1,862 research outputs found

    Finite size corrections in random matrix theory and Odlyzko's data set for the Riemann zeros

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    Odlyzko has computed a data set listing more than 10910^9 successive Riemann zeros, starting at a zero number beyond 102310^{23}. The data set relates to random matrix theory since, according to the Montgomery-Odlyzko law, the statistical properties of the large Riemann zeros agree with the statistical properties of the eigenvalues of large random Hermitian matrices. Moreover, Keating and Snaith, and then Bogomolny and collaborators, have used N×NN \times N random unitary matrices to analyse deviations from this law. We contribute to this line of study in two ways. First, we point out that a natural process to apply to the data set is to thin it by deleting each member independently with some specified probability, and we proceed to compute empirical two-point correlation functions and nearest neighbour spacings in this setting. Second, we show how to characterise the order 1/N21/N^2 correction term to the spacing distribution for random unitary matrices in terms of a second order differential equation with coefficients that are Painlev\'e transcendents, and where the thinning parameter appears only in the boundary condition. This equation can be solved numerically using a power series method. Comparison with the Riemann zero data shows accurate agreement.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, Version 2 added some new references in bibliography, Version 3 corrected the scaling on the spacing distribution and some typo

    Linear law for the logarithms of the Riemann periods at simple critical zeta zeros

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    Each simple zero 1/2 + iγn of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line with γn > 0 is a center for the flow s˙ = ξ(s) of the Riemann xi function with an associated period Tn. It is shown that, as γn →∞, log Tn ≥ π/4 γn + O(log γn). Numerical evaluation leads to the conjecture that this inequality can be replaced by an equality. Assuming the Riemann Hypothesis and a zeta zero separation conjecture γn+1 − γn≥ γn-θ for some exponent θ > 0, we obtain the upper bound log Tn ≤ γn2 + θ Assuming a weakened form of a conjecture of Gonek, giving a bound for the reciprocal of the derivative of zeta at each zero, we obtain the expected upper bound for the periods so, conditionally, log Tn = π/ 4 γn +O(log γn). Indeed, this linear relationship is equivalent to the given weakened conjecture, which implies the zero separation conjecture, provided the exponent is sufficiently large. The frequencies corresponding to the periods relate to natural eigenvalues for the Hilbert–Polya conjecture. They may provide a goal for those seeking a self-adjoint operator related to the Riemann hypothesis

    Gaps between zeros of the derivative of the Riemann \xi-function

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    Assuming the Riemann hypothesis, we investigate the distribution of gaps between the zeros of \xi'(s). We prove that a positive proportion of gaps are less than 0.796 times the average spacing and, in the other direction, a positive proportion of gaps are greater than 1.18 times the average spacing. We also exhibit the existence of infinitely many normalized gaps smaller (larger) than 0.7203 (1.5, respectively).Comment: 15 page

    Linear law for the logarithms of the Riemann periods at simple critical zeta zeros

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    Each simple zero 1/2 + iγn of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line with γn > 0 is a center for the flow s˙ = ξ(s) of the Riemann xi function with an associated period Tn. It is shown that, as γn →∞, log Tn ≥ π/4 γn + O(log γn). Numerical evaluation leads to the conjecture that this inequality can be replaced by an equality. Assuming the Riemann Hypothesis and a zeta zero separation conjecture γn+1 − γn≥ γn-θ for some exponent θ > 0, we obtain the upper bound log Tn ≤ γn2 + θ Assuming a weakened form of a conjecture of Gonek, giving a bound for the reciprocal of the derivative of zeta at each zero, we obtain the expected upper bound for the periods so, conditionally, log Tn = π/ 4 γn +O(log γn). Indeed, this linear relationship is equivalent to the given weakened conjecture, which implies the zero separation conjecture, provided the exponent is sufficiently large. The frequencies corresponding to the periods relate to natural eigenvalues for the Hilbert–Polya conjecture. They may provide a goal for those seeking a self-adjoint operator related to the Riemann hypothesis

    Roots of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function and of characteristic polynomials

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    We investigate the horizontal distribution of zeros of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function and compare this to the radial distribution of zeros of the derivative of the characteristic polynomial of a random unitary matrix. Both cases show a surprising bimodal distribution which has yet to be explained. We show by example that the bimodality is a general phenomenon. For the unitary matrix case we prove a conjecture of Mezzadri concerning the leading order behavior, and we show that the same follows from the random matrix conjectures for the zeros of the zeta function.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure