233 research outputs found

    Quantum resource estimates for computing elliptic curve discrete logarithms

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    We give precise quantum resource estimates for Shor's algorithm to compute discrete logarithms on elliptic curves over prime fields. The estimates are derived from a simulation of a Toffoli gate network for controlled elliptic curve point addition, implemented within the framework of the quantum computing software tool suite LIQUiUi|\rangle. We determine circuit implementations for reversible modular arithmetic, including modular addition, multiplication and inversion, as well as reversible elliptic curve point addition. We conclude that elliptic curve discrete logarithms on an elliptic curve defined over an nn-bit prime field can be computed on a quantum computer with at most 9n+2log2(n)+109n + 2\lceil\log_2(n)\rceil+10 qubits using a quantum circuit of at most 448n3log2(n)+4090n3448 n^3 \log_2(n) + 4090 n^3 Toffoli gates. We are able to classically simulate the Toffoli networks corresponding to the controlled elliptic curve point addition as the core piece of Shor's algorithm for the NIST standard curves P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521. Our approach allows gate-level comparisons to recent resource estimates for Shor's factoring algorithm. The results also support estimates given earlier by Proos and Zalka and indicate that, for current parameters at comparable classical security levels, the number of qubits required to tackle elliptic curves is less than for attacking RSA, suggesting that indeed ECC is an easier target than RSA.Comment: 24 pages, 2 tables, 11 figures. v2: typos fixed and reference added. ASIACRYPT 201

    Secure elliptic curves in cryptography

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a branch of public-key cryptography based on the arithmetic of elliptic curves. In the short life of ECC, most standards have proposed curves defined over prime finite fields using the short Weierstrass form. However, some researchers have started to propose as a more secure alternative the use of Edwards and Montgomery elliptic curves, which could have an impact in current ECC deployments. This chapter presents the different types of elliptic curves used in Cryptography together with the best-known procedure for generating secure elliptic curves, Brainpool. The contribution is completed with the examination of the latest proposals regarding secure elliptic curves analyzed by the SafeCurves initiative.Acknowledgements: This work has been partly supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) under the project TIN2014-55325-C2-1-R (ProCriCiS), and by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) under the project S2013/ICE-3095-CM (CIBERDINE), cofinanced with the European Union FEDER funds

    On Index Calculus Algorithms for Subfield Curves

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    In this paper we further the study of index calculus methods for solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). We focus on the index calculus for subfield curves, also called Koblitz curves, defined over Fq with ECDLP in Fqn. Instead of accelerating the solution of polynomial systems during index calculus as was predominantly done in previous work, we define factor bases that are invariant under the q-power Frobenius automorphism of the field Fqn, reducing the number of polynomial systems that need to be solved. A reduction by a factor of 1/n is the best one could hope for. We show how to choose factor bases to achieve this, while simultaneously accelerating the linear algebra step of the index calculus method for Koblitz curves by a factor n2. Furthermore, we show how to use the Frobenius endomorphism to improve symmetry breaking for Koblitz curves. We provide constructions of factor bases with the desired properties, and we study their impact on the polynomial system solving costs experimentally.SCOPUS: cp.kinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    On the effectiveness of isogeny walks for extending cover attacks on elliptic curves

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    Cryptographic systems based on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) are widely deployed in the world today. In order for such a system to guarantee a particular security level, the elliptic curve selected must be such that it avoids a number of well-known attacks. Beyond this, one also needs to be wary of attacks whose reach can be extended via the use of isogenies. It is an open problem as to whether there exists a field for which the isogeny walk strategy can render all elliptic curves unsuitable for cryptographic use. This thesis provides a survey of the theory of elliptic curves from a cryptographic perspective and overviews a few of the well-known algorithms for computing elliptic curve discrete logarithms. We perform some experimental verification for the assumptions used in the analysis of the isogeny walk strategy for extending Weil descent-type cover attacks, and explore its applicability to elliptic curves of cryptographic size. In particular, we demonstrate for the first time that the field F_2^{150} is partially weak for elliptic curve cryptography

    On Index Calculus Algorithms for Subfield Curves

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    In this paper we further the study of index calculus methods for solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). We focus on the index calculus for subfield curves, also called Koblitz curves, defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q with ECDLP in Fqn\mathbb{F}_{q^n}. Instead of accelerating the solution of polynomial systems during index calculus as was predominantly done in previous work, we define factor bases that are invariant under the qq-power Frobenius automorphism of the field Fqn\mathbb{F}_{q^n}, reducing the number of polynomial systems that need to be solved. A reduction by a factor of 1/n1/n is the best one could hope for. We show how to choose factor bases to achieve this, while simultaneously accelerating the linear algebra step of the index calculus method for Koblitz curves by a factor n2n^2. Furthermore, we show how to use the Frobenius endomorphism to improve symmetry breaking for Koblitz curves. We provide constructions of factor bases with the desired properties, and we study their impact on the polynomial system solving costs experimentally. This work gives an answer to the problem raised in the literature on how the Frobenius endomorphism can be used to speed-up index calculus on subfield curves

    A hardware-accelerated ecdlp with highperformance modular multiplication

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    Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) has become a popular public key cryptography standard. The security of ECC is due to the difficulty of solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). In this paper, we demonstrate a successful attack on ECC over prime field using the Pollard rho algorithm implemented on a hardware-software cointegrated platform. We propose a high-performance architecture for multiplication over prime field using specialized DSP blocks in the FPGA. We characterize this architecture by exploring the design space to determine the optimal integer basis for polynomial representation and we demonstrate an efficient mapping of this design to multiple standard prime field elliptic curves. We use the resulting modular multiplier to demonstrate low-latency multiplications for curves secp112r1 and P-192. We apply our modular multiplier to implement a complete attack on secp112r1 using a Nallatech FSB-Compute platform with Virtex-5 FPGA. The measured performance of the resulting design is 114 cycles per Pollard rho step at 100 MHz, which gives 878 K iterations per second per ECC core. We extend this design to a multicore ECDLP implementation that achieves 14.05 M iterations per second with 16 parallel point addition cores

    Concrete quantum cryptanalysis of binary elliptic curves

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    This paper analyzes and optimizes quantum circuits for computing discrete logarithms on binary elliptic curves, including reversible circuits for fixed-base-point scalar multiplication and the full stack of relevant subroutines. The main optimization target is the size of the quantum computer, i.e., the number of logical qubits required, as this appears to be the main obstacle to implementing Shor’s polynomial-time discrete-logarithm algorithm. The secondary optimization target is the number of logical Toffoli gates. For an elliptic curve over a field of 2n elements, this paper reduces the number of qubits to 7n + ⌊log2 (n)⌋ + 9. At the same time this paper reduces the number of Toffoli gates to 48n3 + 8nlog2(3)+1 + 352n2 log2 (n) + 512n2 + O(nlog2(3)) with double-and-add scalar multiplication, and a logarithmic factor smaller with fixed-window scalar multiplication. The number of CNOT gates is also O(n3). Exact gate counts are given for various sizes of elliptic curves currently used for cryptography

    Concrete quantum cryptanalysis of binary elliptic curves

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    This paper analyzes and optimizes quantum circuits for computing discrete logarithms on binary elliptic curves, including reversible circuits for fixed-base-point scalar multiplication and the full stack of relevant subroutines. The main optimization target is the size of the quantum computer, i.e., the number of logical qubits required, as this appears to be the main obstacle to implementing Shor’s polynomial-time discrete-logarithm algorithm. The secondary optimization target is the number of logical Toffoli gates. For an elliptic curve over a field of 2n elements, this paper reduces the number of qubits to 7n + ⌊log2 (n)⌋ + 9. At the same time this paper reduces the number of Toffoli gates to 48n3 + 8nlog2(3)+1 + 352n2 log2 (n) + 512n2 + O(nlog2(3)) with double-and-add scalar multiplication, and a logarithmic factor smaller with fixed-window scalar multiplication. The number of CNOT gates is also O(n3). Exact gate counts are given for various sizes of elliptic curves currently used for cryptography

    Efficiency Analysis of Elliptic Curve Cryptography in Vital Information Infrastructure: Time, Security, and Resilience

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a contemporary form of asymmetric key cryptography widely employed in critical security domains, including encryption, decryption, and authentication. Its utilization has become increasingly prevalent in the Vital Information Infrastructure (IIV) to ensure secure communication and data exchange over time, driven by technological advancements and the growing size of data. This paper aims to provide a comparative relative efficiency analysis of ECC usage in the IIV, focusing on key aspects such as time efficiency, the relationship between curve size and security strength level, and the resilience of different curve sizes against Brute-Force attacks, Pollard Rho attacks, and Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) attacks. The results demonstrate that SECP521R1 features the largest key size and slowest key exchange time. Notably, SECP521R1 displays the highest level of resistance against various attacks, making it the most robust curve in terms of security