9 research outputs found

    PRIMA : a DBMS prototype supporting engineering applications

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    The design of the Molecule-Atom Data model, aimed at the effective support of engineering applications, is justified and described with its essential properties and features. MAD offers direct and symmetric management of network structures and recursiveness, dynamic object definition and object handling allowing for both vertical and horizontal access. Its prototype implementation PRIMA is discussed using a multi-level model for the DBMS architecture. Our DBMS kernel provides a variety of access path structures, tuning mechanisms, and performance enhancements transparent at the data model interface. PRIMA is assumed to be used in different run-time environments including workstation coupling and multi-processor systems. In particular, it serves as a research vehicle to investigate the exploitation of "semantic parallelism" in single user operations

    An integrated document management system

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    We propose an approach towards an integrated document processing and management system that has the intention to capture essentially freely structured documents, like those typically used in the office domain. The ANASTASIL component is capable to reveal the structure as well as the contents of complex office documents. Moreover, it facilitates the handling of the containing information. Analyzed documents are stored in a management system KRISYS that is connected to several different subsequent services. The described system is an ideal extension of the human clerk, making his tasks in information processing easier. The symbolic representation of the analysis results allow an easy transformation in a given international standard, e.g., ODA/ODIF or SGML, and to interchange it via global network

    Implementing version support for complex objects

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    New applications in the area of office information systems, computer aided design and manufacturing make new demands upon database management systems. Among others highly structured objects and their history have to be represented and manipulated. The paper discusses some general problems concerning the access and storage of complex objects with their versions and the solutions developed within the AIM/II project. Queries related to versions are distinguished in ASOF queries (asking information valid at a certain moment) and WALK-THROUGH-TIME (WTT) queries (obtaining trend information concerning a certain period). In the paper some new algorithms to handle such queries are presented. A brief analysis gives an indication about the performance of query processing in historical databases

    Parallel Query Evaluation: A New Approach to Complex Object Processing

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    Abstract Complex objects to support non-standard database applications require the use of substantial computing resources because their powerful operations must be performed and maintained in an interactive environment. Since the exploitation of parallelism within such operations seems to be promising, we investigate the principal approaches for processing a query on complex objects (molecules) in parallel. A number of arguments favor methods based on inter-molecule parallelism as against intra-molecule parallelism. Retrieval of molecules may be optimized by multiple storage structures and access paths. Hence, maintenance of such storage redundancy seems to be another good application area to explore the use of parallelism

    Information structures and database support for solid modeling

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    The question we are going to investigate is how to map solid representations to DB structures and how to process this information efficiently. Starting from analytical representations based on analytical methods we discuss the use of constructive solid geometry and boundary representation models with various refinements. Furthermore, additional submodels (organizational, technological, physical) are considered in order to obtain an overall product model. This model representing all important aspects of a complex design object may serve to derive special object representations needed by existing engineering tools or by mathematical methods (e.g. finite elements). Today's DBMS are unable to meet the increasing requirements of engineering applications that would prefer to use a DBMS. To alter this situation, a new generation of DBMS architectures tailored to the demands of such enhanced applications have to be developed. As a consequence, the flexibility and expressiveness of data models as well as the handling of application objects must be greatly improved before interactive design work can be supported. We outline our data model concepts and architectural decisions to provide effective data management support. Our DBMS architecture consists of a neutral kernel part running on a server machine and an application layer tailored to solid modeling tasks which together with the application, i.e. the solid modeler is allocated to the workstation

    Extending the relational algebra to capture complex objects

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    An important direction in database research for non-standard applications (e.g. engineering or design applications) deals with adequate support for complex objects. Without doubt, the provision of network structures and shared subobjects as well as support for dynamic object definition and appropriate manipulation facilities is urgently needed for natural and accurate modeling as well as for efficient processing of the applications' objects. These concepts are the major concern of the molecule-atom data model (MAD model) and its molecule algebra which is introduced in this paper. They make the model stand out compared to the relational model and even to models limited to hierarchical and statically defined complex objects. By means of the molecule algebra a precise and complete specification of one conceivable kind of complex object processing and its inherent semantics is provided. Furthermore, this algebra is used as a sound basis to express the semantics of the high level query language MOL (molecule query language) that is able to deal with complex objects in a descriptive manner

    Coupling engineering workstations to a database server

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    A DBMS kernel architecture is proposed for improved DB support of engineering applications running on a cluster 01 workstations. Using such an approach, part of the DBMS code - an application-specific layer - is allocated close to the corresponding application on a workstation while the kernel code is executed on a central server. Empirical performance results from DB-based engineering applications are reported to justify the chosen DBMS architecture. The paper focuses on design issues of the application layer including server coupling, processing model and application interface. Moreover, a transaction model for long-term database work in a coupled workstation-server environment is investigated in detail

    Processing and transaction concepts for cooperation of engineering workstations and a database server

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    A DBMS kernel architecture is proposed for improved DB support of engineering applications running on a cluster of workstations. Using such an approach, part of the DBMS code - an application-specific layer - is allocated close to the corresponding application on a workstation while the kernel code is executed on a central server. Emperical performance results from DB-based engineering applications are reported to justify the chosen DBMS architecture. The paper focuses on design issues of the application layer including server coupling, processing model and application interface. Moreover, a transaction model for long-term database work in a coupled workstation-server environment is investigated in detail