7 research outputs found

    K-Trek: A Peer-to-Peer Approach To Distribute Knowledge In Large Environments

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    In this paper, we explore an architecture, called K-Trek, that enables mobile users to travel across knowledge distributed over a large geographical area (ranging from large public buildings to a national park). Our aim is providing, dis-tributing, and enriching the environment with location-sensitive information for use by agents on board of mobile and static devices. Local interactions among K-Trek devices and the distribution of information in the larger environment adopt some typical peer-to-peer patterns and techniques. We introduce the architecture, discuss some of its potential knowledge management applications, and present a few experimental results obtained with simulation

    Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Different Market Mechanisms for Electronic Knowledge Markets

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    Knowledge sharing can be seen as a social dilemma. Mutual knowledge sharing can lead to a benefit for all the participants. However, establishing voluntary knowledge sharing can be difficult because each member benefits from the knowledge offered by others but gains little from the own contribution. Knowledge markets could overcome this problem. To analyze knowledge markets we designed and implemented the Data Trader Game. This computer-assisted game was used for the real-life experiments of different market mechanisms and their effects on knowledge sharing

    Using case based data stream processing for smart house systems

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    The latest technological advances have allowed the development of smart home systems that establish a connection between humans and the devices that surround them, living in homes and working in fully automated companies. While these systems improve the quality of life of people in terms of comfort, safety and energy savings, as they automate aspects such as lighting, temperature, humidity, among others; they lack an organizational memory that manages the knowledge of the preferences, customs and behavior patterns of the inhabitants of the home or company they automate. The aforementioned lack shows an opportunity to improve these products, taking into account that the market trend in domestic devices, is to maximize automation, making them increasingly intelligent, to make decisions proactively, and to collaborate with each other and with the human being for his better quality of life. In this paper we show that it is possible to improve the management of the data stream captured by the devices, providing them with interoperability through the use of ontologies and metadata, so that "intelligent modules" process the acquired knowledge automatically, with little intervention from the humans. Specifically, we will use the Processing Architecture based on Measurement Metadata (PAbMM) and the Case based Reasoning (CBR) technology to intelligently establish the environmental conditions of the home, in order to improve comfort and reduce energy consumption.Sociedad Argentina de Informátic

    On the Role of Context and Subjectivity on Scientific Information Systems

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    The explicit representation of context and subjectivity enables an information system to support multiple interpretations of the data it records. This is a crucial aspect of learning and innovation within scientific information systems. We present an ontology-based framework for context and subjectivity that integrates two lines of research: data provenance and ontological foundations of the Semantic Web. Data provenance provides a set of constructs for representing data history. We extend the definition of these constructs in order to describe multiple viewpoints or interpretations held within a domain. The W7 model, the Toulmin model, and the Proof Markup Language (PML) provide the Interlingua for creating multiple viewpoints of data in a machine-readable and sharable form. Example use cases in space sciences are used to demonstrate the feasibility and value of our approach

    Sustav za upravljanje laboratorijskim ispitivanjima materijala

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    U radu je prikazan postojeći ručni način rada u laboratorijima građevinskog instituta i njegovi nedostaci te se razmatra poboljšanje rada informatizacijom. Slijedilo je koncipiranje informacijskog sustava za upravljanje laboratorijskim ispitivanjima materijala naziva e- Laboratorij sa primjenom na Internetu. Provedena je analiza laboratorijskog procesa pri čemu su definirane faze i opisan njegov tijek. Sistematizirana su podatkovna obilježja i organizirana u bazu podataka. Stvorena je radna baza i baza podataka stručnog znanja. Definirane su korisničke okoline sustava. Oblikovana je radna okolina sa stranicama svakog radnog procesa i pripadajućim podatkovnim obilježjima te njihove veze sa stranicama okoline za korištenje znanja. Oblikovanjem okoline za stvaranje znanja definirajna su sva obilježja potrebna za opisivanje ekspertnog znanja koje se pohranjuje u bazu podataka stručnog znanja. Definirani su procesi učenja sustava sa svrhom proširivanja i nadograđivanja baze podataka stručnog znanja. U radu je opisano korištenje svake pojedine okoline, a simulacijom rada prikazano je funkcioniranje sustava za slučajeve poznate i nove situacije. \Na primjerima ispitivanja čelika za armiranje prikazano je pregledavanje podataka iz baze podataka prema različitim kriterijima. Za odabrano vlačno svojstvo rebrastog čelika za armiranje provedena je obrada metodama opisne statistike i statističkih testiranja hipoteza: ttest, F-test i analiza varijance. Kao primjer eksploratorne analize primijenjena je metoda faktorske analize armirano-betonskog nosača. Provedena je kvantitativna usporedba informacijskog i ručnog načina rada. Opisane su stranice e-Laboratorij sustava i principi njegove primjene na Internetu. \Na kraju se iznose zaključci o doprinosima u poboljšanju rada, razmatraju perspektive daljnjeg razvoja te moguće prepreke i ograničenja

    A benefit-oriented framework for the decision-making process on the application of KMS in SME

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    The result of the presented PhD project is an artifact providing the SME practitioner with the KinS conceptual framework including method support. Therefore concepts from KM and KMS are newly combined and validated applying the perceived benefit approach of the KMS Success Model. The KinS framework uses the demand for support as the starting point for the perceived benefit and analyzes it with regard to the support opportunities by knowledge services. With the help of the framework, the gap in the knowledge base can be addressed and benefit-orientation in the KMS support can be provided