55 research outputs found

    Complete Algebraic Reconstruction of Piecewise-Smooth Functions from Fourier Data

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    In this paper we provide a reconstruction algorithm for piecewise-smooth functions with a-priori known smoothness and number of discontinuities, from their Fourier coefficients, posessing the maximal possible asymptotic rate of convergence -- including the positions of the discontinuities and the pointwise values of the function. This algorithm is a modification of our earlier method, which is in turn based on the algebraic method of K.Eckhoff proposed in the 1990s. The key ingredient of the new algorithm is to use a different set of Eckhoff's equations for reconstructing the location of each discontinuity. Instead of consecutive Fourier samples, we propose to use a "decimated" set which is evenly spread throughout the spectrum


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    Many applications in engineering practice can be described by thehyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs). Numerical modeling of this typeof equations often involves large gradients or shocks, which makes it achallenging task for conventional numerical methods to accurately simulate suchsystems. Thus developing accurate and efficient shock capturing numericalschemes becomes important for the study of hyperbolic equations.In this dissertation, a detailed study of the numerical methods for linearand nonlinear unsteady hyperbolic equations was carried out. A new finitedifference shock capturing scheme of finite volume style was developed. Thisscheme is based on the high order Pad?? type compact central finite differencemethod with the weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) reconstruction toeliminate non-physical oscillations near the discontinuities while maintain stablesolution in the smooth areas. The unconditionally stable semi-implicit Crank-Nicolson (CN) scheme is used for time integration.The theoretical development was conducted based on one-dimensionalhomogeneous scalar equation and system equations. Discussions were alsoextended to include source terms and to deal with problems of higher dimension.For the treatment of source terms, Strang splitting was used. For multidimensionalequations, the ?? -form Douglas-Gunn alternating direction implicit(ADI) method was employed. To compare the performance of the scheme withENO type interpolation, the current numerical framework was also applied usingENO reconstruction.The numerical schemes were tested on 1-D and 2-D benchmark problems,as well as published experimental results. The simulated results show thecapability of the proposed scheme to resolve discontinuities while maintainingaccuracy in smooth regions. Comparisons with the experimental results validatethe method for dam break problems. It is concluded that the proposed scheme isa useful tool for solving hyperbolic equations in general, and from engineeringapplication perspective it provides a new way of modeling open channel flows

    Steady-state response of a random dynamical system described with Padé approximants and random eigenmodes

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    Designing a random dynamical system requires the prediction of the statistics of the response, knowing the random model of the uncertain parameters. Direct Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) is the reference method for propagating uncertainties but its main drawback is the high numerical cost. A surrogate model based on a polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) can be built as an alternative to MCS. However, some previous studies have shown poor convergence properties around the deterministic eigenfrequencies. In this study, an extended Pade approximant approach is proposed not only to accelerate the convergence of the PCE but also to have a better representation of the exact frequency response, which is a rational function of the uncertain parameters. A second approach is based on the random mode expansion of the response, which is widely used for deterministic dynamical systems. A PCE approach is used to calculate the random modes. Both approaches are tested on an example to check their efficiency

    A new iterative approach to solving the transport equation

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    We present a new iterative approach to solving neutral-particle transport problems. The scheme divides the transport solution into its particular and homogeneous or “source-free” components. The particular problem is solved directly, while the homogeneous problem is found iteratively. To organize the iterative inversion of the homogeneous components, we exploit the structures of the so called Case-modes that compose it. The asymptotic Case-modes, those that vary slowly in space and angle, are assigned to a diffusion solver. The remaining transient Case-modes, those with large spatial gradients, are assigned to a transport solver. The scheme iterates on the contribution from each solver until the particular plus homogeneous solution converges. The iterative method is implemented successfully in slab geometry with isotropic scattering and one energy group. The convergence rate of the method is only weakly dependent on the scattering ratio of the problem. Instead, the rate of convergence depends strongly on the material thickness of the slab, with thick slabs converging in few iterations. The transient solution is obtained by applying a One Cell Inversion scheme instead of a Source Iteration based scheme. Thus, the transient unknowns are calculated with little coordination between them. This independence among unknowns makes our scheme ideally suited for transport calculations on parallel architectures. The slab geometry iterative scheme is adapted to XY geometry. Unfortunately, this attempt to extend the slab geometry iterative scheme to multiple dimensions has not been successful. The exact filtering scheme needed to discriminate asymptotic and transient modes has not been obtained and attempts to approximate this filtering process resulted in a divergent iterative scheme. However, the development of this iterative scheme yield valuable analysis tools to understand the Case-mode structure of any spatial discretization under arbitrary material properties

    Recent Advances in Industrial and Applied Mathematics

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    This open access book contains review papers authored by thirteen plenary invited speakers to the 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Valencia, July 15-19, 2019). Written by top-level scientists recognized worldwide, the scientific contributions cover a wide range of cutting-edge topics of industrial and applied mathematics: mathematical modeling, industrial and environmental mathematics, mathematical biology and medicine, reduced-order modeling and cryptography. The book also includes an introductory chapter summarizing the main features of the congress. This is the first volume of a thematic series dedicated to research results presented at ICIAM 2019-Valencia Congress

    Recent Advances in Industrial and Applied Mathematics

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    This open access book contains review papers authored by thirteen plenary invited speakers to the 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Valencia, July 15-19, 2019). Written by top-level scientists recognized worldwide, the scientific contributions cover a wide range of cutting-edge topics of industrial and applied mathematics: mathematical modeling, industrial and environmental mathematics, mathematical biology and medicine, reduced-order modeling and cryptography. The book also includes an introductory chapter summarizing the main features of the congress. This is the first volume of a thematic series dedicated to research results presented at ICIAM 2019-Valencia Congress
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