3 research outputs found

    PLM Serious Game Approach available both for Change Management and Knowledge Assessment

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    Part 8: Change Management and MaturityInternational audienceMinimizing the reluctance of actors in change management is a well-known and key issue that can be resolved thanks to a serious game approach during the upstream PLM deployment phase. If our initial choices have already allowed us to validate the relevance of a serious game for change management process, we found that the participants, who were familiar with the area of technology in question, have systematically initiated a high level discussion about the models used in the PLM. We tried thus to take into account these unexpected observation results to also address the downstream phase concerning knowledge identification and assessment. Indeed, the capitalization of industrial knowledge is an important issue for enterprises who wish to master the development and the innovative element of their product. A substantial amount of knowledge extraction methods has the drawback to require expensive work by KM experts. We witnessed that besides this, it is necessary to evaluate both knowledge and knowledge use. In this article, we present the two uses synthesized in a same Serious Game Environment. From an identification methodology based on an analysis under a PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) deployment, we developed and experimented a Serious Game platform to both minimize the reluctance of actors and validate the identification work of KM experts

    PLM Serious Game Approach Available Both for Change Management and Knowledge Assessment

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    Part 8: Change Management and MaturityInternational audienceMinimizing the reluctance of actors in change management is a well-known and key issue that can be resolved thanks to a serious game approach during the upstream PLM deployment phase. If our initial choices have already allowed us to validate the relevance of a serious game for change management process, we found that the participants, who were familiar with the area of technology in question, have systematically initiated a high level discussion about the models used in the PLM. We tried thus to take into account these unexpected observation results to also address the downstream phase concerning knowledge identification and assessment. Indeed, the capitalization of industrial knowledge is an important issue for enterprises who wish to master the development and the innovative element of their product. A substantial amount of knowledge extraction methods has the drawback to require expensive work by KM experts. We witnessed that besides this, it is necessary to evaluate both knowledge and knowledge use. In this article, we present the two uses synthesized in a same Serious Game Environment. From an identification methodology based on an analysis under a PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) deployment, we developed and experimented a Serious Game platform to both minimize the reluctance of actors and validate the identification work of KM experts

    Análisis de la gestión de la innovación vinculada con la responsabilidad social desde las dimensiones motivación y conocimiento: un estudio de caso

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    El propósito de la siguiente investigación es estudiar la gestión de la innovación vinculada con la RSE, desde las dimensiones motivación y conocimiento, para proponer un modelo de gestión organizacional con alcance analítico, a partir del estudio de caso de una empresa del sector gráfico. En este sentido se emprende la revisión de las teorías sobre conocimiento, motivación, innovación, competencias y RSE; se seleccionan autores como Alderfer (1969, 1972), con su teoría ERC para la motivación; Nonaka and Takeuchi (2000), con su espiral del conocimiento; Cooper (1990), con su modelo de innovación stage-gate®; Jericó (2001), con su teoría sobre talento o competencias individuales; y Schwartz and Carroll (2003), con su modelo de los tres dominios para la RSE. Posteriormente se diseña, conduce y analiza un estudio de caso desde enfoques complementarios como el cuantitativo y el cualitativo, caracterizados por los tipos de motivación y el ciclo de gestión del conocimiento, mediante variables latentes y el método de Gioia, respectivamente. Para proponer “Inn-Cumbe”, un modelo de gestión organizacional asociado a la innovación socialmente responsable, desde las dimensiones internas de la motivación y la aplicación del conocimiento, cuya plausibilidad se verifica a través de la aplicación de criterios de calidad, comprobaciones prácticas, triangulación de datos, de metodologías, de teorías y de investigadores; y a través de la referenciación de productos académicos y no académicos. Finalmente, se determina el alcance teórico y práctico de la investigación. Con respecto al alcance teórico se plantea la conceptualización sobre innovación socialmente responsable, mientras que el alcance práctico se determina como analítico para los resultados de este estudio de caso.Abstract: The purpose of this research is to study the innovation management linked with CSR, from dimensions of motivation and knowledge, to propose an organizational management model with analytical scope, from the case study of a company in the graphics industry. In this regard the review of the theories about knowledge, motivation, innovation, skills and CSR are conducted, then are selected some authors like: Alderfer (1969, 1972), with his ERC motivation theory; Nonaka and Takeuchi (2000), with their spiral of knowledge; Cooper (1990), with his innovation model (stage-gate®); Jericó (2001), with his theory of individual talent or skills; and Schwartz and Carroll (2003), with their three domains model for CSR. Subsequently a case study is designed, conducted and analyzed from complementary approaches such as quantitative and qualitative, characterized by the motivation types and the knowledge management cycle through latent variables and Gioia´s method, respectively. To propose “Inn-Cumbe”, an organizational management model linked with socially responsible innovation, from the internal dimension of motivation and the knowledge application; its plausibility is verified through: quality criteria application; practical tests; data, methodologies, theories and research triangulation; and through academic and non-academic referencing. Finally, is determined the theoretical and practical scope of the research, with respect to the theoretical scope, conceptualization about the socially responsible innovation is proposed; with regard to the practical scope, the analytical one is selected, according to the results of the case study.Doctorad