17,107 research outputs found

    Narrow coverings of omega-product spaces

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    Results of Sierpinski and others have shown that certain finite-dimensional product sets can be written as unions of subsets, each of which is "narrow" in a corresponding direction; that is, each line in that direction intersects the subset in a small set. For example, if the set (omega \times omega) is partitioned into two pieces along the diagonal, then one piece meets every horizontal line in a finite set, and the other piece meets each vertical line in a finite set. Such partitions or coverings can exist only when the sets forming the product are of limited size. This paper considers such coverings for products of infinitely many sets (usually a product of omega copies of the same cardinal kappa). In this case, a covering of the product by narrow sets, one for each coordinate direction, will exist no matter how large the factor sets are. But if one restricts the sets used in the covering (for instance, requiring them to be Borel in a product topology), then the existence of narrow coverings is related to a number of large cardinal properties: partition cardinals, the free subset problem, nonregular ultrafilters, and so on. One result given here is a relative consistency proof for a hypothesis used by S. Mrowka to construct a counterexample in the dimension theory of metric spaces

    Embeddings into outer models

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    We explore the possibilities for elementary embeddings j:MNj : M \to N, where MM and NN are models of ZFC with the same ordinals, MNM \subseteq N, and NN has access to large pieces of jj. We construct commuting systems of such maps between countable transitive models that are isomorphic to various canonical linear and partial orders, including the real line R\mathbb R

    Capturing sets of ordinals by normal ultrapowers

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    We investigate the extent to which ultrapowers by normal measures on κ\kappa can be correct about powersets P(λ)\mathcal{P}(\lambda) for λ>κ\lambda>\kappa. We consider two versions of this questions, the capturing property CP(κ,λ)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\lambda) and the local capturing property LCP(κ,λ)\mathrm{LCP}(\kappa,\lambda). CP(κ,λ)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\lambda) holds if there is an ultrapower by a normal measure on κ\kappa which correctly computes P(λ)\mathcal{P}(\lambda). LCP(κ,λ)\mathrm{LCP}(\kappa,\lambda) is a weakening of CP(κ,λ)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\lambda) which holds if every subset of λ\lambda is contained in some ultrapower by a normal measure on κ\kappa. After examining the basic properties of these two notions, we identify the exact consistency strength of LCP(κ,κ+)\mathrm{LCP}(\kappa,\kappa^+). Building on results of Cummings, who determined the exact consistency strength of CP(κ,κ+)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\kappa^+), and using a forcing due to Apter and Shelah, we show that CP(κ,λ)\mathrm{CP}(\kappa,\lambda) can hold at the least measurable cardinal.Comment: 20 page