8,436 research outputs found

    The use of the flipped classroom approach in the teaching of english in a public secondary school in Nairobi County, Kenya: an action research study

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    Flipped Classroom approach is a new pedagogic approach that leverages educational technology to replace passive learning, which is commonly associated with lecture method of teaching, with active learning, in which students are responsible for producing meaning and finding connections using the content supplied outside of the classroom. The purpose of this action research was to see how the flipped classroom may be used to teach and learn English at a Kenyan public secondary school. Data was collected through document analysis, semi structured interviews, focus group discussions, reflective conversations and lesson observations. Findings from the study indicate that using of the flipped classroom approach in teaching of English improves learners’ attitude towards English, takes care of individual learning styles and engages all learners in the classroom, provides for collaborative learning and leads to better understanding of concepts. The study also identified lesson planning for the activities to be carried out in the classroom as the key component of a successful flipped classroom. Further, effective implementation of the teaching approach requires the teacher to monitor learning, have a student accountability mechanism that will guarantee their interaction with the material provided outside class and possess technological competence to design lessons appropriately. In addition, the study identified lack of technological infrastructure and time constraints as hindrances to the implementation of the flipped classroom. The study recommends that teachers align pedagogical practices with the ubiquitous digital technology and learner centered methods of teaching. Further, teachers should be facilitators who assist students in constructing their own learning as opposed to teachers as the focal point of learning. Teachers should also horn their technological skills so that they are comfortable using ICT in the teaching and learning process

    Gonadotrophins or clomiphene citrate in women with normogonadotropic anovulation and CC failure : does the endometrium matter?

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    Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw number: 80-82310-97-12067). The Eudract number for this trial is 2008-006171-73. The Sponsor’s Protocol Code Number is P08-40.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Globalization, Governance, Democratization and Fair Trade

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    The chapter presents the discussion on fair trade initiatives and their possible role in achieving more equilibrated trade relations inside globalization and governance. The authors want to challenge the overrated goodwill of peoples’ initiative mostly positioning itself as a counterpart of existing trade policy developments. Fair trade is scanned through principles of economics, which enable a conclusion that the present concept is too narrow to produce enough inside energy for its establishment in real policy of developed economies. Special attention the authors are paying to governance as a field that may profoundly explain the gaps subject to action in the fair trade initiatives. Due to the global meaning of the principle for sustainable global trade and security, it must continuously be more and more incorporated in the mainstream politics of world leading economies


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    Insiden anemia pada wanita hamil meningkat dari waktu ke waktu. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya prevalensi anemia pada ibu hamil di Indonesia. Anemia dapat disebabkan oleh kekurangan zat besi. Namun, ada beberapa makro dan mikronutrien yang mempengaruhi penyerapan zat besi dalam tubuh termasuk protein, vitamin A, dan vitamin C. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara tingkat konsumsi protein, zat besi, vitamin A, dan vitamin C dengan kejadian anemia pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mejayan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan menggunakan metode case control. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 78 ibu hamil. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 28 ibu hamil, diambil secara acak menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data meliputi nilai hemoglobin, recall 2x24H, dan FFQ. Penelitian ini menggunakan fisher exact test correlation data analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara tingkat konsumsi protein (p=0,21), zat besi (p=0,002), dan vitamin C (p=0,21) dengan kejadian anemia  pada ibu hamil, sedangkan antara kadar konsumsi vitamin A (p=1.000) tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian anemia.  Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kecukupan kadar protein, zat besi, dan vitamin C yang belum memenuhi standar RDA dapat menyebabkan anemia pada ibu hamil. Sebaiknya, perlu dilakukan edukasi gizi tentang standar kebutuhan gizi pada usia kehamilan dan mendorong keluarga ibu hamil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan asupan gizi agar optimal

    Les ressources génétiques ovines en Algérie

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    Avec un cheptel avoisinant les 19 millions de têtes, l'élevage ovin occupe une place importante en Algérie. Outre sa contribution de plus de 50 % dans la production nationale de viandes rouges et de 10 à 15% dans le produit intérieur brut agricole, l’élevage ovin joue un rôle socioculturel important. Il se pratique dans toutes les zones climatiques, depuis la côte méditerranéenne jusqu'aux oasis du grand Sahara. Cette diversité pédoclimatique du plus grand pays africain offre à l’Algérie une extraordinaire diversité de races ovines, avec huit races caractérisées par une rusticité remarquable, adaptées à leurs milieux respectifs. Avec 63% du cheptel ovin total, la race Ouled Djellal, aussi appelée la race Blanche, est la plus importante race ovine algérienne. Elle est exploitée principalement pour la production de viande. La race Berbère représentant un quart du cheptel ovin national, est considérée comme la plus ancienne race algérienne. Elle est menacée par les croisements non-contrôlés avec d’autres races pour l’amélioration de son potentiel productif. La troisième race ovine très importante est la Rmbi avec 11,1% du cheptel national, considérée comme la plus lourde race ovine en Algérie avec des poids avoisinants les 90 kg chez le bélier et 60kg chez la brebis. Les races Hamra, Barbarine, D'man, Sidahou et Tazegzawt représentent ensemble moins de 1% du cheptel ovin algérien. Le déclin de ces populations illustre l’érosion dramatique que subit cette richesse exceptionnelle, appelant à la mise en place d’un plan national de gestion et de conservation des ressources génétiques

    Finnes det en medieeffekt på det norske markedet? : en undersøkelse av hvorvidt medieeksponering påvirker aksjekursene på Oslo Børs

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    Oppgaven tar for seg selskapene på Oslo Børs i perioden 2008-2012 og undersøker hvorvidt det eksisterer en medieeffekt på det norske markedet. Medieeffekten defineres som målbar differanseavkastning mellom selskaper som har henholdsvis høy og lav eksponering i media og er uavhengig av nyhetens relevans, retning og alder. Medieeksponering måles som antall treff i norske papir- og nettaviser. Vi danner lang-kort porteføljer hvor vi kjøper aksjer med høy mediedekning og selger aksjer med lav mediedekning. Videre finner vi at høy mediedekningsgruppe har signifikant høyere avkastning enn lav mediedekningsgruppe i samme måned, og at denne avkastningen ser ut til å reversere i perioden etter målt medieeksponering. Nærmere undersøkelser viser at den positive porteføljeavkastningen ikke kan forklares av markeds- eller størrelsesfaktoren. I undersøkelsen av Oslo Børs kan vi likevel ikke entydig konkludere med at en medieeffekt alene kan forklare den positive porteføljeavkastningen. Oslo Børs er preget av få store selskaper. Disse selskapene hadde en god avkastning i perioden for vår analyse og mye tyder på at den observerte effekten i stor grad også kan tilskrives størrelseseffekt. Når vi foretar undersøkelser på Oslo Børs hvor de 25 største selskapene representert ved OBX-indeksen ekskluderes, øker derimot lang-kort porteføljens avkastning. Dette taler for at observert effekt i det minste delvis skyldes medieeffekt. Signifikansen øker også betraktelig. Det må nevnes at det kan være flere risikofaktorer enn de vi tar hensyn til i oppgaven som kan være med på å forklare porteføljens positive og signifikante avkastning

    Integration of production and financial models to analyse the financial impact of livestock diseases: a case study of Schmallenberg virus disease on British and French dairy farms

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    AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to investigate and compare the financial impact of Schmallenberg disease for different dairy production types in the United Kingdom and France. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Integrated production and financial models for dairy cattle were developed and applied to Schmallenberg virus (SBV) disease in a British and French context. The five main production systems that prevail in these two countries were considered. Their respective gross margins measuring the holding's profitability were calculated based on public benchmarking, literature and expert opinion data. A partial budget analysis was performed within each production model to estimate the impact of SBV in the systems modelled. Two disease scenarios were simulated: low impact and high impact. RESULTS: The model gross margin obtained per cow space and year ranged from £1014 to £1484 for the UK and from £1037 to £1890 for France depending on the production system considered. In the UK, the net SBV disease costs in £/cow space/year for an average dairy farm with 100 milking spaces were estimated between £16.3 and £51.4 in the high-impact scenario and between £8.2 and £25.9 in the low-impact scenario. For France, the net SBV disease costs in £/cow space/year ranged from £19.6 to £48.6 in the high-impact scenario and £9.7 to £22.8 in the low-impact scenario, respectively. CONCLUSION: The study illustrates how the combination of production and financial models allows assessing disease impact taking into account differing management and husbandry practices and associated price structures in the dairy sector. It supports decision-making of farmers and veterinarians who are considering disease control measures as it provides an approach to estimate baseline disease impact in common dairy production systems in the UK and France