2,500 research outputs found

    Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Neural and Hormonal Regulation of the PNMT Gene in PC12 Cells

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    The stress hormone, epinephrine, is produced predominantly by adrenal chromaffin cells and its biosynthesis is regulated by the enzyme phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT). Studies have demonstrated that PNMT may be regulated hormonally via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and neurally via the stimulation of the splanchnic nerve. Additionally, hypoxia has been shown to play a key role in the regulation of PNMT. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by the hypoxia mimetic agent CoCl2, on the hormonal and neural stimulation of PNMT in an in vitro cell culture model, utilizing the rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cell line. RT-PCR analyses show inductions of the PNMT intron-retaining and intronless mRNA splice variants by CoCl2 (3.0- and 1.76-fold, respectively). Transient transfection assays of cells treated simultaneously with CoCl2 and the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, show increased promoter activity (18.5-fold), while mRNA levels of both splice variants do not demonstrate synergistic effects. Similar results were observed when investigating the effects of CoCl2-induced ROS on the neural stimulation of PNMT via forskolin. Our findings demonstrate that CoCl2-induced ROS have synergistic effects on hormonal and neural activation of the PNMT promoter

    Contextual Parameter Generation for Universal Neural Machine Translation

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    We propose a simple modification to existing neural machine translation (NMT) models that enables using a single universal model to translate between multiple languages while allowing for language specific parameterization, and that can also be used for domain adaptation. Our approach requires no changes to the model architecture of a standard NMT system, but instead introduces a new component, the contextual parameter generator (CPG), that generates the parameters of the system (e.g., weights in a neural network). This parameter generator accepts source and target language embeddings as input, and generates the parameters for the encoder and the decoder, respectively. The rest of the model remains unchanged and is shared across all languages. We show how this simple modification enables the system to use monolingual data for training and also perform zero-shot translation. We further show it is able to surpass state-of-the-art performance for both the IWSLT-15 and IWSLT-17 datasets and that the learned language embeddings are able to uncover interesting relationships between languages.Comment: Published in the proceedings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 201

    The Usefulness of the Poreh Nonverbal Memory Test for the Assessment of Response Bias

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    In the field of neuropsychology, there is a need for reliable measures that assess for both memory and effort (response bias). A sample of college students were instructed to feign memory deficits. They were administered two well established measures of response bias, the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM) and the Reliable Digits Span (RDS), as well as the Poreh Nonverbal Memory Test (PNMT). The study shows that all of the three measures were able to identify students who were coached to demonstrate memory deficits. A more detailed analysis showed that the TOMM and the PNMT produced higher sensitivity and specificity then the RDS. Process analysis of the PNMT showed that the ability of this measure to detect response bias improved when one analyzed the distance between the target on geometric(simple) cards of the PNMT. Namely, during the delayed recall trial of the PNMT subject who feigned memory deficits clicked on more distant stimuli (from the target) then the control group

    Resequencing PNMT in European hypertensive and normotensive individuals: no common susceptibilily variants for hypertension and purifying selection on intron 1

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human linkage and animal QTL studies have indicated the contribution of genes on Chr17 into blood pressure regulation. One candidate gene is <it>PNMT</it>, coding for phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase, catalyzing the synthesis of epinephrine from norepinephrine.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fine-scale variation of <it>PNMT </it>was screened by resequencing hypertensive (n = 50) and normotensive (n = 50) individuals from two European populations (Estonians and Czechs). The resulting polymorphism data were analyzed by statistical genetics methods using Genepop 3.4, PHASE 2.1 and DnaSP 4.0 software programs. <it>In silico </it>prediction of transcription factor binding sites for intron 1 was performed with MatInspector 2.2 software.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>PNMT </it>was characterized by minimum variation and excess of rare SNPs in both normo- and hypertensive individuals. None of the SNPs showed significant differences in allelic frequencies among population samples, as well as between screened hypertensives and normotensives. In the joint case-control analysis of the Estonian and the Czech samples, hypertension patients had a significant excess of heterozygotes for two promoter region polymorphisms (SNP-184; SNP-390). The identified variation pattern of <it>PNMT </it>reflects the effect of purifying selection consistent with an important role of PNMT-synthesized epinephrine in the regulation of cardiovascular and metabolic functions, and as a CNS neurotransmitter. A striking feature is the lack of intronic variation. <it>In silico </it>analysis of <it>PNMT </it>intron 1 confirmed the presence of a human-specific putative Glucocorticoid Responsive Element (GRE), inserted by <it>Alu</it>-mediated transfer. Further analysis of intron 1 supported the possible existence of a full Glucocorticoid Responsive Unit (GRU) predicted to consist of multiple gene regulatory elements known to cooperate with GRE in driving transcription. The role of these elements in regulating <it>PNMT </it>expression patterns and thus determining the dynamics of the synthesis of epinephrine is still to be studied.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We suggest that the differences in PNMT expression between normotensives and hypertensives are not determined by the polymorphisms in this gene, but rather by the interplay of gene expression regulators, which may vary among individuals. Understanding the determinants of PNMT expression may assist in developing PNMT inhibitors as potential novel therapeutics.</p

    Cardiac Consequences of Selective Adrenergic Cell Ablation in Mice

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    Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (Pnmt), is the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of noradrenaline to adrenaline. It has been found in the embryonic heart and in certain adult heart cells, including intrinsic cardiac adrenergic cells, intracardiac neurons, and cardiomyocytes, but their physiological role in the heart is not well understood. To determine the function of Pnmt-expressing cells in the developing heart, a novel genetically-targeted mouse model that causes selective cellular suicide of Pnmt-expressing cells was created by mating Pnmt-Cre Recombinase knock-in mice (PnmtCre/Cre) with ROSA26-eGFP-DTA (R26R+/DTA). The “cellular suicide” allele is the Diptheria Toxin A (DTA) gene fragment. Activation of the DTA suicide allele is dependent upon Cre expression, which is under the control of the endogenous Pnmt gene locus (i.e., expression is restricted to adrenaline-producing “adrenergic” cells). Ongoing studies in Dr. Ebert’s laboratory have shown that Pnmt-Cre/DTA mice have a loss of adrenergic cells in the adrenal gland and begin developing serious cardiac and neurological deficits within one month after birth. The purpose of my project is to examine the potential cardiac consequences of selective adrenergic cell ablation in this model. Aim 1 of this study is to analyze echocardiography data from mice with genetic ablation of adrenergic cells compared to age-matched (littermate) controls over the first 6-months after birth. Preliminary evidence indicates that there is substantial loss of function that progressively worsens with age in the ablation group compared to controls. Aim 2 of this study seeks to uncover evidence of adrenergic cell ablation in the heart using histological and immunofluorescence staining techniques. We predict that these experiments will provide physiological and anatomical evidence showing that Pnmt-expressing cells in the heart make significant contributions to cardiac development and function. This knowledge is expected to increase our basic understanding about the specific roles adrenergic cells play during heart, and could lead to the development of novel treatment strategies for certain types of cardiac defects in the future

    Construct Validity for the Poreh Nonverbal Memory Test on Participants with Right, Left, and Bilateral Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    The present study examined the construct validity of a novel nonverbal memory measure, the Poreh Nonverbal Memory Test (PNMT), using a heterogeneous sample of patients with epilepsy. Results from this study shows that the PNMT differentially correlated with existing memory measures. Namely, the PNMT delay scores significantly correlated with ROCF delay scores, and RAVLT delay and ROCF delay scores were significantly correlated with each other. However, the PNMT did not significantly correlate with RAVLT, which was hypothesized. PNMT and RAVLT learning trials produced logarithmic learning curves that indicate both are good measures of learning. When controlling for gender, education, and ethnicity confounds, results show PNMT delay, ROCF copy, RAVLT Post-Interference, RAVLT delay, and RAVLT total all significantly correlate with location of epilepsy (right, left, and bilateral). Unfortunately, sensitivity and specificity were not able to be analyzed based on the self-report localization of the patient’s seizures. When examining global versus local features of the ROCF, ROCF Copy Global features significantly correlates with location of epilepsy. Some limitations include age, gender, education, and ethnicity confounds, lack of access to medical charts to determine right, left, or bilateral epilepsy, and the small sample size. Overall, the PNMT provides an alternate method for nonverbal memory assessment and is able to differentiate between right and left hemispheric damage, similarly to the ROCF

    Genetically-programmed suicide of adrenergic cells in the mouse leads to severe left ventricular dysfunction, impaired weight gain, and symptoms of neurological dysfunction

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    Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (Pnmt) catalyzes the conversion of noradrenaline to adrenaline and is the last enzyme in the catecholamine biosynthetic pathway. Pnmt serves as a marker for adrenergic cells, and lineage-tracing experiments have identified the embryonic heart and hindbrain region as the first sites of Pnmt expression in the mouse. Pnmt expression in the heart occurs before the adrenal glands have formed and prior to sympathetic innervation, suggesting that the heart is the first site of catecholamine production in the mouse. The function of these Pnmt+ cells in heart development remains unclear. In the present study, we test the hypothesis that (i) a genetic ablation technique utilizing a suicide reporter gene selectively destroys Pnmt cells in the mouse, and (ii) Pnmt cells are required for normal cardiovascular and neurological function. To genetically ablate adrenergic cells, we mated Pnmt-Cre mice, in which Cre-recombinase is under the transcriptional regulation of the Pnmt promoter, and a Cre -activated diphtheria toxin A (DTA) mouse strain (ROSA26-eGFP-DTA), thereby causing activation of the toxic allele (DTA) in Pnmt-expressing (adrenergic) cells resulting in selective suicide of these cells in approximately half of the offspring. The other half serve as controls because they do not have the ROSA26-eGFP-DTA construct. In the Pnmt+/Cre; R26+/DTA offspring, we achieve a dramatic reduction in Pnmt transcript and Pnmt immunoreactive area in the adrenal glands. Furthermore, we show that loss of Pnmt cells results in severe left ventricular dysfunction that progressively worsens with age. These mice exhibit severely reduced cardiac output and ejection fraction due to decreased LV contractility and bradycardia at rest. Surprisingly, these mice appear to have a normal stress response, as heart rate and ejection fraction increased to a similar extent compared to controls. In addition to baseline cardiac dysfunction, these mice fail to gain body weight in a normal manner and display gross neurological dysfunction, including muscular weakness, abnormal gaiting, and altered tail suspension reflex, an indicator of neurological function. This work demonstrates that selective Pnmt cell destruction leads to severe left ventricular dysfunction, lack of weight gain, and neurological dysfunction. This novel mouse is expected to shed insight into the role of Pnmt cells in the heart, and suggests a role for Pnmt cells in neurological regulation of feeding behavior, metabolism, and motor control

    Kinetic and pH Studies on Human Phenylethanolamine N-Methyltransferase

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    Phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) catalyzes the conversion of norepinephrine (noradrenaline) to epinephrine (adrenaline) while, concomitantly, S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) is converted to S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine. This reaction represents the terminal step in catecholamine biosynthesis and inhibitors of PNMT have been investigated, inter alia, as potential antihypertensive agents. At various times the kinetic mechanism of PNMT has been reported to operate by a random mechanism, an ordered mechanism in which norepinephrine binds first, and an ordered mechanism in which AdoMet binds first. Here we report the results of initial velocity studies on human PNMT in the absence and presence of product and dead end inhibitors. These, coupled with isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence binding experiments, clearly shown that hPNMT operates by an ordered sequential mechanism in which AdoMet binds first. Although the log V pH-profile was not well defined, plots of log V/K versus pH for AdoMet and phenylethanolamine, as well as the pKi versus pH for the inhibitor, SK&F 29661, were all bell-shaped indicating that a protonated and an unprotonated group are required for catalysis