118 research outputs found

    Genetic and Antigenic Evolution of Influenza A (H3N2) Virus Neuraminidase

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    There is still much uncertainty about the underlying mechanisms that govern antigenic drift of influenza viruses, and several theories have been proposed. These theories consider hemagglutinin (HA) to be the primary driving force, while the second key surface glycoprotein (neuraminidase, NA) and the other viral proteins have largely been ignored. This thesis focuses on all influenza A (H3N2) virus proteins, with special emphasis on NA, to better understand—and ultimately predict—the complex evolution of A(H3N2) viruses. The genetic evolution, with respect to antigenic change, was analyzed by comparing HA and NA (chapter 2) and by studying the whole-genome (chapter 3). We next optimized the enzyme-linked lectin assay (ELLA) as an NA inhibition (NI) assay for human serology (chapter 5) and rapid antigenic characterization (chapter 6). With the optimized NI ELLA, we analyzed NA from 1968 till the 2010-2011 season and subsequently compared it to HA (chapter 7). Our work clearly shows that there is antigenic evolution for NA, thus warranting the inclusion of NAs representing emerging influenza A strains in vaccines. Increasing knowledge on which mutations cause changes in the phenotype of NA can help to perform more targeted influenza surveillance. It would then be advisable to integrate genetic and antigenic NA data with sequence and antigenic data of HA, epidemiological data, and geographical data during influenza surveillance. This will facilitate consideration of NA content, and improve next generation influenza vaccines

    Generation and Comprehensive Analysis of Host Cell Interactome of the PA Protein of the Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus in Mammalian Cells

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    Accumulating data have identified the important roles of PA protein in replication and pathogenicity of influenza A virus (IAV). Identification of host factors that interact with the PA protein may accelerate our understanding of IAV pathogenesis. In this study, using immunoprecipitation assay combined with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we identified 278 human cellular proteins that might interact with PA of H5N1 IAV. Gene Ontology annotation revealed that the identified proteins are highly associated with viral translation and replication. Further KEGG pathway analysis of the interactome profile highlighted cellular pathways associated with translation, infectious disease, and signal transduction. In addition, Diseases and Functions analysis suggested that these cellular proteins are highly related with Organismal Injury and Abnormalities and Cell Death and Survival. Moreover, two cellular proteins (nucleolin and eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1-alpha 1) identified both in this study and others were further validated to interact with PA using co-immunoprecipitation and co-localization assays. Therefore, this study presented the interactome data of H5N1 IAV PA protein in human cells which may provide novel cellular target proteins for elucidating the potential molecular functions of PA in regulating the lifecycle of IAV in human cells

    Survey and Molecular Typing of Influenza A Virus among Palestinians

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    Influenza A virus (IAV) causes significant mortality, morbidity, and financial burden throughout the world. IAV is a negative, single-stranded, and segmented RNA virus of the Orthomyxoviridae family. IAV subtypes are determined based on its two surface glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). H1N1 and H3N2 are the major circulating subtypes among humans. Frequent genotyping of IAV strains throughout the influenza season is crucial for the identification of circulating subtypes and subsequently the choice of the H3N2 and H1N1 subtypes’ lineages to be included in the annually prepared vaccine cocktail. Sequencing and identification of circulating subtypes in the region continues to be less frequent and less intensive than in other parts of the world, despite increasing interest and efforts made ever since the swine H1N1 outbreak in 2009. This work presents the first comprehensive study on IAV circulating in Palestine. 200 Nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA) samples were collected between February 10th and May 5th, 2015 from participants suffering from mild to severe symptoms of upper respiratory infections and were screened for the presence of IAV using RT-PCR assays amplifying the HA and NA gene regions. 50 samples (25%) tested positive for IAV, 24 (48%) were identified as H1N1, and 26 (52%) were identified as H3N2 subtype, respectively. Infection with H1N1 occurred mainly in April, while H3N2 infections were mainly detected in March. Most IAV infections in children younger than 6-year-old were attributed to subtypes H3N2, while H1N1 was responsible for most infections in adults older than eighteen-year-old. Hundred-fifteen sequences of the HA and NA genes were successfully analyzed. These sequences belong to 23 IAV positive Palestinian IAV samples. The percent identity of thesequences among Palestinian isolates was higher than that between Palestinian isolates and GenBank-archived reference sequences. 14, 15, 22 and 6 non-synonymous substitutions were detected in the Palestinian H1, N1, H3 and N2 genes, including novel ones, respectively. Some of these amino acid substitutions localized to the antigenic sites, T202S and Q180K in H1 gene, T144A and L173S in H3 gene. Such substitutions in the antigenic sites may affect the hostimmune response. Other substitutions located at the receptor binding sites, such as T228A in H3 gene, may affect viral binding activity to host cell receptor, and subsequently its virulence and host species barrier.None of the substitutions detected in this work were associated with drug resistance or fatal outcomes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Palestinian H1N1 and H3N2 were not closely related to those regionally circulating strains and clustered closer to international, rather nonregional strains. The results of this study are significant in providing the first insight into the genetic properties of the HA and NA genes of the influenza A viruses circulating in Palestine. Finally, this study provides evidence of the efficacy of the seasonal influenza vaccine 2014-2015 in Palestine

    Purification and proteomics of influenza virions

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    This chapter describes a basic workflow for analyzing the protein composition of influenza virions. In order to obtain suitable material, the chapter describes how to concentrate influenza virions from the growth media of infected cells and to purify them by ultracentrifugation through a density gradient. This approach is also suitable for purifying influenza virions from the allantoic fluid of embryonated chicken eggs. As a small quantity of microvesicles are co-purified with virions, optional steps are included to increase the stringency of purification by enriching material with viral receptor binding and cleaving activity. Material purified in this way can be used for a variety of downstream applications, including proteomics. As a detailed example of this, the chapter also describes a standard workflow for analyzing the protein composition of concentrated virions by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry

    Identification of host factors in swine respiratory epithelial cells that contribute to host anti-viral defense and influenza virus replication

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    Swine influenza viruses (SIV) are a common and an important cause of respiratory disease in pigs. Pigs can serve as mixing vessels for the evolution of reassortment viruses containing both avian and human signatures, which have the potential to cause pandemics. NS1 protein of influenza A viruses is a major antagonist of host defence and it regulates multiple functions during infection by interacting with a variety of host proteins. Therefore, it is important to study swine viruses and NS1-interacting host factors in order to understand the mechanisms by which NS1 regulates virus replication and exerts its host defense functions. Influenza A viruses enter the host through the respiratory tract and infect epithelial cells in the respiratory tract, which form the primary sites of virus replication in the host. Thus, studying SIV infection in primary swine respiratory epithelial cells (SRECs) would resemble conditions similar to natural infection. The objectives of this study were to identify NS1-interacting host factors in the virus-infected SRECs and to understand the physiological role of at least one of the factors in influenza virus infection. The approaches to meet this objective were to generate a recombinant SIV carrying a Strep-tag in the NS1 protein, infect SRECs with the Strep-tag virus, purify NS1-interacting host protein complex from the infected cells by pull-down using strep-tactin resin and then study the physiological role of one of the NS1-interacting partners during influenza infection. Using a reverse-genetics strategy, a recombinant virus carrying the Strep-tag NS1 was successfully rescued and the SRECs were infected with this recombinant virus. The Strep-tag in the NS1 protein facilitated the isolation of an intact NS1-interacting protein complex and the proteins present in the complex were identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The identified proteins were grouped to enrich for different functions using bioinformatics. This gave an insight into the different functions that NS1 may regulate during infection and the potential host partners involved in these functions. Among the host proteins identified as potential interaction partners, RNA helicases were particularly of interest to study. Influenza being an RNA virus, RNA helicases could have important functions in the virus life cycle. Among the identified RNA helicases, DDX3 has been shown to regulate IFNβ induction and affect the life cycle of a number of viruses. However, its function in influenza A virus life cycle has not been studied. Hence, this study explored whether DDX3 has any role in the influenza A virus life cycle. Immunoprecipitation studies revealed viral proteins NP and NS1 as direct interaction partners with DDX3. DDX3 is a known component of stress granules (SGs) and influenza A virus lacking the NS1 gene is reported to induce SG formation. Therefore, the role of DDX3 in SG formation, induced by PR8 influenza A virus lacking NS1 (PR8 del NS1) was explored. The results from this study showed that DDX3 co-localized with NP in SGs indicating that DDX3 may interact with NP in the SGs. NS1 protein was found to inhibit virus-induced SGs and DDX3 downregulation impaired virus-induced SG formation. The contribution of the different domains of DDX3 to viral protein interaction and virus-induced SG formation was also studied. While DDX3 helicase domain did not interact with NS1 and NP, it was essential for DDX3 localization in virus induced SGs. Moreover, DDX3 downregulation resulted in the increased replication of PR8 del NS1virus, accompanied by an impairment of SG induction in infected cells. Since DDX3 is reported to regulate IFNβ induction, the role of DDX3 in influenza A virus induced IFNβ induction was also examined. Using small molecule inhibitors and siRNA-mediated gene knockdown, the RIG-I pathway was identified as the major contributor of influenza induced IFNβ induction in newborn porcine tracheal epithelial (NPTr) cells. DDX3 downregulation and overexpression also showed that DDX3 has an inhibitory effect on IFNβ expression induced by both influenza infection and low molecular weight (LMW) poly I:C treatment, which is also a RIG-I ligand. RNA competition assay to identify the mechanism of DDX3-mediated inhibition, showed that RIG-I binding affinity to its ligands LMW poly I:C and influenza viral RNA (vRNA) is much higher than that of DDX3. Furthermore, DDX3 downregulation enhanced titers of the PR8 del NS1 virus, while it did not affect the titers of the wild-type strains of PR8 and SIV/SK viruses. Overall, the results show that DDX3 has an antiviral role and the SG regulatory function of DDX3 has a profound effect on virus replication than the IFNβ regulatory function
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