeatably. Unlike related work in literature, we also propose a comprehensive experimental evaluation based on diverse kinds of data (such as those acquired by laser scanners, Kinect and stereo cameras) as well as on quantitative comparison with respect to other methods. We also address the issue of setting the many parameters that characterize coarse registration pipelines fairly and realistically. The experimental evaluation vouches that our method can handle effectively data acquired by different sensors and is remarkably fast