576 research outputs found

    Impact of noise on a dynamical system: prediction and uncertainties from a swarm-optimized neural network

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    In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN) based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) was developed for the time series prediction. The hybrid ANN+PSO algorithm was applied on Mackey--Glass chaotic time series in the short-term x(t+6)x(t+6). The performance prediction was evaluated and compared with another studies available in the literature. Also, we presented properties of the dynamical system via the study of chaotic behaviour obtained from the predicted time series. Next, the hybrid ANN+PSO algorithm was complemented with a Gaussian stochastic procedure (called {\it stochastic} hybrid ANN+PSO) in order to obtain a new estimator of the predictions, which also allowed us to compute uncertainties of predictions for noisy Mackey--Glass chaotic time series. Thus, we studied the impact of noise for several cases with a white noise level (σN\sigma_{N}) from 0.01 to 0.1.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Analysis of Wide and Deep Echo State Networks for Multiscale Spatiotemporal Time Series Forecasting

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    Echo state networks are computationally lightweight reservoir models inspired by the random projections observed in cortical circuitry. As interest in reservoir computing has grown, networks have become deeper and more intricate. While these networks are increasingly applied to nontrivial forecasting tasks, there is a need for comprehensive performance analysis of deep reservoirs. In this work, we study the influence of partitioning neurons given a budget and the effect of parallel reservoir pathways across different datasets exhibiting multi-scale and nonlinear dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Proceedings of the Neuro-inspired Computational Elements Workshop (NICE '19), March 26-28, 2019, Albany, NY, US

    Air Quality Prediction in Smart Cities Using Machine Learning Technologies Based on Sensor Data: A Review

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    The influence of machine learning technologies is rapidly increasing and penetrating almost in every field, and air pollution prediction is not being excluded from those fields. This paper covers the revision of the studies related to air pollution prediction using machine learning algorithms based on sensor data in the context of smart cities. Using the most popular databases and executing the corresponding filtration, the most relevant papers were selected. After thorough reviewing those papers, the main features were extracted, which served as a base to link and compare them to each other. As a result, we can conclude that: (1) instead of using simple machine learning techniques, currently, the authors apply advanced and sophisticated techniques, (2) China was the leading country in terms of a case study, (3) Particulate matter with diameter equal to 2.5 micrometers was the main prediction target, (4) in 41% of the publications the authors carried out the prediction for the next day, (5) 66% of the studies used data had an hourly rate, (6) 49% of the papers used open data and since 2016 it had a tendency to increase, and (7) for efficient air quality prediction it is important to consider the external factors such as weather conditions, spatial characteristics, and temporal features

    Adapting Swarm Intelligence For The Self-Assembly And Optimization Of Networks

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    While self-assembly is a fairly active area of research in swarm intelligence and robotics, relatively little attention has been paid to the issues surrounding the construction of network structures. Here, methods developed previously for modeling and controlling the collective movements of groups of agents are extended to serve as the basis for self-assembly or "growth" of networks, using neural networks as a concrete application to evaluate this novel approach. One of the central innovations incorporated into the model presented here is having network connections arise as persistent "trails" left behind moving agents, trails that are reminiscent of pheromone deposits made by agents in ant colony optimization models. The resulting network connections are thus essentially a record of agent movements. The model's effectiveness is demonstrated by using it to produce two large networks that support subsequent learning of topographic and feature maps. Improvements produced by the incorporation of collective movements are also examined through computational experiments. These results indicate that methods for directing collective movements can be extended to support and facilitate network self-assembly. Additionally, the traditional self-assembly problem is extended to include the generation of network structures based on optimality criteria, rather than on target structures that are specified a priori. It is demonstrated that endowing the network components involved in the self-assembly process with the ability to engage in collective movements can be an effective means of generating computationally optimal network structures. This is confirmed on a number of challenging test problems from the domains of trajectory generation, time-series forecasting, and control. Further, this extension of the model is used to illuminate an important relationship between particle swarm optimization, which usually occurs in high dimensional abstract spaces, and self-assembly, which is normally grounded in real and simulated 2D and 3D physical spaces

    Towards Lightweight AI: Leveraging Stochasticity, Quantization, and Tensorization for Forecasting

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    The deep neural network is an intriguing prognostic model capable of learning meaningful patterns that generalize to new data. The deep learning paradigm has been widely adopted across many domains, including for natural language processing, genomics, and automatic music transcription. However, deep neural networks rely on a plethora of underlying computational units and data, collectively demanding a wealth of compute and memory resources for practical tasks. This model complexity prohibits the use of larger deep neural networks for resource-critical applications, such as edge computing. In order to reduce model complexity, several research groups are actively studying compression methods, hardware accelerators, and alternative computing paradigms. These orthogonal research explorations often leave a gap in understanding the interplay of the optimization mechanisms and their overall feasibility for a given task. In this thesis, we address this gap by developing a holistic solution to assess the model complexity reduction theoretically and quantitatively at both high-level and low-level abstractions for training and inference. At the algorithmic level, a novel deep, yet lightweight, recurrent architecture is proposed that extends the conventional echo state network. The architecture employs random dynamics, brain-inspired plasticity mechanisms, tensor decomposition, and hierarchy as the key features to enrich learning. Furthermore, the hyperparameter landscape is optimized via a particle swarm optimization algorithm. To deploy these networks efficiently onto low-end edge devices, both ultra-low and mixed-precision numerical formats are studied within our feedforward deep neural network hardware accelerator. More importantly, the tapered-precision posit format with a novel exact-dot-product algorithm is employed in the low-level digital architectures to study its efficacy in resource utilization. The dynamics of the architecture are characterized through neuronal partitioning and Lyapunov stability, and we show that superlative networks emerge beyond the edge of chaos with an agglomeration of weak learners. We also demonstrate that tensorization improves model performance by preserving correlations present in multi-way structures. Low-precision posits are found to consistently outperform other formats on various image classification tasks and, in conjunction with compression, we achieve magnitudes of speedup and memory savings for both training and inference for the forecasting of chaotic time series and polyphonic music tasks. This culmination of methods greatly improves the feasibility of deploying rich predictive models on edge devices

    A Survey on Reservoir Computing and its Interdisciplinary Applications Beyond Traditional Machine Learning

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    Reservoir computing (RC), first applied to temporal signal processing, is a recurrent neural network in which neurons are randomly connected. Once initialized, the connection strengths remain unchanged. Such a simple structure turns RC into a non-linear dynamical system that maps low-dimensional inputs into a high-dimensional space. The model's rich dynamics, linear separability, and memory capacity then enable a simple linear readout to generate adequate responses for various applications. RC spans areas far beyond machine learning, since it has been shown that the complex dynamics can be realized in various physical hardware implementations and biological devices. This yields greater flexibility and shorter computation time. Moreover, the neuronal responses triggered by the model's dynamics shed light on understanding brain mechanisms that also exploit similar dynamical processes. While the literature on RC is vast and fragmented, here we conduct a unified review of RC's recent developments from machine learning to physics, biology, and neuroscience. We first review the early RC models, and then survey the state-of-the-art models and their applications. We further introduce studies on modeling the brain's mechanisms by RC. Finally, we offer new perspectives on RC development, including reservoir design, coding frameworks unification, physical RC implementations, and interaction between RC, cognitive neuroscience and evolution.Comment: 51 pages, 19 figures, IEEE Acces
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