19,407 research outputs found

    The Inverse Spectral Transform for the Dunajski hierarchy and some of its reductions, I: Cauchy problem and longtime behavior of solutions

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    In this paper we apply the formal Inverse Spectral Transform for integrable dispersionless PDEs arising from the commutation condition of pairs of one-parameter families of vector fields, recently developed by S. V. Manakov and one of the authors, to one distinguished class of equations, the so-called Dunajski hierarchy. We concentrate, for concreteness, i) on the system of PDEs characterizing a general anti-self-dual conformal structure in neutral signature, ii) on its first commuting flow, and iii) on some of their basic and novel reductions. We formally solve their Cauchy problem and we use it to construct the longtime behavior of solutions, showing, in particular, that unlike the case of soliton PDEs, different dispersionless PDEs belonging to the same hierarchy of commuting flows evolve in time in very different ways, exhibiting either a smooth dynamics or a gradient catastrophe at finite time

    Numerical Bifurcation Analysis of PDEs From Lattice Boltzmann Model Simulations: a Parsimonious Machine Learning Approach

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    We address a three-tier data-driven approach for the numerical solution of the inverse problem in Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and for their numerical bifurcation analysis from spatio-temporal data produced by Lattice Boltzmann model simulations using machine learning. In the first step, we exploit manifold learning and in particular parsimonious Diffusion Maps using leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) to both identify the intrinsic dimension of the manifold where the emergent dynamics evolve and for feature selection over the parameter space. In the second step, based on the selected features, we learn the right-hand-side of the effective PDEs using two machine learning schemes, namely shallow Feedforward Neural Networks (FNNs) with two hidden layers and single-layer Random Projection Networks (RPNNs), which basis functions are constructed using an appropriate random sampling approach. Finally, based on the learned black-box PDE model, we construct the corresponding bifurcation diagram, thus exploiting the numerical bifurcation analysis toolkit. For our illustrations, we implemented the proposed method to perform numerical bifurcation analysis of the 1D FitzHugh-Nagumo PDEs from data generated by D1Q3 Lattice Boltzmann simulations. The proposed method was quite effective in terms of numerical accuracy regarding the construction of the coarse-scale bifurcation diagram. Furthermore, the proposed RPNN scheme was ∼ 20 to 30 times less costly regarding the training phase than the traditional shallow FNNs, thus arising as a promising alternative to deep learning for the data-driven numerical solution of the inverse problem for high-dimensional PDEs

    In-domain control of a heat equation: an approach combining zero-dynamics inverse and differential flatness

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    This paper addresses the set-point control problem of a heat equation with in-domain actuation. The proposed scheme is based on the framework of zero dynamics inverse combined with flat system control. Moreover, the set-point control is cast into a motion planing problem of a multiple-input, multiple-out system, which is solved by a Green's function-based reference trajectory decomposition. The validity of the proposed method is assessed through convergence and solvability analysis of the control algorithm. The performance of the developed control scheme and the viability of the proposed approach are confirmed by numerical simulation of a representative system.Comment: Preprint of an original research pape

    Control and State Estimation of the One-Phase Stefan Problem via Backstepping Design

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    This paper develops a control and estimation design for the one-phase Stefan problem. The Stefan problem represents a liquid-solid phase transition as time evolution of a temperature profile in a liquid-solid material and its moving interface. This physical process is mathematically formulated as a diffusion partial differential equation (PDE) evolving on a time-varying spatial domain described by an ordinary differential equation (ODE). The state-dependency of the moving interface makes the coupled PDE-ODE system a nonlinear and challenging problem. We propose a full-state feedback control law, an observer design, and the associated output-feedback control law via the backstepping method. The designed observer allows estimation of the temperature profile based on the available measurement of solid phase length. The associated output-feedback controller ensures the global exponential stability of the estimation errors, the H1- norm of the distributed temperature, and the moving interface to the desired setpoint under some explicitly given restrictions on the setpoint and observer gain. The exponential stability results are established considering Neumann and Dirichlet boundary actuations.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automatic Contro

    A class of second-order geometric quasilinear hyperbolic PDEs and their application in imaging science

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    In this paper, we study damped second-order dynamics, which are quasilinear hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs). This is inspired by the recent development of second-order damping systems for accelerating energy decay of gradient flows. We concentrate on two equations: one is a damped second-order total variation flow, which is primarily motivated by the application of image denoising; the other is a damped second-order mean curvature flow for level sets of scalar functions, which is related to a non-convex variational model capable of correcting displacement errors in image data (e.g. dejittering). For the former equation, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution. For the latter, we draw a connection between the equation and some second-order geometric PDEs evolving the hypersurfaces which are described by level sets of scalar functions, and show the existence and uniqueness of the solution for a regularized version of the equation. The latter is used in our algorithmic development. A general algorithm for numerical discretization of the two nonlinear PDEs is proposed and analyzed. Its efficiency is demonstrated by various numerical examples, where simulations on the behavior of solutions of the new equations and comparisons with first-order flows are also documented

    Nonlocality and the inverse scattering transform for the Pavlov equation

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    As in the case of soliton PDEs in 2+1 dimensions, the evolutionary form of integrable dispersionless multidimensional PDEs is non-local, and the proper choice of integration constants should be the one dictated by the associated Inverse Scattering Transform (IST). Using the recently made rigorous IST for vector fields associated with the so-called Pavlov equation vxt+vyy+vxvxy−vyvxx=0v_{xt}+v_{yy}+v_xv_{xy}-v_yv_{xx}=0, in this paper we establish the following. 1. The non-local term ∂x−1\partial_x^{-1} arising from its evolutionary form vt=vxvy−∂x−1 ∂y [vy+vx2]v_{t}= v_{x}v_{y}-\partial^{-1}_{x}\,\partial_{y}\,[v_{y}+v^2_{x}] corresponds to the asymmetric integral −∫x∞dx′-\int_x^{\infty}dx'. 2. Smooth and well-localized initial data v(x,y,0)v(x,y,0) evolve in time developing, for t>0t>0, the constraint ∂yM(y,t)≡0\partial_y {\cal M}(y,t)\equiv 0, where M(y,t)=∫−∞+∞[vy(x,y,t)+(vx(x,y,t))2] dx{\cal M}(y,t)=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \left[v_{y}(x,y,t) +(v_{x}(x,y,t))^2\right]\,dx. 3. Since no smooth and well-localized initial data can satisfy such constraint at t=0t=0, the initial (t=0+t=0+) dynamics of the Pavlov equation can not be smooth, although, as it was already established, small norm solutions remain regular for all positive times. We expect that the techniques developed in this paper to prove the above results, should be successfully used in the study of the non-locality of other basic examples of integrable dispersionless PDEs in multidimensions.Comment: 19 page
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