264 research outputs found

    Homogeneous P Colonies

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    We study P colonies introduced in \cite{kel2} as a class of abstract computing devices composed of independent membrane agents, acting and evolving in a shared environment. In the present paper especially P colonies are considered, which are homogeneous with respect to the type of rules in each program of agents. The number of agents, as well as the number of programs in each agent are bounded, which are sufficient to guarantee computational completeness of homogeneous P colonies. We present results for P colonies with one and with two objects inside each agent

    Automaton-like P Colonies

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    In this paper we study P colonies where the environment is given as a string. These variants, called automaton-like P systems or APCol systems, behave like automata: during functioning, the agents change their own states and process the symbols of the string. We develop the concept of APCol systems by introducing the notion of their generating working mode. We then compare the power of APCol systems working in the generating mode and that of register machines and context-free matrix grammars with and without appearance checking

    Towards P Colonies Processing Strings

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    In this paper we introduce and study P colonies where the environment is given as a string. These variants of P colonies, called Automaton-like P systems or APCol systems, behave like automata: during functioning, the agents change their own states and process the symbols of the string. After introducing the concept of APCol systems, we examine their computational power. It is shown that the family of languages accepted by jumping nite automata is properly included in the family of languages accepted by APCol systems with one agent, and it is proved that any recursively enumerable language can be obtained as a projection of a language accepted by an Automaton-like P colony with two agents

    On very simple P colonies

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    We study two very simple variants of P colonies: systems with only one object inside the cells, and systems with insertion-deletion programs, so called P colonies with senders and consumers. We show that both of these extremely simple types of systems are able to compute any recursively enumerable set of vectors of non-negative integers

    P Colonies and Reaction Systems

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    P colonies are abstract computing devices modeling communities of very simple reactive agents living and acting in a joint shared environment which is given with a multiset of objects. Reaction systems were proposed as a computing device, components of which represent basic chemical reactions that take place in shared environment given with a set. Although P colonies operate with multisets of objects and reaction systems work with sets, the two models can be related. In this paper, we construct a P colony simulating interactive processes in a reaction system

    Generalized P Colonies with passive environment

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    We study two variants of P colonies with initial content of P colony and so called passive environment: P colonies with two objects inside each agent that can only consume or generate objects, and P colonies with one object inside each agent using rewriting and communication rules. We show that the rst kind of P colonies with one consumer agent and one sender agent can generate all sets of natural numbers computed by register machines, and hence they are computationally universal in the Turing sense. Similarly, also the second kind of systems with three agents with rewriting/consuming rules is computationally complete. The paper improves previously published universality results concerning generalized P colonies, and it also extends our knowledge about very simple multi-agent systems capable of universal computation

    Further Results on the Power of Generating APCol Systems

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    In this paper we continue our investigations in APCol systems (Automatonlike P colonies), variants of P colonies where the environment of the agents is given by a string and the functioning of the system resembles to the functioning of standard nite automaton. We rst deal with the concept of determinism in these systems and compare deterministic APCol systems with deterministic register machines. Then we focus on generating non-deterministic APCol systems with only one agent. We show that these systems are as powerful as 0-type grammars, i.e., generate any recursively enumerable language. If the APCol system is non-erasing, then any context-sensitive language can be generated by a non-deterministic APCol systems with only one agent

    A Note on a New Class of APCol Systems

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    We introduce a new acceptance mode for APCol systems (Automaton-like P colonies), variants of P colonies where the environment of the agents is given by a string and during functioning the agents change their own states and process the string similarly to automata. In case of the standard variant, the string is accepted if it can be reduced to the empty word. In this paper, we de ne APCol systems where the agents verify their environment, a model resembling multihead nite automata. In this case, a string of length n is accepted if during every halting computation the length of the environmental string in the con gurations does not change and in the course of the computation every agent applies a rule to a symbol on position i of some of the environmental strings for every i, 1 < i < n at least once. We show that these verifying APCol systems simulate one-way multihead nite automata

    Modelling of Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm Using 2D P Colonies

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    In this paper, we investigate a possibility of Grey wolf optimization algo- rithm simulation by 2D P colonies. We introduce a new kind of 2D P colony equipped with a blackboard. It is used by agents to store information that is reachable by all the agents from every place in the environment