14 research outputs found

    Multimedia streaming over wireless channels

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    The improvements in mobile communication systems have accelerated the development of new multimedia streaming techniques to increase the quality of streaming data over time varying wireless channels. In order to increase multimedia quality, error control schemes are indispensable due to time-varying and erroneous nature of the channel. However, relatively low channel capacity of wireless channels, and dependency structure in multimedia limit the eectiveness of existing error control schemes and require more sophisticated techniques to provide quality improvement on the streaming data. In this thesis, we propose sender driven multimedia streaming algorithms that incorporate error control schemes of FEC, ARQ, and packet scheduling by considering media and channel parameters such as packet importance, packet dependencies, decoding deadlines, channel state information, and channel capacity. Initially, we have proposed a multi-rate distortion optimization framework so as to jointly optimize FEC rate and packet selection by minimizing end-to-end distortion to satisfy a specified Quality of Service under channel capacity constraint. Minimization of end-to-end distortion causes computational complexity in the rate distortion optimization framework due to dependency in encoded multimedia. Therefore, we propose multimedia streaming algorithms that select packet and FEC rate with reduced computational complexity and high quality as compared with multi-rate distortion optimization framework. Additionally, protocol stack of a UMTS cellular network system with W-CDMA air interface is presented in order to clarify the relation between proposed multimedia streaming algorithms and UMTS system that is used in simulations. Finally, proposed algorithms are simulated and results demonstrate that proposed algorithms improve multimedia quality significantly as compared to existing methods

    Research and developments of distributed video coding

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.The recent developed Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is typically suitable for the applications such as wireless/wired video sensor network, mobile camera etc. where the traditional video coding standard is not feasible due to the constrained computation at the encoder. With DVC, the computational burden is moved from encoder to decoder. The compression efficiency is achieved via joint decoding at the decoder. The practical application of DVC is referred to Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZ) where the side information is available at the decoder to perform joint decoding. This join decoding inevitably causes a very complex decoder. In current WZ video coding issues, many of them emphasise how to improve the system coding performance but neglect the huge complexity caused at the decoder. The complexity of the decoder has direct influence to the system output. The beginning period of this research targets to optimise the decoder in pixel domain WZ video coding (PDWZ), while still achieves similar compression performance. More specifically, four issues are raised to optimise the input block size, the side information generation, the side information refinement process and the feedback channel respectively. The transform domain WZ video coding (TDWZ) has distinct superior performance to the normal PDWZ due to the exploitation in spatial direction during the encoding. However, since there is no motion estimation at the encoder in WZ video coding, the temporal correlation is not exploited at all at the encoder in all current WZ video coding issues. In the middle period of this research, the 3D DCT is adopted in the TDWZ to remove redundancy in both spatial and temporal direction thus to provide even higher coding performance. In the next step of this research, the performance of transform domain Distributed Multiview Video Coding (DMVC) is also investigated. Particularly, three types transform domain DMVC frameworks which are transform domain DMVC using TDWZ based 2D DCT, transform domain DMVC using TDWZ based on 3D DCT and transform domain residual DMVC using TDWZ based on 3D DCT are investigated respectively. One of the important applications of WZ coding principle is error-resilience. There have been several attempts to apply WZ error-resilient coding for current video coding standard e.g. H.264/AVC or MEPG 2. The final stage of this research is the design of WZ error-resilient scheme for wavelet based video codec. To balance the trade-off between error resilience ability and bandwidth consumption, the proposed scheme emphasises the protection of the Region of Interest (ROI) area. The efficiency of bandwidth utilisation is achieved by mutual efforts of WZ coding and sacrificing the quality of unimportant area. In summary, this research work contributed to achieves several advances in WZ video coding. First of all, it is targeting to build an efficient PDWZ with optimised decoder. Secondly, it aims to build an advanced TDWZ based on 3D DCT, which then is applied into multiview video coding to realise advanced transform domain DMVC. Finally, it aims to design an efficient error-resilient scheme for wavelet video codec, with which the trade-off between bandwidth consumption and error-resilience can be better balanced


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    The recently developed Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is typically suitable for the applications where the conventional video coding is not feasible because of its inherent high-complexity encoding. Examples include video surveillance usmg wireless/wired video sensor network and applications using mobile cameras etc. With DVC, the complexity is shifted from the encoder to the decoder. The practical application of DVC is referred to as Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZ) where an estimate of the original frame called "side information" is generated using motion compensation at the decoder. The compression is achieved by sending only that extra information that is needed to correct this estimation. An error-correcting code is used with the assumption that the estimate is a noisy version of the original frame and the rate needed is certain amount of the parity bits. The side information is assumed to have become available at the decoder through a virtual channel. Due to the limitation of compensation method, the predicted frame, or the side information, is expected to have varying degrees of success. These limitations stem from locationspecific non-stationary estimation noise. In order to avoid these, the conventional video coders, like MPEG, make use of frame partitioning to allocate optimum coder for each partition and hence achieve better rate-distortion performance. The same, however, has not been used in DVC as it increases the encoder complexity. This work proposes partitioning the considered frame into many coding units (region) where each unit is encoded differently. This partitioning is, however, done at the decoder while generating the side-information and the region map is sent over to encoder at very little rate penalty. The partitioning allows allocation of appropriate DVC coding parameters (virtual channel, rate, and quantizer) to each region. The resulting regions map is compressed by employing quadtree algorithm and communicated to the encoder via the feedback channel. The rate control in DVC is performed by channel coding techniques (turbo codes, LDPC, etc.). The performance of the channel code depends heavily on the accuracy of virtual channel model that models estimation error for each region. In this work, a turbo code has been used and an adaptive WZ DVC is designed both in transform domain and in pixel domain. The transform domain WZ video coding (TDWZ) has distinct superior performance as compared to the normal Pixel Domain Wyner-Ziv (PDWZ), since it exploits the ' spatial redundancy during the encoding. The performance evaluations show that the proposed system is superior to the existing distributed video coding solutions. Although the, proposed system requires extra bits representing the "regions map" to be transmitted, fuut still the rate gain is noticeable and it outperforms the state-of-the-art frame based DVC by 0.6-1.9 dB. The feedback channel (FC) has the role to adapt the bit rate to the changing ' statistics between the side infonmation and the frame to be encoded. In the unidirectional scenario, the encoder must perform the rate control. To correctly estimate the rate, the encoder must calculate typical side information. However, the rate cannot be exactly calculated at the encoder, instead it can only be estimated. This work also prbposes a feedback-free region-based adaptive DVC solution in pixel domain based on machine learning approach to estimate the side information. Although the performance evaluations show rate-penalty but it is acceptable considering the simplicity of the proposed algorithm. vii

    A Study on the Usage of Cross-Layer Power Control and Forward Error Correction for Embedded Video Transmission over Wireless Links

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    Cross-layering is a design paradigm for overcoming the limitations deriving from the ISO/OSI layering principle, thus improving the performance of communications in specific scenarios, such as wireless multimedia communications. However, most available solutions are based on empirical considerations, and do not provide a theoretical background supporting such approaches. The paper aims at providing an analytical framework for the study of single-hop video delivery over a wireless link, enabling cross-layer interactions for performance optimization using power control and FEC and providing a useful tool to determine the potential gain deriving from the employment of such design paradigm. The analysis is performed using rate-distortion information of an embedded video bitstream jointly with a Lagrangian power minimization approach. Simulation results underline that cross-layering can provide relevant improvement in specific environments and that the proposed approach is able to capitalize on the advantage deriving from its deployment


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    The recently developed Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is typically suitable for the applications where the conventional video coding is not feasible because of its inherent high-complexity encoding. Examples include video surveillance usmg wireless/wired video sensor network and applications using mobile cameras etc. With DVC, the complexity is shifted from the encoder to the decoder. The practical application of DVC is referred to as Wyner-Ziv video coding (WZ) where an estimate of the original frame called "side information" is generated using motion compensation at the decoder. The compression is achieved by sending only that extra information that is needed to correct this estimation. An error-correcting code is used with the assumption that the estimate is a noisy version of the original frame and the rate needed is certain amount of the parity bits. The side information is assumed to have become available at the decoder through a virtual channel. Due to the limitation of compensation method, the predicted frame, or the side information, is expected to have varying degrees of success. These limitations stem from locationspecific non-stationary estimation noise. In order to avoid these, the conventional video coders, like MPEG, make use of frame partitioning to allocate optimum coder for each partition and hence achieve better rate-distortion performance. The same, however, has not been used in DVC as it increases the encoder complexity. This work proposes partitioning the considered frame into many coding units (region) where each unit is encoded differently. This partitioning is, however, done at the decoder while generating the side-information and the region map is sent over to encoder at very little rate penalty. The partitioning allows allocation of appropriate DVC coding parameters (virtual channel, rate, and quantizer) to each region. The resulting regions map is compressed by employing quadtree algorithm and communicated to the encoder via the feedback channel. The rate control in DVC is performed by channel coding techniques (turbo codes, LDPC, etc.). The performance of the channel code depends heavily on the accuracy of virtual channel model that models estimation error for each region. In this work, a turbo code has been used and an adaptive WZ DVC is designed both in transform domain and in pixel domain. The transform domain WZ video coding (TDWZ) has distinct superior performance as compared to the normal Pixel Domain Wyner-Ziv (PDWZ), since it exploits the ' spatial redundancy during the encoding. The performance evaluations show that the proposed system is superior to the existing distributed video coding solutions. Although the, proposed system requires extra bits representing the "regions map" to be transmitted, fuut still the rate gain is noticeable and it outperforms the state-of-the-art frame based DVC by 0.6-1.9 dB. The feedback channel (FC) has the role to adapt the bit rate to the changing ' statistics between the side infonmation and the frame to be encoded. In the unidirectional scenario, the encoder must perform the rate control. To correctly estimate the rate, the encoder must calculate typical side information. However, the rate cannot be exactly calculated at the encoder, instead it can only be estimated. This work also prbposes a feedback-free region-based adaptive DVC solution in pixel domain based on machine learning approach to estimate the side information. Although the performance evaluations show rate-penalty but it is acceptable considering the simplicity of the proposed algorithm. vii

    Performance of turbo multi-user detectors in space-time coded DS-CDMA systems

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 118-123).In this thesis we address the problem of improving the uplink capacity and the performance of a DS-CDMA system by combining MUD and turbo decoding. These two are combined following the turbo principle. Depending on the concatenation scheme used, we divide these receivers into the Partitioned Approach (PA) and the Iterative Approach (IA) receivers. To enable the iterative exchange of information, these receivers employ a Parallel Interference Cancellation (PIC) detector as the first receiver stage

    Progressive transmission of medical images

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    A novel adaptive source-channel coding scheme for progressive transmission of medical images with a feedback system is therefore proposed in this dissertation. The overall design includes Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW) coding, Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC), prioritization of region of interest (RoI), variability of parity length based on feedback, and the corresponding hardware design utilising Simulink. The JSCC can achieve an efficient transmission by incorporating unequal error projection (UEP) and rate allocation. An algorithm is also developed to estimate the number of erroneous data in the receiver. The algorithm detects the address in which the number of symbols for each subblock is indicated, and reassigns an estimated correct data according to a decision making criterion, if error data is detected. The proposed system has been designed based on Simulink which can be used to generate netlist for portable devices. A new compression method called Compressive Sensing (CS) is also revisited in this work. CS exhibits many advantages in comparison with EZW based on our experimental results. DICOM JPEG2000 is an efficient coding standard for lossy or lossless multi-component image coding. However, it does not provide any mechanism for automatic RoI definition, and is more complex compared to our proposed scheme. The proposed system significantly reduces the transmission time, lowers computation cost, and maintains an error-free state in the RoI with regards to the above provided features. A MATLAB-based TCP/IP connection is established to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed interactive and adaptive progressive transmission system. The proposed system is simulated for both binary and symmetric channel (BSC) and Rayleigh channel. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the design.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    3G Wideband CDMA : packet-based optimisation for high data-rate downlink transmission

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    A third generation (3G) of mobile communication systems, based on Wideband CDMA, are intended to offer high-speed packet-based services. Network operators wish to maximise the throughput in the downlink of3G systems, which requires efficient allocation ofresources. This thesis considers the problem ofmaximising throughput in an interference dominated channel. Cooperative broadcasting is a theoretical technique to mitigate this problem. Its implementation in practical systems requires efficient resource allocati.on to maximise the thr(oughput whilst meeting system and user-imposed constramts. A resource allocation approach is presented for implementing cooperative broadcasting. Users are paired and a teclmique for allocating resources between the pair is developed. Then, a method for pairing the users is considered. Simulation results are presented, which show a throughput improvement over existing resource allocation approaches. The problem ofcontrolling the distribution ofrandomly arriving data to meet the resource allocation specifications is examined. A single-threshold buffer is proposed, which requires fewer calculations than an existing double-threshold buffer. Simulation results are presented which show a throughput improvement may be realised, greater than that which would achievable using other rate control schemes. Cooperative broadcasting may lead to transmissions to some users being allocated low power. When full channel infonnation is available at the transmitter, a water filling solution may be used to maximise capacity. However, when combined with buffer management, erasure may result. This erasure may be overcome using an erasure protection code. Such a code is examined. When combined with Turbo coding, ajoint detector may be used for providing error and erasure protection. Analysis ofthis detector shows a lower limit on the error rate, dependent on the probability of erasure. Simulation results show that using this approach the error rate is significantly improved. This code can then be used to increase capacity, whilst achieving low error rates.Imperial Users onl

    Multicast MAC extensions for high rate real-time traffic in wireless LANs

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    Nowadays we are rapidly moving from a mainly textual-based to a multimedia-based Internet, for which the widely deployed IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs can be one of the promising candidates to make them available to users anywhere, anytime, on any device. However, it is still a challenge to support group-oriented real-time multimedia services, such as video-on-demand, video conferencing, distance educations, mobile entertainment services, interactive games, etc., in wireless LANs, as the current protocols do not support multicast, in particular they just send multicast packets in open-loop as broadcast packets, i.e., without any possible acknowledgements or retransmissions. In this thesis, we focus on MAC layer reliable multicast approaches which outperform upper layer ones with both shorter delays and higher efficiencies. Different from polling based approaches, which suffer from long delays, low scalabilities and low efficiencies, we explore a feedback jamming mechanism where negative acknowledgement (NACK) frames are allowed from the non-leader receivers to destroy the acknowledgement (ACK) frame from the single leader receiver and prompts retransmissions from the sender. Based on the feedback jamming scheme, we propose two MAC layer multicast error correction protocols, SEQ driven Leader Based Protocol (SEQ-LBP) and Hybrid Leader Based Protocol (HLBP), the former is an Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) scheme while the later combines both ARQ and the packet level Forward Error Correction (FEC). We evaluate the feedback jamming probabilities and the performances of SEQ-LBP and HLBP based on theoretical analyses, NS-2 simulations and experiments on a real test-bed built with consumer wireless LAN cards. Test results confirm the feasibility of the feedback jamming scheme and the outstanding performances of the proposed protocols SEQ-LBP and HLBP, in particular SEQ-LBP is good for small multicast groups due to its short delay, effectiveness and simplicity while HLBP is better for large multicast groups because of its high efficiency and high scalability with respect to the number of receivers per group.Zurzeit vollzieht sich ein schneller Wechsel vom vorwiegend textbasierten zum multimediabasierten Internet. Die weitverbreiteten IEEE 802.11 Drahtlosnetzwerke sind vielversprechende Kandidaten, um das Internet für Nutzer überall, jederzeit und auf jedem Gerät verfügbar zu machen. Die Unterstützung gruppenorientierter Echtzeit-Dienste in drahtlosen lokalen Netzen ist jedoch immer noch eine Herausforderung. Das liegt daran, dass aktuelle Protokolle keinen Multicast unterstützen. Sie senden Multicast-Pakete vielmehr in einer "Open Loop"-Strategie als Broadcast-Pakete, d. h. ohne jegliche Rückmeldung (feedback) oder Paketwiederholungen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit, anders als in den auf Teilnehmereinzelabfragen (polling) basierenden Ansätzen, die unter langen Verzögerungen, geringer Skalierbarkeit und geringer Effizienz leiden, versuchen wir, Multicast-Feedback bestehend aus positiven (ACK) und negativen Bestätigungen (NACK) auf MAC-Layer im selben Zeitfenster zu bündeln. Die übrigen Empfänger können NACK-Frames senden, um das ACK des Leaders zu zerstören und Paketwiederholungen zu veranlassen. Basierend auf einem Feedback-Jamming Schema schlagen wir zwei MAC-Layer-Protokolle für den Fehlerschutz im Multicast vor: Das SEQ-getriebene Leader Based Protocol (SEQ-LBP) und das Hybrid Leader Based Protocol (HLBP). SEQ-LBP ist eines Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) Schema. HLBP kombiniert ARQ und paketbasierte Forward Error Correction (FEC). Wir evaluieren die Leistungsfähigkeit von ACK/NACK jamming, SEQ-LBP und HLBP durch Analysis, Simulationen in NS-2, sowie Experimenten in einer realen Testumgebung mit handelsüblichen WLAN-Karten. Die Testergebnisse bestätigen die Anwendbarkeit der Feedback-Jamming Schemata und die herausragende Leistungsfähigkeit der vorgestellten Protokolle SEQ-LBP und HLBP. SEQ-LBP ist durch seine kurze Verzögerung, seine Effektivität und seine Einfachheit für kleine Multicast-Gruppen nützlich, während HLBP auf Grund seiner hohen Effizienz und Skalierbarkeit im Bezug auf die Größe der Empfänger eher in großen Multicast-Gruppen anzuwenden ist