5,174 research outputs found

    Packing degenerate graphs

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    Given D and γ>0, whenever c>0 is sufficiently small and n sufficiently large, if G is a family of D-degenerate graphs of individual orders at most n, maximum degrees at most cnlogn, and total number of edges at most (1−γ)(n2), then G packs into the complete graph Kn. Our proof proceeds by analysing a natural random greedy packing algorithm

    Limited packings of closed neighbourhoods in graphs

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    The k-limited packing number, Lk(G)L_k(G), of a graph GG, introduced by Gallant, Gunther, Hartnell, and Rall, is the maximum cardinality of a set XX of vertices of GG such that every vertex of GG has at most kk elements of XX in its closed neighbourhood. The main aim in this paper is to prove the best-possible result that if GG is a cubic graph, then L2(G)V(G)/3L_2(G) \geq |V (G)|/3, improving the previous lower bound given by Gallant, \emph{et al.} In addition, we construct an infinite family of graphs to show that lower bounds given by Gagarin and Zverovich are asymptotically best-possible, up to a constant factor, when kk is fixed and Δ(G)\Delta(G) tends to infinity. For Δ(G)\Delta(G) tending to infinity and kk tending to infinity sufficiently quickly, we give an asymptotically best-possible lower bound for Lk(G)L_k(G), improving previous bounds

    Optimal Online Edge Coloring of Planar Graphs with Advice

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    Using the framework of advice complexity, we study the amount of knowledge about the future that an online algorithm needs to color the edges of a graph optimally, i.e., using as few colors as possible. For graphs of maximum degree Δ\Delta, it follows from Vizing's Theorem that O(mlogΔ)O(m\log \Delta) bits of advice suffice to achieve optimality, where mm is the number of edges. We show that for graphs of bounded degeneracy (a class of graphs including e.g. trees and planar graphs), only O(m)O(m) bits of advice are needed to compute an optimal solution online, independently of how large Δ\Delta is. On the other hand, we show that Ω(m)\Omega (m) bits of advice are necessary just to achieve a competitive ratio better than that of the best deterministic online algorithm without advice. Furthermore, we consider algorithms which use a fixed number of advice bits per edge (our algorithm for graphs of bounded degeneracy belongs to this class of algorithms). We show that for bipartite graphs, any such algorithm must use at least Ω(mlogΔ)\Omega(m\log \Delta) bits of advice to achieve optimality.Comment: CIAC 201

    Packing Directed Circuits Quarter-Integrally

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    Flexible list colorings: Maximizing the number of requests satisfied

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    Flexible list coloring was introduced by Dvo\v{r}\'{a}k, Norin, and Postle in 2019. Suppose 0ϵ10 \leq \epsilon \leq 1, GG is a graph, LL is a list assignment for GG, and rr is a function with non-empty domain DV(G)D\subseteq V(G) such that r(v)L(v)r(v) \in L(v) for each vDv \in D (rr is called a request of LL). The triple (G,L,r)(G,L,r) is ϵ\epsilon-satisfiable if there exists a proper LL-coloring ff of GG such that f(v)=r(v)f(v) = r(v) for at least ϵD\epsilon|D| vertices in DD. We say GG is (k,ϵ)(k, \epsilon)-flexible if (G,L,r)(G,L',r') is ϵ\epsilon-satisfiable whenever LL' is a kk-assignment for GG and rr' is a request of LL'. It was shown by Dvo\v{r}\'{a}k et al. that if d+1d+1 is prime, GG is a dd-degenerate graph, and rr is a request for GG with domain of size 11, then (G,L,r)(G,L,r) is 11-satisfiable whenever LL is a (d+1)(d+1)-assignment. In this paper, we extend this result to all dd for bipartite dd-degenerate graphs. The literature on flexible list coloring tends to focus on showing that for a fixed graph GG and kNk \in \mathbb{N} there exists an ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 such that GG is (k,ϵ)(k, \epsilon)-flexible, but it is natural to try to find the largest possible ϵ\epsilon for which GG is (k,ϵ)(k,\epsilon)-flexible. In this vein, we improve a result of Dvo\v{r}\'{a}k et al., by showing dd-degenerate graphs are (d+2,1/2d+1)(d+2, 1/2^{d+1})-flexible. In pursuit of the largest ϵ\epsilon for which a graph is (k,ϵ)(k,\epsilon)-flexible, we observe that a graph GG is not (k,ϵ)(k, \epsilon)-flexible for any kk if and only if ϵ>1/ρ(G)\epsilon > 1/ \rho(G), where ρ(G)\rho(G) is the Hall ratio of GG, and we initiate the study of the list flexibility number of a graph GG, which is the smallest kk such that GG is (k,1/ρ(G))(k,1/ \rho(G))-flexible. We study relationships and connections between the list flexibility number, list chromatic number, list packing number, and degeneracy of a graph.Comment: 19 page

    Shortest path embeddings of graphs on surfaces

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    The classical theorem of F\'{a}ry states that every planar graph can be represented by an embedding in which every edge is represented by a straight line segment. We consider generalizations of F\'{a}ry's theorem to surfaces equipped with Riemannian metrics. In this setting, we require that every edge is drawn as a shortest path between its two endpoints and we call an embedding with this property a shortest path embedding. The main question addressed in this paper is whether given a closed surface S, there exists a Riemannian metric for which every topologically embeddable graph admits a shortest path embedding. This question is also motivated by various problems regarding crossing numbers on surfaces. We observe that the round metrics on the sphere and the projective plane have this property. We provide flat metrics on the torus and the Klein bottle which also have this property. Then we show that for the unit square flat metric on the Klein bottle there exists a graph without shortest path embeddings. We show, moreover, that for large g, there exist graphs G embeddable into the orientable surface of genus g, such that with large probability a random hyperbolic metric does not admit a shortest path embedding of G, where the probability measure is proportional to the Weil-Petersson volume on moduli space. Finally, we construct a hyperbolic metric on every orientable surface S of genus g, such that every graph embeddable into S can be embedded so that every edge is a concatenation of at most O(g) shortest paths.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures: Version 3 is updated after comments of reviewer